Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,101 to 17,120 of 55,889
  1. Verdict at Dachau trial

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. (Very brief) Forced open air cinema show in the jungle of Burma. "Dachauer Prozess: DAS URTEIL" The verdict at the conclusion of the trial of Dachau officials. Courtroom scenes, including numbered accused in the dock. 02:15:32 Commandant Martin Gottfried Weiss (#1) 02:15:37 Josef Jarolin (#3) 02:15:50 Dr. Claus Schilling (#15) 02:16:11 Fritz Becher (#27). Witnesses give testimony (one identifies a defendant). Prisoner's mid-day meal. Verdict and sentences.

  2. Invasion of Norway

    Pan, German ships and troops in Norway. Pan, city of Oslo, Norway. Bicycle troops at railway station. German DDs. German boat steaming at high speed in water. Captain on bridge. Guns firing off forward section of boat, plane catapults. German troops on deck, snow-covered hills in BG. Machine gun firing on British plane. German seaplane landing on bay. Harbor, many ships. High mountains on side of fjord. German troops passing baggage from ship to tugs. Tug loaded with troops. German seaplane taking off from harbor, city and hills in BG. German troops along road, disembarking from ship. Tanks...

  3. Captured German officers; press; Belsen atrocities; forced confrontation

    War Pictorial News was the official newsreel sponsored by the British Ministry of Information and the US Office of War Information. Brief shots of soldiers placing branches on top of and inside a torpedo/plane, soldier getting inside. LSs, pan planes (silent). SEQ, with sound in English: Men in German uniform, including Doenitz, Jodl, and Hans Georg von Friedeberg (now POWs) exiting an airplane. Mass arrests of civilian officials. Men in courtyard and street marching. Nazi personalities exiting building with hands behind head, guarded by British soldiers with guns, civilians watching. Shots...

  4. Peterhof destruction; Leningrad

    Titles: "The first pig iron in the country" Smelting factory and workers. CUs molten metal pouring into vats and moving along conveyor belts. LS numerous rail carts filled with pig iron. Titles "Film-reporting from the frontlines"/ "The Leningrad front" Shots of field strewn with dormant munitions. Various shots of German corpses. CU of German corpse lying atop swastika flag. War-ravaged Peterhof; the Cascade steps and Samson fountain. Contrasting shots of fountain pre-war with fountain in ruins. Various shots of civilians in Leningrad. 03:43:12 Titles: "The Advance of Leningrad Continues" ...

  5. Bergen-Belsen, nine days after liberation

    Interior of hospital ward, drawing on wall of "Tiger" tank passing over barbed wire. Camera pans down, child lying in hospital bed. Chalking FULL on wall. Stretcher removed from back of ambulance; one of the stretcher bearers is member of Quaker Relief Service team RS100. German orderlies take stretcher into hospital. "Contaminated" drawn on ambulance doors. CU of woman's shoulder badge combining Red X and Order of St. John symbols. Ambulance being unloaded in BG. Female relief worker, Miss Russell Smith, drives "clean" ambulance off screen right. TYPHUS sign at right. German medics in whit...

  6. Anniversary of the Socialist Revolution; Kremlin; Care packages to the frontlines

    Title: "Soviet Newsreel / 76-77 / Moscow / November 1942 / Directed by I. Setkinoy"/ "1917-1942"/ "25 years since the great October socialist revolution!" High-angle ELSs of Moscow and the Kremlin. LS of soldiers on rooftop with cannon, one is observing through binoculars, all are silhouetted against sunlight. Busy Moscow streets. Title: "At the factories of the capitol on the eve of the great anniversary." LS row of telescopes. Factory workers. Title: 01:53:17 "Ardent greetings to the heroic defenders of Leningrad" High-angle panning ELS across Leningrad. MS tank. LS tank passing under arc...

  7. Home movies of Sigal family in Zborow, Lvov, and Berezhany

    Margaret Siegal Weiss (the donor, age 12) and her father Morris (42) spent six weeks visiting family in Zborow from July to August 1936. 01:25 Arrival in Zborow during the summer of 1936. Margaret (the donor) stands next to her Aunt Minke Pasternak. Mountains (from plane window?). Village, main square and street on market day. MS, yardgoods store belonging to Margaret's grandmother Sara Pasternak Lifschutz. Uncle Jonas Pasternak (28) stands in front of the doorway. Pan, town and shops. 03:58 Polish monument in Lvov. 04:07 Scenes at a picnic at Zborow's town pond. The donor's cousins Eva (22...

