Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,501 to 20,520 of 56,066
  1. Anti-Jewish sign; tobacco harvest

    Women and girls harvesting tobacco, bending over tobacco leaves. Close views, wearing aprons. CUs of Autobahn and different kinds of vehicles, mainly trucks, passing on highway. CU and MS of sign "Juden sind hier unerwuenscht" (Jews not wanted here) on country road. Man passes on motorbike; woman walking opposite direction. Old woman seated, handling tobacco leaves. Tobacco hanging to dry. LS silhouette of men and women on roof, passing tiles up the sloping side. Several shots: LS, CU, MS. Closeup of tiles placed.

  2. Jewish refugee children from Belsen in London

    Jewish teenage survivors of Belsen arrive at refugee center in London. Children eating in dining hall, dancing the Hora outside, arriving at Red Cross building, in classes.

  3. Munitions factory

    Large, aproned woman lifts and unwraps "Sprengladungen" (grenades) from straw-filled crate, and wraps one in butcher paper. Men drop the bomb into its casing, then screw on the top. Grenades are lined up. Carts fully loaded with grenades roll out of munitions factory.

  4. Demonstration by Red Front during election

    Demonstration by Red Front during election campaign. Children parade down the street, carrying letters that spell out "Krieg dem Kriege". People watch from the balcony of a coffee house.

  5. Soviet POWs; Nazis in Vilna

    Minsk: Surrendered Soviet soldiers/POWs, all walk along road. With turbans, Asian facial features. MLS, sign, "Berlin-Breslau-Moskau." Vilna: Infantry arrives, walks down country road, proud, tired. A few townspeople and children greet German soldiers with flowers. Watch from in town and along road. Tanks line edge of road.

  6. Wrought iron gates and related parts from the Jewish cemetery in Tarnow, Poland

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn5266
    • English
    • 1920-1990
    • a: Height: 100.250 inches (254.635 cm) | Width: 107.000 inches (271.78 cm) | Depth: 3.875 inches (9.843 cm) b: Height: 11.500 inches (29.21 cm) | Width: 2.750 inches (6.985 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) c: Height: 11.625 inches (29.528 cm) | Width: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) d: Height: 11.625 inches (29.528 cm) | Width: 3.375 inches (8.573 cm) | Depth: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm) e: Height: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) | Width: 8.125 inches (20.638 cm) | Depth: 4.000 inches (10.16 cm) f: Height: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) | Width: 3.500 inches (8.89 cm) | Depth: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) g: Height: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) | Width: 3.375 inches (8.573 cm) | Depth: 3.000 inches (7.62 cm) h: Height: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) | Width: 3.500 inches (8.89 cm) | Depth: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) i: Height: 0.125 inches (0.318 cm) | Width: 2.750 inches (6.985 cm) | Depth: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) j: Width: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) | Depth: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) k: Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) | Depth: 3.500 inches (8.89 cm) l: Width: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Depth: 3.125 inches (7.938 cm) m: Width: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Depth: 3.625 inches (9.208 cm) n: Width: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Depth: 3.375 inches (8.573 cm) o: Height: 2.125 inches (5.398 cm) | Diameter: 0.250 inches (0.635 cm) p: Height: 2.375 inches (6.033 cm) | Width: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) | Depth: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) q: Height: 0.250 inches (0.635 cm) | Width: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) | Depth: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) r: Height: 0.250 inches (0.635 cm) | Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) | Depth: 3.125 inches (7.938 cm) s: Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Depth: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) t: Height: 21.625 inches (54.928 cm) | Width: 53.000 inches (134.62 cm)

    Wrought iron, double gate from the Jewish cemetery in Tarnów, Poland, acquired by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in 1991. Jewish settlement in the city and the cemetery date back to the 16th century and prior to World War II, 25,000 Jews lived in Tarnów. In September 1939, in accordance with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Germany invaded western Poland while the Soviet Union annexed eastern Poland. On September 7, German forces occupied Tarnów and burned all of the city’s synagogues. German authorities blocked Jewish bank accounts, closed schools, required Jews to display...

