Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,321 to 16,340 of 55,889
  1. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note

  2. Inge Deutschkron

    Inge Deutschkron, a German Jew who appears only briefly in Lanzmann's completed film, witnessed the increasing persecution and violence in Berlin, including the promulgation of the Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht. Her father escaped to England but she and her mother remained behind and went into hiding in 1943. Lanzmann interviews her in a coffee house in Berlin in which she remembers seeing a "Jews Not Wanted" sign during the Nazi years. FILM ID 3420 -- Camera Rolls #1-3 -- 01:00:08 to 01:33:06 CR 1 Inge Deutschkron sits in a café speaking with Lanzmann. She expresses feeling strange, sin...

  3. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 529) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. High and MCU, prosecution counsel James McHaney interrogating witness. Unidentified defense lawyer at speaker's stand. Short shot, defense attorney Seidl Ratz. Judges filing into court. Unidenfitied witness being interrogated by his lawyer.

  4. Book

  5. Assembled shots (Poland and Israel)

    Assembled color negative rolls containing location filming of Poland and Israel for SHOAH. The original color negatives were received in cans labeled "Tu Ne Commetras Pas Le Crime," 1991. The prints were in cans marked "Retirages de Shoah" which roughly translates to "Miscellaneous Reprints of Shoah". FILM ID 3196 -- Bobine 3. Retirages de Shoah (43:16) [Tu ne commetras pas de crime Boite G. Łódź] 00:42 Slate reads 'Cracovie' (Krakow); shots of three war-era photographs: many people walking in the street, carrying their belongings in large sacs; a soldier in uniform stands on a set of troll...

  6. Sketch

  7. Bedrich Bass - Prague

    Bedrich Bass discusses the present-day Jewish community in Czechoslovakia and the cost of maintaining the old Jewish cemetery in Prague. FILM ID 3888 -- 1,2 son seuls (audio only) FILM ID 3889 -- 4-6

  8. Cracow

    Scenes of Kraków, Poland, including Nisko, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Wieliczka, and Mielec. FILM ID 3891 -- White 85 Nisko 1-7 00:20 A gloved hand holds up "Nisko 1” in front of a snowy backdrop. Snowy fields in a rural area. Simple wooden fence with low, grey buildings on the horizon. "Nisko 2” Snowy fields. Riverbank. “Nisko 2” The river. Snowy fields, with one tree, bare of leaves, in the middle. Two trucks drive along a road in the far-off horizon. More trees and the river. “Nisko 3” The river. Another snowy field. Trees; some appear to still have leaves. Patches of green grass are visible ...

  9. Banner

    Nazi banner removed by John Edgar Frost during the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp.

  10. Filip Mueller - Auschwitz Sonderkommando

    As a member of a Sonderkommando unit in Auschwitz Filip Müller worked in the crematorium. He describes the gassing and cremation process in precise detail and with great pathos. FILM ID 3206 -- Camera Rolls #1-4 -- 01:00:13 to 01:28:59 Müller recounts the first time he saw the gas chamber of the crematorium. Müller was a member of the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz. He was assigned to the Sonderkommando in May 1942, when he was 20, and worked as a Heizer, or someone who undressed the corpses (when they were clothed), put them into the crematorium, and stirred the fire while they burned. FILM I...

  11. Poster

    Announcement concerning retrieval of valuable property from former Nazi Party. It was published in cooperation with the US Military.

  12. Alfred Ament papers

    Contains identification documents, including an Austrian birth certificate, an application for US immigration visa, a US quota immigrant visa document, a "Kinderausweis" (child identity card), a US immigrant identity card, all issued to Hans Ament (donor's brother). The family was unable to successfully emigrate despite receiving US visas, and Hans went into hiding in an orphanage in Izieu, France. He was arrested during a raid of the children's home in 1944, and deported to Auschwitz.

  13. Sketch

  14. British enemy

    Reel 9 Michael O'Brien, an Irish rebel leader from Dublin, is hanged in 1903 by the British for subversion and high treason. His eighteen-year-old son, also named Michael O'Brien, is sent to St. Edwards College -- a boarding school specifically aimed at making Irish children 'think English' by tight surveillance and ideological education. There, a fellow student collects information for his uncle at the British Secret Service. As a result, Patrick O'Connor unconsciously betrays Michael's widowed mother for harboring Irish freedom fighters even though he eventually joins the rebels' cause. O...

  15. Broadside

    Broadside entitled "Every penny earned by Singer Sewing Machines goes to the Enemy.." and stamped by Toni Eggler, Wolfratshaussen of the Reichsverband Deutscher Mechaniker.

  16. Book

  17. Henryk Gawkowski and Treblinka railway workers

    Henryk Gawkowski was a locomotive conductor at the Treblinka station and estimates that he transported approximately 18,000 Jews to the camp. He drank vodka all the time because it was the only way to make bearable his job and the smell of burning corpses. He describes the black market and the prostitution that developed around the camp. This interview also includes conversations with several other Polish witnesses who were railway workers. FILM ID 3362 -- Camera Rolls #4-7 -- 01:00:00 to 01:13:26 Gawkowski and a Polish choir sing "W mogile ciemnej ?pij na wieki," a Gregorian-chant style fu...

  18. The Jew Connoisseur Der Judenkenner (Berlin, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Benjamin and Sophie Esterman were American citizens who were traveling in Europe, and visited Germany in order to see for themselves and to inform others where Nazism was going.

  19. Willy Hilse (audio only)

    Willy Hilse, a railroad worker at the Auschwitz train station, describes his work and transport arrivals at Auschwitz, shipments of Jewish property, his postwar difficulties, and his reluctance to speak about his experiences again in the future. This interview was recorded in Germany without image or picture. FILM ID 3634 -- Hilse 1 Hilse describes transport arrivals at Auschwitz, including technical details such as the location of the ramp, train platforms, and the separation of men and women and witnessing the arrival of Hungarian Jews in 1944. He goes on to list the nationalities of Jews...

  20. Sketch