Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,041 to 17,060 of 55,889
  1. Quisling's trial in Norway; Execution of German spies

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Report on War Crimes, including shots of the London meeting of the investigating commission, the opening of Quisling's trial in Norway, and the execution of two German spies by the US 9th Army.

  2. German officers; Allied POWs

    German officers and others talking, smoking. Forest and barracks in BG. LS Allied POWs with KG stamped on their backs.

  3. Nazi propaganda: Military

    The pseudo-documentary depicts the military actions of a parachute battalion participating in the occupation of the Netherlands beginning on May 10, 1940 - the action that opened the western front of WWII. It starts with an address to the parachutists by their officer, who evokes the historical importance of this 'hour of decision' which determines the fate of the German people 'for the next thousand years.' The soldiers are also told that after the defeat of Poland the new enemy of Great Britain would threaten the western borders of Germany from its 'bridgehead' of the Netherlands. Later o...

  4. Jewish life in prewar Kovno, Riga, and Lvov

    Prewar footage (home movies) of the Katz family in 1929. Kovno street scenes. VAR CUs of Katz family strolling along Laisves al., showing Dita's mother Liola, grandfather, brother, uncle, and grandmother. 01:00:34 MS EXT of the grandfather's wholesale trade store - C. KACAS - on Presidento gatve. Here, the family sold typewriters, sewing machines, and bicycles. VAR shots of store and family at door of store. Dita's cousin Raya (Honon's sister) in a baby carriage. CUs, Dita's grandmother Basia Katz; cameraman Honon Katz and his friend; Dita's aunt Rachel Katz and Dita's mother Liola Katz. Pe...

  5. "Go For Broke"

    Compilation of documents, photographs, and news clippings, all photocopied, from Hideo Nakamine, about the 522nd F.A. Battalion, U.S. Army, part of the 100th/442nd battalion of Japanese-American soldiers.

  6. Stamped envelope

    Addressed in ink to "Herrn Heinrich Potischel (sp?) Wien XII Hauptstrasse 2" with one 4-cent Deutsches Reich stamp and nine 12-cent anti-Nazi stamps attached. Also has five ink stamps dated 8.IV.43.

  7. Germans push thru France; Hitler meets w/ Mussolini

    LS, tanks spread out over fields, waiting for artillery barrage to lift. Shells burst in distance. LS tank advances. VCU, tanks. Shell bursts close by; burning French tanks. CU, showing shell holes, dead. Tank crews eating after battle. Hitler visits front, looking over map with staff officers, including Raeder and Goering. Receiving news of French capitulation. Boarding train for Munich to meet Mussolini. Pan, Berchtesgaden. Hitler meets officials in train station, German children and Mussolini giving Nazi salute. CUs, Hitler and Mussolini in car, crowd in BG.

  8. Book Journal for the History of the Jewish People During the Nazi Regime

    One volume of From the Last Extermination : Journal for the History of the Jewish People During the Nazi Regime.

  9. Esther Ancoli-Barbasch collection

    Contains a scrapbook containing photographs and newspaper articles in Russian, English, and Hebrew dealing with Nazi atrocities in Eastern Europe. Includes photographs of the Klooga forced labor camp in Estonia.

  10. Testimonies

    Contains copies of notorized confirmations (witness statements) about Nyssya Milman's presence in the Luchinets Ghetto in the Ukraine.

  11. Rehabilitation at Belsen Camp

    Pan over buildings. Pan across barrack square. MS of stable door, door opens, young woman begins to sweep entrance to stable. Interior shot of stable, being decorated by group of women with green branches. Curtains, tables, linens. MCU group of women sitting and standing around a bed inside barrack arranging branches and talking. Shot of barrack interior where multiple tables are set up in foreground and background, women having meal. Camera pans around room with flower arrangement in the middle, woman making bed, others, by window, repairing boots and shoes, sewing. CU of women playing car...

  12. Terese Stark memoir

    A memoir relating to experiences in the Buchenwald concentration camp during the Holocaust.

  13. Oral history interview with Alice Winant

  14. Hitler arrives in Paris for signing of French treaty

    CUs, MCUs civilians in streets. Pan, people at tables in outdoor café. Large crowds of civilians. MCU, vegetable market, bread being sold on street. Large building in Paris. Train arriving in station, German troops FG salute, swastika in front of train. MCU, AA gun mounted on front of train. MCU, German army officials meet at rail station; a large group of soldiers in BG. INT, station showing German troops on guard. Pan, LS Eiffel tower. CU, men at work on linotype machine. CU, setting type case for printing. CU, INT, pulling proof from type. CU, newspaper coming from end of machine; worker...

  15. Rafael and Nelly Brenner family papers

    The Rafael and Nelly Brenner family papers consist of advertisements, photographs, printed materials, and store catalogs documenting the Brenner family’s photograph supply stores in Cologne, their expropriation under the Nazi regime, the establishment of their store in Rome, their escape to the United States, the establishment of their store in Washington, DC, and Leo Brenner’s store in Haifa.

  16. Preliminary meeting of War Crimes Tribunal members

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Brief shots of the Hamburg amusement park. In Berlin, the preliminary meeting of Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal members.

  17. Forced confrontation, cinema

    LS of town road filled with people walking down towards the camera, buildings on frame right. Various shots of inhabitants of Burgsteinfurt (Germany) in the streets being ordered, assembled, and directed by troops, standing in lines, walking orderly, entering cinema. Sign above cinema entrance reads "Belsen & Buchenwald." People being directed as they exit cinema. CUs facial as civilians exit. NOTE: Burgsteinfurt was called the "village of hate" in the B.L.A. magazine, "The Soldier," because of its silent but noticeable resentment of the British occupation. The military government began...

  18. Lilly Isaacs diaries and photographs

    This collection includes three diaries created and written by Lilly Isaacs while imprisoned in the Sömmerda labor camp from 1944 until after liberation in 1945. During her imprisonment Lilly worked in a munitions factory where she used materials from the factory, such as paint and paper, to make her diaries. In the diaries Lilly writes about being separated from her family at Auschwitz, missing her family, air raids, the development of the war, her experiences in Sömmerda, and liberation. The diaries also include poetry. The collection also includes photographs taken in 1940 of Elizabeth ...

  19. Rysia Edelman papers

    The Rysia Edelman papers consist of identification papers issued to Mindla Frenkel and Salomon Edelman; photographs of Edelman family members and friends in a displaced persons camp in Fürth, Germany; and a 4 page testimony recounting Rysia’s experiences under the German occupation of Tomaszów Mazowiecki and as a forced laborer in Pionki, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and other camps.

  20. Benjamin Geist collection

    Contains a list of Jews who perished in labor camps around Buchenwald, and a Hirschenhauser family history.