  7. Belsen Concentration Camp: burial; hairwashing; Red Cross

    MLS, two chaplains, Rev. P.T. Stretch and Rev. Cuthbert, standing by pit performing burial service before open mass grave. VAR shots, scarf with cross visible. MCU Jewish priest, Rev. L. H. Hordman shovels dirt into open grave. Bulldozing earth into pit. SS men help to fill in grave with shovels. Survivors sitting under pitched roof on heap. CU of various male survivors, sitting cooking together before entrance to tent. CU man leaning against hut wall, talking, emaciated. CU, women talking and nodding to cameraman's assistant at frame left. MLS, two French women in open ground, one washes t...

  8. Propaganda footage of Soviet POWs

    Propaganda footage of Soviet POWs leaving bunkers, marching two-by-two to work in quarries, load bins, dig. Mostly MLS and LS. Cranes, workers. A couple of close-ups of individual laborers.

  9. Case files from the Gestapo in Düsseldorf

    Consists of case files individual Poles, both Christians and Jews, who were working in Germany and accused of crimes against the Third Reich in and near Düsseldorf, Germany. Includes information about arrests and imprisonment; movement of transient labor between Germany and Poland; alleged criminal acts; confiscation of Jewish property; and persecution of Poles and communists.

  10. Oral history interview with Shaike Dan

  11. Minsk in ruins

    LS pan of billowing smoke over burning Minsk (in daytime). Pan of rubble, views of soldiers, buildings afire, motorcycle (with sidecar) and jeeps drive down street through destroyed town. LS of big blocky building (Communist architecture) and shot of Lenin statue (narration calls it the "Soviet paradise"). VAR rubble heaps, some smoking; civilians sorting through; MLS of very little children wandering around rubble, watching adults try to salvage what they can. Jeep/trucks drive through muddy streets of village, invading. In BG, citizens watch by edge of house.

  12. Jack and Sonia Rubin papers

    The papers consist of an immunization certificate, certificate of identity, D.P. identification card, two D.P. passes, two passenger tickets to the United States for the United States Lines Company, and two embarkment cards for Sonia Rubin and Zawel Rubinstein [donor's first husband]; six photographs from a proofsheet of scenes from the boat on which Sonia Rubin's brother emigrated to the United States; one photograph of children playing in Bremenhaven, Germany; and six pre-World War II photographs of Jack Rubin and his family.

  13. Jews (Refugees? Deportees?) moving along a city street with belongings

    Wartime. Large group of Jews being moved along a city street with bundles, children, scarves, etc. Busy, a lot of activity. Medium close view of 2 or 3 people in a closed space, presumably refugees or deportees. People moving along a train platform, German military man in foreground.

  14. Berlin scenes: Kranzler Cafe, shops, streets

    Quiet street scene, brick building is the Froebelhaus Kindergarten. Woman walking dog, and another. VAR shots of outdoor cafe "Kranzler" with seated customers, some reading newspapers and waitress serving drinks. Also with Nazi banners in BG. Swastika. Street activity including double decker buses, trolleys, EXT of Woolworth store. CU poster of Hitler and Mussolini.

  15. Torah scroll fragment found in the Siedlce ghetto

    Torah fragment found in the street in the Siedlce Ghetto, Poland, in 1942.

  16. Festive scene in Berlin nightclub ("Casanova")

    Title on screen: "Festive Season in a Berlin Nightclub - The "Casanova" attracts a bright clientele in new city of gaiety." Crowds dancing, holding balloons that say "Casanova" Probably New Year's Eve. Camera pans up to mirrored ceiling, that reflects the scene below. The music ends and the dancers return to their seats. The scene switches to two dancers, a man and a woman, who perform a seductive (Spanish/Gyspy) dance, which includes some tap dancing.

  17. "Die Zigeunerfrage"

    Consists of a copy of "Die Zigeunerfrage," written by Tobias Portschy. It is an ideological essay discussing the political ties, hygiene, physical appearance, and religion of Roma living in the Reich.

  18. Students of private Jewish school (Goldschmidt School), Berlin

    Berlin, Germany. Brief glimpse of Goldschmidt Jewish Private School classroom interior, female students, including a very short view of Trudi Goldschmidt (profile, blond), daughter of the school's founder, Dr. Leonore Goldschmidt. Outside the school during a break. Students relaxing, moving around yard. Students entering school. Close side views of many faces of adolescent age students, looking at the camera as they pass by. Classroom interiors, girls seated at desks. Girl in plaid dress stands to approach blackboard (we have identified her current name as Margot Segall). Jüdische Privatsch...