  8. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 5 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 5 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  9. Efrem Ostrowsky family papers

    The collection primarily consists of wartime photographs taken by Efrem Ostrowsky and others as well as liberation photographs taken at the Dachau concentration camp by Ostrowsky. The photographs depict Allied troops in Austria, France, and Germany, captured German soldiers, liberated concentration camp survivors, cannons, tanks, and aircraft. The captured German soldiers include Major Wilhelm Oxenius, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, and Colonel-General Alfred Jodl. Documents primarily relate to Efrem’s father Samuel Ostrowsky’s art career, including clippings, a program from a Spertus Museum...

  10. Poster

  11. Germans push through Luxembourg

    UFA Newsreel with German narration and triumphant music. Light tank on village street. Tank barriers on Maginot Line. Troops running through street. German soldiers tearing down stone wall. German soldier leading prisoners. Cars on village street. Mobile artillery pass through with motorcycles. Trucks towing anti-tank gun and artillery through streets. Barbed wire. Train. German troops traveling at high speed. German troops marching down street, smiling, laughing, receiving food from civilians. Marching through village, civilian cools them off with water hose. Horse-drawn cart towing guns. ...

  12. British propaganda: anti-German

    Jiri Weiss assembled this documentary footage which he brought from Czechoslovakia to Britain after fleeing German occupation. Film shows images of agriculture, people in folk costumes, and a church Sunday. The narrator describes Czechoslovakia as a "nation of freedom and peace" for nearly 1,400 years. Scenes of Prague during narration about the development of a Czechoslovak democracy in 1918 under Pres. Masaryk, similar to Great Britain's. Czechoslovakia's virtue as a "bastion against fascism" is demonstrated by its "education for freedom, education for peace". Images of the social project...

  13. Jacket issued as a uniform to an inmate in the Dachau concentration camp

    Issued to Alex Jacquemart.

  14. Oral history interview with Harry Burger

  15. Reichsarbeitsdienst (Labor Service)

    Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD): Young men working and training. Boots lined up in a row. Digging ditches, mountains in BG, stop to exercise in unison. Working as train passes in BG. Seated on ground, eating from mess kits, resting. HAS camp, running into lake to swim. HAS barracks, men lined up. Marching in uniform with spades. Man with swastika armband takes photograph. Men exercise with logs. [White screen from 00:05:31 to 00:05:46, then footage repeats men resting, eating, marching until 00:06:37] Bare-chested men sit outdoors with instructor, Politische Weltkarte map. Men swimming, throwing ...

  16. Combat in Soviet Russia

    Military Film Report: On the German and Russian encounter in the area of Kharkov, Murmansk, Rostov and Sevastopol, Russia. 02:23:45 Reel 3: Part 6: Advance on Sevastopol. ["Einnahme Sewastopols, der Staerksten festung der Welt"] German bombers and artillery attack Sevastopol, which falls on July 1, 1942. Shots of German Captain Gollab in his plane and of Gen. Fritz von Mannstein's inspection of new German artillery. German troops occupy and search Sevastopol, and raise Nazi flag.

  17. Gerda and Sylva Löwenstein papers

    The Gerda and Sylva Löwenstein papers consist of identification papers documenting Gerda Levy in Berlin before the war; a birth certificate, photographs, and student records documenting Sylva Löwenstein in Berlin before the war; and a diary and poetry written by Sylva Löwenstein while imprisoned in concentration camps during the Holocaust and at the Deggendorf displaced persons camp after the war. Gerda Löwenstein materials include her German identification card and the children’s identification card she used to leave Germany and enter the United Kingdom on a 1939 Kindertransport. Sylva Löw...

  18. War in the East [original title Krieg im Osten]

    This documentary in the style of a Wochenschau [weekly newsreel] depicts the 'irresistible' military advance of the German army on the Eastern front of WWII, its reception as 'liberators' by the respective populations, & the scorched earth left behind by the retreating Soviet troops. Scenes show the German-Finnish border & the polar circle the German army crossed in summer 1941 as they advanced toward the Soviet Union. German troops & Waffen-SS enter Lithuania from Eastern Prussia and cross the Memel River, advancing & taking the capital Kovno on June 24, 1941. In Daugavils ...

  19. Soviet farming and industry; Fighting in Stalingrad

    Titles: "All for the Front, All for Victory"/ "Film-Reporting on the Country back to front" Opening shots of women and children in the Tajikistani fields, harvesting cotton. CUs of the plants. Several shots of sacks of cotton being emptied into large piles, emphasizing mass quantity. ELSs of large processions of horse drawn carts carrying goods. ELS of sea and fishing vessels. CUs of nets bringing up large quantities of fish. ELSs of oil well fields and workers heading to work. CU pool of oil with reflection of towering oil well. ELSs Ural mountains, coal mining. Conveyer belts and trains h...

  20. Trial of Adolf Eichmann [abridged version] (audio only)

    AUDIO RECORDING April 11 to December 11, 1961. An abridged version of the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem.