Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,141 to 17,160 of 55,889
  1. Report from Nuremberg

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Report from Nuremberg. A chart illustrates the NSDAP organization. Defense lawyers raise questions of translation, etc. A discussion break for the accused and counsel. Robert Jackson's opening prosecution address. Concentration camp orphans fly to England to spend Christmas. They enjoy a welcoming meal at the airport.

  2. DPs; postwar rehabilitation

    Titles read: Um Resultado da guerra. Descito por aimbere. Short film documenting the aftermath of the war, including the movement of refugees, displaced persons camps, rehabilitation, and going home. Young men crossing bridge. Women and men moving bushels of hay, a soldier guards them. Labor in fields, railroads, factories. Liberation scenes: tanks moving through villages, people shaking hands, celebrating; men emerging from forests; crowds leaning out windows, cheering; beating a Nazi?; destroying buildings. Refugees moving on foot and truck with belongings/luggage. Destroyed bridge. Milit...

  3. Jacobson family papers

    The Jacobson family papers contain letters and telegrams between the Ostermann and Jacobson families documenting the Jacobson family's attempts to immigrate to the United States; two American Joint Distribution Committee press releases and a letter documenting the voyage of the MS St. Louis; a photocopy of a letter Erich Jacobson wrote to his family from Dachau concentration camp in 1938; a newspaper clipping announcing Erich Jacobson's death in in 1952; and a photocopy of a clipping memorializing the MS St. Louis.

  4. Walter Saunders papers

    The Walter Saunders papers contains correspondence with Walter’s parents while they were in Marseille and Les Milles. The documents contain reference letters, naturalization certificate, and an Austrian citizenship certificate. The photographs include portraits of Paul and Klara while at Auschwitz, a group photo with Paul at Camp Gurs, a young Walter with his brother Kurt, and a younger Paul while serving in the Austrian Army during World War I.

  5. Leningrad troops advance

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel"/ "6"/ "Moscow"/ "January 1944"/ "Directed by I. Vendzher"/ "Film-reporting from the frontlines"/ "Leningrad advances"/ "Film coverage of the Leningrad troops approaching the Polkovo Heights" ELSs of Leningrad followed by lengthy montage of Soviet cannons firing. ELSs of Soviet airplanes intercut with POV shots of bombs dropping. Various shots of corpses. ELSs of Soviet troops advancing into the countryside. 03:30:20 Title: "In development, our armies have approached Krasno Selo" Various shots of soldiers loading mortars and advancing onto battlefield. Coverage of b...

  6. Oral history interview with Steve Haas

  7. Branding iron retrieved from Dachau by a US soldier

    Branding iron discovered by Andrew J. Highbarger at Dachau concentration camp. Highbarger was a sergeant in the 4th Division of the 3rd US Army. He believed that it had been used to brand prisoners who had escaped from Dachau or from the camps where they had been incarcerated before being transferred to Dachau.

  8. Soldiers awarded; soldiers dance; scrapping of downed German airplane

    Titles: "Soviet newsreel / 78 / August 15, 1941"/ "Glory"/ "To brave defenders of the Homeland"/ "Presiding chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR Comrade Kalinin gives out awards and medals" Several MS of Kalinin shaking hands with and presenting awards to soldiers. Tracking LSs of battleships. CUs naval officer and several soldiers. Titles: 01:12:00 "N Squadron, our brave Falcons"/ Film-reporting from the front lines" LS Soviet plane camouflaged by trees. LS attentive audience of Soviet soldiers. ELS crowd of soldiers gathered around Cossack dancers. Cuts between LS soldier dancing and...

  9. SS Dachau Book

    Booklet produced by the United States 7th Army about Dachau concentration camp in Germany, not long after the Division liberated the camp.

  10. Betty Cohen papers

    The Betty Cohen papers document the Dutch families who concealed her during the Holocaust. Records include a personal narrative Betty wrote for Yad Vashem describing her rescuers, Tieme and Alie Beuving and Johannes (Joep) and Agnes Garben; photographs of herself, her parents, her brothers and sister, her husband, and the Garbens; and a poem she composed describing her hiding space on the Garbens’ farm in Azewijn, Gelderland.

  11. Elsa Meyring memoir

    Testimony, 50 pages, photocopy of typescript, written by Elsa Meyring, entitled "Aus dem Leben einer Deutschen Nichtarier."

  12. Reproductions of Sachsenhausen and Siberia letters

    Reproductions of two letters. One was written in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in November 1940 by someone named Bronek to his parents asking them to intervene to ensure a debt is settled. The second was addressed to someone's brother from Siberia in May 1941.

  13. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 2 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 2 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  14. First report of the Nuremberg Trials

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. First report of the Nuremberg Trials. Long establishing SEQ on court building (interiors and exteriors, security precautions, etc.). Entry of judges. The accused prisoner in the dock, identified by commentary. Court President (Geoffrey Lawrence) opens proceedings. The indictment is read. Defense lawyers confer with the accused, reading copies of the indictment.

  15. American Jewish Committee documents

    Correspondence and related documents pertaining to the activities of the American Jewish Committee and its members in Portland, Oregon, in the mid-1930s. Contains correspondence from Morris Waldman of the AJC in New York to various individuals (many with names blacked out by donor) in Portland, and news releases about issues related to antisemitism during this period.

  16. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note

    Scrip, valued at 1 krone, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  17. Malka Lovy collection

    Consists of six photographs of Jews from Nowy Sad, Yugoslavia, who were later killed in the Holocaust. Includes photographs of Arpad Kraus, Malvina Weisz, Gyurka Frojnd, Ljubica Frojnd, Ethel and Gyurka Frojnd, and a large group photograph of survivors in 1945.

  18. Diamond and Weinrib families papers

    The collection primarily documents the post-war experiences of Karl Diamond, originally of Tarnów, Poland, and his wife Ruth Diamond (née Mam), originally of Białystok, Poland, and her sister Helen Weinrib (née Mam) in the Bamberg displaced persons camp, 1945-1949. Included are marriage certificates, employment papers, identification papers, immigration paperwork and naturalization certificates, restitution documents, inquiries to the Red Cross regarding members of Karl’s family, and personal narratives and speeches of Karl regarding his Holocaust experiences.

  19. Nazi propaganda: anti-US

    The prologue indicates this film shows authentic American documentary footage from the 'paradise of freedom'. The film starts with images of the Statue of Liberty as narration tells that it was erected on a field of gallows. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is accused of preaching the 'phrases and slogans' of freedom, democracy, and religion while practicing oppression. Police squads and army troops are shown fighting with teargas, clubs, and pistols against strike riots in this 'freest democracy of the world'. The fate of millions of honest and poor American workers and peasants is contrast...

  20. Combat in Soviet Russia

    Military Film Report: On the German and Russian encounter in the area of Kharkov, Murmansk, Rostov and Sevastopol, Russia. 02:00:00 Reel 1: Part 1: The battle for Kharkov ["Die Schacht bei Charkow"]. Animated map of Kharkov-Poltava area illustrates the May 12, 1942, convergence of German ground and air forces. Germans take Russian prisoners after scrimmage of May 30, 1942. German Gen. Heinz Guderian visits Ukrainian front. German troops cross Dnieper and Desna rivers, encircle Gomel and Kiev. Odessa falls after two months of battle. 02:07:31 Part 2: From Murmansk to Africa ["Von Murmansk bi...