Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,741 to 17,760 of 55,889
  1. Memoir

    Testimony, typescript, three pages, unsigned/undated, describing events in Zvenigorodka and Bershad during German occupation (July 1941 - March 1944).

  2. Maria Ungar Haas memoir

    Testimony, photocopy of typescript, one page, titled "My Story" by Maria Ungar Haas. Briefly describes live in Slovakia, Hungarian and then German occupation, arrest and deportation to Auschwitz, and later Stutthof, then liberation, life as DP, and immigration to U.S.

  3. Dona Ashkinadze memoir

    Testimony, manuscript, two pages, undated (circa 1990s), by Dona Ashkinadze, in which she describes the Mogilyov-Podolsky ghetto and Pechora concentration camp.

  4. Valentina Svoyatytsky memoir

    Testimony, handwritten, seven pages, likely dictated to a native English speaker and signed by Svoyatytsky, dated 1994. Describes experiences in Minsk during the German occupation.

  5. My story

    Testimony, handwritten, 5 pages, by Mikhail Teslyar, of Boca Raton, FL, describing his experiences in his hometown of Bar, near Vinnitsa, Ukraine, during German occupation.

  6. A memoir relating to experiences in the Glusk ghetto and as a partisan in Byelorussia

    Testimony, handwritten, 2 pages, circa 1990s. Describes experiences in village of Glusk (in Poland or Belarus).

  7. A memoir relating to experiences in Romania

    Testimony, 1 page, photocopy of typescript (on Claims Conference letterhead), containing summary of telephone conversation with Abram and Mikhail Sheynman, describing occupation of their hometown in Moldova by German and Rumanian troops.

  8. A memoir relating to experiences in the Minsk ghetto and as a partisan

    Testimony, one page, typescript, circa 1990s. Describes family and life in Minsk, German invasion and internment in ghetto in Minsk, escape from ghetto in September 1943 and joining partisans.

  9. A memoir

    Testimony, 1 page, typewritten, in form of letter, in which author describes her experiences in German occupied Ukraine, in the hopes this will help her with restitution claim via the Claims Conference.

  10. A memoir relating to experiences in Ukraine

    Testimony, 2 pages, handwritten, Russian, describing experiences of Serafima Podolskaya in Domanevka. English summary enclosed.

  11. A memoir relating to experiences in Kretshnyf and Ukraine

    Testimony, typescript, 15 pages. Describes experiences of Haya Moskovitz (nee Katz), originally from a village (Kretschnyf) near Sighet, Transylvania. Describes life in Kretshnyf, deportation to Stanislaw (Ukraine), some relatives sent to Kamenets-Podolski, and eventually Auschwitz.

  12. A memoir relating to experiences in Kraków

    Testimony and one photograph describing Rosa Shoshana Taubamn Budick’s (later Shoshana Budick) family and childhood in Kraków as well as life in the Kraków ghetto.

  13. Marcella Lazerus papers

    Photocopies of four documents, 1938-1939, related to Isaak Bernstein of Berlin-Lichtenrade, including letter expelling him (as a stateless Jew) from the Technische Universitaet-Berlin.

  14. Fiedler family collection

    Contains an identification document issued to Oskar Fiedler, a Jewish refugee in Shanghai, China during the war. Also contains a certificate for innoculation and vaccination for Berta Fiedler, in Shanghai, dated 1949.

  15. Photographs relating to Buchenwald

    Photographs (copyprints) of corpses at liberated camp, along with photocopy of sleeve photos were originally housed in.

  16. Documents relating to Stanislav Sorochinsky, a candidate of the "Righteous Among Nations"

    Documents, photocopied, related to family of Dina and Stanislaw Sorochinsky, including birth certificates, testimonies from survivors, attesting to Stanislaw Sorochinsky's role in saving Jews in Vinnitsa during occupation.

  17. Herman Osnos correspondence

    The Herman Osnos correspondence contains letters and telegrams written and received by Herman in his quest to assist Jewish refugees between 1936 and 1947. The majority of the collection documents his communication with the Stark family of Munich, Germany, specifically, the eldest son Walter (1919-), who was attending school in England, and Hermann, the father and a clothing business owner. Letters between Herman and the Stark family cover a period of nearly two years and is a fairly complete set, documenting their first introductions to their arrival in the United States and plans to meet ...

  18. "Miriam's Way: Real Life Story of Miriam Kenigsberg Poster"

    Testimony, typescript, approximately 120 pages, titled "Miriam's Way: Real Life Story of Miriam Kenigsberg Poster," about experiences of her family in Vilnius; told in a novelized form.

  19. A. G. Bramble papers

    Photocopies of letters from A. G. Bramble to his wife, 1945, after liberation of the Landsberg-Kaufering concentration camp, plus copies of newsletters/articles by other servicemen about camp liberations.

  20. Name Lists of Jews in the Łódź and Lwów ghettos circa 1944-1945

    Mimeographed names lists, of Jews in Łódź ghetto in 1944, compiled by Jewish Immigrant Aid Society, and another of survivors registered in Łódź in July 1945, from Jewish Immigrant Aid Society in Canada, and similar list from Lwow, 1945 (partial). Also contains clipping from a high school newspaper in Fort Worth (1953), TX, about student Frieda Weisblatt, a Holocaust survivor; a title page from a Hebrew book ("Sefer Gabris'") published in Warsaw, but dealing with Piotrkow Trybunalski, in 1904; and a postcard and letter, both from 1942, written from an internee (Marek) to his parents from Dra...