Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,741 to 15,760 of 55,889
  1. Zweigenthal family collection

    Contains of letters, black and white photographs, a Sauf Conduit pass for Robert Zweigenthal, and 8 legal documents pertaining to the escape of Robert Zweigenthal, his wife, Elizabeth Aigner Zweigenthal, and her mother, Caroline (Carolina) Aigner, from France through Portugal to the United States. Includes copies of two letters written in 1941 by Sara Delano Roosevelt, the mother of President Franklin Roosevelt, requesting that assistance be given to members of the Aigner family. The photographs depict life on the ship traveling from Portugal to the United States.

  2. Sachs family collection

    Contains documents about Inge M. Rosenthal's escape to Germany on a Kindertransport, letters from Alfred and Margarete Sachs (1939-1943), deportation notice for Alfred and Margarete Sachs, death notice for Alfred and Margarete Sachs, documents related to Max and Herta Moser's emigration from Germany to Shanghai, transcribed letters from Carl Heinrich Mayer, and 21 black-and-white photographs. An accretion to the collection includes four photographic postcards taken of German soldiers during World War I. Some of the postcards were written by Jewish soldier Alfred Sachs, who is depicted on th...

  3. Giovanni Palatucci papers

    Contains a biography of Giovanni Palatucci (1909-1944), who, as the police commissioner of Fiume, on the Italian coast, worked to ensure the safe migration of refugees, prevent the looting of Jewish homes, hid files, and supplied money to refugees attempting to escape the Gestapo. In September 1944, he was arrested and sent to Dachau, where he perished. He was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. Includes a certificate honoring Palatucci and the typed testimony of Goty Bauer of Milan, Italy, regarding his experiences with Palatucci.

  4. "Silenced Forever"

    Contains a poem entitled, "Silenced Forever," about the experiences of Christina Yannetsos and her family during the Holocaust.

  5. Postcards from the Dombrowa ghetto

    Contains two original and seven fujis of postcards from the Dombrowa ghetto.

  6. Bloch family papers

    The papers of the Bloch family papers include biographical information as well as records documenting claims made by Norbert and Gretel Bloch and Käthe Bremer to receive restitution for losses and damages suffered under the Third Reich. Biographical materials include family trees; birth, marriage, and death certificates; passports and identity cards; travel papers; naturalization papers; school records; and vaccination records for Norbert and Gretel Bloch and Käthe Bremer as well as for Max and Hildegard Chodowski and Amalie and Gertrude Sichel. Claims include the burning and looting of the...

  7. Mojizesz Mendel Reich papers

    The papers consist of a photographic postcard of Mojizesz Mendel Reich with other boys in an orphanage in Drogobych (Drohobych), Ukraine, an immigrant identification card from the United States Department of Labor for Mozes Mendel Reich, and a passport for Mozes Mendel Reich.

  8. From the Mists of Time Fragments from A Childhood Between the Wars (World Wars I & II)

    Contains a memoir, 26 pages, about Miriam Eliasberg's early life in Munich, move to Vienna, Austria, with her family in 1933, summers of 1935-1936 in a small village in the Alps called Obertressen, leaving Austria in 1938 for Zurich, London, and her journey to New York on the SS Britanic.

  9. A Cabaret in the Warsaw Ghetto

    Contains a cabaret of music with readings from the Warsaw Diary of Chaim Kaplan.

  10. Memories of and from Robert "Shanghai Bob" Goldman

    Contains a memoir, 27 pages, about Robert "Shanghai Bob" Goldman living in Shanghai in the early 1940s and assistance by the (HIAS) Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the (AJDC) American Joint Distribution Committee.

  11. Heichler family papers

    Contains photocopies of eight poems and translations written by Grete Wolf-Schmahl, one letter written to donor's mother, Else Heichler, from her cousin Camilla, and four typewritten poems by Grete Schmahl-Wolf.

  12. "Ein neuer Fluchtversuch"

    "Ein neuer Fluchtversuch" is a 25 pages memoir about Max Sternbach's incarceration in Bordeaux, and transport to Bruxelles and Paris.

  13. Postcards from Theresienstadt

    Contains nine thank-you cards for packages from family members in Theresienstadt.

  14. Rose Deutsch identity card

    Identity card with information about Rose Deutsch's deportation from Hungary and internment in the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

  15. Државен Архив на Република Македониjа Selected records from the Archives of Macedonia

    Contains selected records from two collections: The Jewish Community of Skopje, 1915-1961; and Management of the Jewish Question, 1942-1964. Also contains photocopies of records of district administration of Skopje and Bitola, police records and names lists concerning Jewish population, financial documentation and declarations on Jewish assets, records from Trade (Mercantile) industrial bank “Vardar” and Bulgarian credit bank, Sofia, branch Skopje.

  16. My life

    Contains a 103-page memoir about David Arie Landau's life in Galicia, Poland, prior to the Holocaust, an attempted escape to Romania, his imprisonment in Stanislawow and Biala Cerkow concentration camps, service in the Russian Army, work in the Repatriation Office in the city of Szcziecin, Poland, and later emigration to Israel.

  17. Fragmenty pamietnika ... krematorium nr. 2 w Brzezinka = fragment of a diary recovered from crematoria number 2 at Birkenau in July 1961

    Contains a microfilm copy and black and white photoprints of fragments of a Yiddish-language diary recovered from an ash pit at crematoria nr. 2 in Birkenau concentration camp. An unknown writer compiled the diary. It describes life in the Łódź ghetto. (See Acc. 1998.A.0135 for transcription of diary).

  18. Pamietnik z getta Łódzkiego diary of the Łódź ghetto

    Contains a Yiddish-language diary recovered from an ash pit (see Acc. 1998.A.0135) at crematoria nr. 2 in Birkenau concentration camp. An unknown writer compiled the diary. It describes life in the Łódź ghetto. Also contains a Yiddish-language transcription of a diary.

  19. Salomon family papers

    The Salomon family papers consists of correspondence and emigration and immigration files documenting Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte Salomon’s unsuccessful efforts to immigrate to the United States from Berlin. The collection also includes correspondence from Marianne Adler, Hermann and Edith’s daughter, and Elsbeth Stern, Hermann’s sister, documenting their efforts to bring their family to the Unites States. Salomon family correspondence includes wartime letters among Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte Salomon to Marianne Adler and Elsbeth Stern about Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte’s efforts to immi...

  20. Oral history interview with Charles Willner