Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,081 to 18,100 of 55,889
  1. Memoir

    Testimony, 2 pages, typescript, sent to Claims Conference in response to request for information. About Guralnik's experiences in Rovno, Ukraine during the occupation.

  2. Memoir relating to experiences during the Holocaust

    Testimony, typescript, 2 pages. Written by a native of Berlin who immigrated to South Africa. Describes immigration and efforts to get other family members out of Germany.

  3. A memoir relating to experiences in Kraków, Płaszów, and Auschwitz

    Consists of one memoir, 1 page, in English, by Ernest Abraham, who lived in Łódź and Krakow before the war. In the testimony, he writes about the deportation of his parents and sister to Belzec, his own forced labor in Płaszów, where he worked in a shoe factory, his deportatation to Starachowice, to Buna-Monowitz, and his eventual liberation from Buchenwald. Mr. Abraham also briefly describes his post-war family life.

  4. Memoir

    Testimony, 2 pages, handwritten, written as a letter to U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum asking to be added to the Survivors Registry. Briefly describes experience in Hungary under the Horthy regime, deportation to Auschwitz, time as forced laborer there, in Krakow, and at Bergen Belsen, and post-liberation life in Germany and immigration to U.S

  5. Main Military Rabbinate of the Polish Army

    Contains photocopies of documents from Main Military Rabbinate of the Polish Army files concerning organizational regulations, orders, and personal data on rabbis and cantors. Included are a list of secret papers in the Centrale Archiwum Wojskowe; names of military personnel; and documents relating to promotions, hospitals on the front, transfers, soldiers' working and hygienic conditions, and disciplinary actions against individual soliders.

  6. Moe and Phillis Leftin papers

    Testimony (one page) with accompanying International Tracing Service forms, with explanatory letter, relating to Holocaust experiences of Moe Leftin (1918-1993, born Turek, Poland, died Denver, CO). Includes photo of Leftin (circa 1990).

  7. From hell to home

    Testimony, 143 pages, photocopy of typescript, titled "From Hell to Home: Memoirs of One Who Survived," by Matityahu Goldberg, written in 1986 and translated (from Hebrew?) by Carl and Nechama Alpert. Recounts life in pre-war Lithuania, Soviet and German occupation, Dachau, time in DP camps, immigration to Israel.

  8. "Tatters of childhood"

    Testimony, 206 pages, typescript, titled "Tatters of Childhood," about experiences of author in pre-war Czechoslovakia, occupation, and Theresienstadt.

  9. Berry Nachmias memoir

    Testimony, 4 pages, photocopy of handwritten, in form of letter to USHMM in 1995, describing experience of author, president of Jewish Union Survivors of Greece, describing feelings at opening of USHMM, view of Holocaust in Greece, and own family's experiences there.

  10. Claire Uricchio collection

    Photograph, of corpses, location not identified.

  11. Ralph Walsh letter regarding Bergen-Belsen

    Consists of a photocopy of a letter, 9 pages, written by Ralph Walsh to Winnie, Fred, and Donald Walsh, dated June 28, 1945. In the letter, Mr. Walsh describes what he witnessed on a tour of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, which had been liberated several weeks before his visit.

  12. Collection relating to antisemitism and other Holocaust subjects

    Contains a bound photo album from the SS-Border Police school at Pretzsch (Elbe), located southeast of Wittenberg, depicting activities and facilities at the school; enclosed typed note, from Col. Julian Raymond (CIC) states that it was presented to Himmler with a dedication in December 1939. Also includes item is a book (paperback), "Völker, Völkergruppen, und Volksstämme auf dem ehemaligen Gebiet der UdSSR," compiled by the Reichsführer SS, Rasseamt und Institut für Grenz- und Auslandsstudien," 1942; collectible stamps from Third Reich; identification passes for refugees (former camp inma...

  13. Holocaust in Croatia Stradanja Zidova u Hrvatskoj Holocaust

    Contains files and name lists of Yugoslavian Jews persecuted and murdered during World War II. The dossier on each victim includes details of each person’s life and place of death.

  14. Lori Butler-Scheiwe memoir

    Testimony, seven pages, typescript, in form of letter to Walter Reich of USHMM asking that her family be included in museum's registry of victims and survivors. Provides detailed listing of experiences of various family members in Moldova during Holocaust.

  15. Selected records from the State Archives of L’viv Oblast

    Contains files relating to the activities of the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle in Galicia; the Ukrainian police in L’viv city and region; the Kreishauptmann Lemberg-Land; Feldgendarmarie in Rawa Ruska; Feldkommandantur 603 Lemberg; Gouverneur Distrikt Galizien; Polizeidirektion Lemberg; Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Lemberg; SS- und Polizeiführer Lemberg; Kreishauptmann Stryj; Stadtverwaltung und Krieshauptmann Drohobycz; and other police, judicial, and administrative units of the occupying forces and their local collaborators.

  16. Salomon Schmidt diary

    Consists of copies of an original diary written by Salomon Schmidt, who survived the war in hiding in Markuszowa, Poland. Mr. Schmidt was a member of the Judenrat in Frysztak, Poland. Includes English language translations of portions of the original diary, which is deposited at Yad Vashem.

  17. Hermine and Horst Schmidt collection

    Testimony, 5 pages, typescript, in German, of experiences of Hermine Schmidt (Koschmieder), a Jehovah's Witness originally of Danzig, imprisoned at Stutthof, who at end of war was able to escape to Denmark by boat. Photocopy of same text in Danish as it appeared in a publication in 1945, and other copied materials including photographs.

  18. Jan and Irena Otrebski collection

    Contains a memoir, Mauthausen concentration camp publication, and video tape of oral history relating to fate of Jehovah's witnesses.

  19. Photographs

    Contains information about the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust who were mainly former citizens of Latvia and Lithuania.