Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,501 to 15,520 of 55,889
  1. [Newspaper]

    Newspaper published in Croatia during the Holocaust.

  2. Destroyed village; Refugees evacuating

    [Refugies sur les routes - distribution de soupe, infirmiere, Mai 1940] Burning village, blaze. Carrying wounded civilian. Stone, timber on fire. Airplanes. Red Cross buildings, gate with sign, "Centre Hospitalie & H.O.E. Primaire." HAS, damaged roofs, etc. INT, rooms. INT, ambulances. Damaged train. "Hospice St. Ano?" Cathedral and cemetery, crosses, badly damaged. Village mourners, 2 women with umbrellas, flowers, CU, crucifix. Destroyed classroom, books, desks, etc. Pan, city in ruins, storefronts. MCU, mother and child, dead on street. People evacuating, bundles and valises massed i...

  3. Fragebogen zur Lage in Deutschland, Februar 1936

    Contains an underground questionnaire on the situation in Germany, dated February 1936, that had been clandestinely written and published by politically exiled resisters of the Nazi movement who were members of the German Social Democratic party. The questionnaire was distributed with the "Deutschland-Berichte" newspaper.

  4. Herta Kuert collection

    Contains three identity cards issued to Herta Kuert; one certificate from the Hebrew Immigrand Aid Society; and three certificates indicating that Herta Kuert had been interned in Riga-Stutthof.

  5. Harry Ehrismann papers

    The Harry Ehrismann papers consist of an unbound scrapbook created by Ehrismann documenting the voyage of the MS St. Louis, its return to Europe, and the selection of passengers to be transferred to the Netherlands. The first folder includes correspondence; notes; a report by C.G. van Dalfsen and Gilles Hendrik van Helden (inspectors of the Municipal Police of Rotterdam) describing the selection of refugees to be welcomed by the Netherlands; a list of those passengers; a registration card for Hannelore Klein; and three name cards worn by passengers Hannelore Klein, Hilde Pander, and Martin ...

  6. Jewish quarter in Amsterdam; preparing Sabbath

    Credits (in Dutch). Roof tops of Amsterdam. HA street scenes. CUs street and business signs in Jewish quarter of Amsterdam. Street scenes, houses, canals. Store fronts. Market. Clock tower (INT and EXT), four o'clock. People look at watches. Challahs. VAR scenes of people closing shops, putting away work (including good quality shots of diamond works). Preparing Sabbath at home (candles, cooking, setting table). EXT Portuguese synagogue, men in top hats enter, families. INT, prayer books, VAR shots of synagogue, cantor at bima, shots of men praying. EXT, rooftops of Amsterdam at dusk.

  7. Early Nazi struggles for power; Hitler speech; parade

    Film Title: "The Nazi Plan" 01:00:52 Certificate and Affidavit from E.R. Kellogg, Cmdr, US Naval Reserve 01:02:46 "Part I: The Rise of the NSDAP, 1921-1933." 01:02:54 "Alfred Rosenberg Describes the Early Nazi Struggles for Power" Alfred Rosenberg describes early Nazi struggles for power. 01:06:13 scenes of rallies and riots. "Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1927" Hitler speaks at Nuremberg in 1927. "Deutschland erwache!" Hitler reviews a parade after another speech in 1929. "Julius Streicher" "Auch Die übrigen Führer begrüssen Die Ankommenden" "Kolonne reicht sich an Kolonne" "Deutschlands Freihe...

  8. Nazi banner acquired by a US soldier

    Nazi banner retrieved by American Soldier during or immediately following WWII.

  9. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung collection

    Consists of leaflets, stamps, booklets, and other anti-Nazi materials produced by Social Democratic Party in exile (SOPADE) during 1930s. Includes clandestine quesionnaires ("Fragebogen") on the situation in Germany; copies of issues from the pamphlet series "Deutschland Berichte"; and stickers with anti-Nazi slogans.

  10. Germany-Italy pact; Inspecting defenses on West

    Title: "Signing of European Axis Pact 22 May 1939" Hitler attends the signing of the pact between Germany and Italy. Title: "Welcome Home of German Legion from Spanish War 6 June 1939" Hitler reviews troops returned from the Spanish Civil War. Title: "Inspection of West Wall Fortifications August 1939" Hitler inspects West Wall defenses.

  11. Nazi atrocities

    Orientation Film no. 19. War Department Information Film showing German concentration camps and victims of Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Belsen, Buchenwald, and other camps. Originally made with a German soundtrack for screening in occupied Germany and Austria, this film was the first documentary to show what the Allies found when they liberated the Nazi camps: the survivors, the conditions, and the evidence of mass murder. The film includes accounts of the economic aspects of the camps' operation, the interrogation of captured camp personnel, and the enforced visits of the inhabitants of...

  12. Hitler comes to power

    "Herbst 1932". Reports on activities and policies of the Nazis in Germany 1921-1933 (poor sound quality, fades in and out). 01:14:02 "1933" "Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor 30 January 1933" Title: "Goering, Named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, Outlines His Program February 1933." Goering seated, speaks to camera, outlines program. Title: "Election Day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933." MCUs of citizens coming in and out of the election booth. Title: "Gewerkschaftshaus." VS of German soldiers and workers milling about the entrance way to a building. Title: "Election Day in Berlin, 5 Ma...

  13. Hitler on annihilation of Jewish race; Occupation of Czechoslovakia; Aircraft launch

    Title: "Goering Launches First Aircraft Carrier 8 December 1938" Goering speaks at the launching of the carrier Graf Zeppelin. Title: "1939" Title: "Hitler Predicts Annihilation of the Jewish Race in Europe if War Occurs 30 January 1939" Hitler speech at Reichstag. Title: "President Hacha of Czechoslovakia Arrives in Berlin as Guest of Hitler 14 March 1939." Hacha walking in street lined with SS officers. CU, flag. Hacha gets into automobile. Title: "Occupation of Remainder of Czechoslovakia 15 March 1939." Various newspaper headlines. Nazi soldiers on village road, on motorcycles and bicyc...

  14. Eugen and Helene Cohn papers

    The Eugen and Helene Cohn papers include correspondence and certificates documenting the couple’s health and status as refugees and internees in France following their return to Europe aboard the MS St. Louis, their efforts to gather the necessary documentation to emigrate to Cuba via Portugal, and their departure for Cuba aboard the SS Nyassa.

  15. Triumph of the Will: Nazi rally

    Excerpt from "Triumph of the Will" {No Titles} Activities at an indoor rally.

  16. Ring given to a Jewish woman in the Łódź ghetto

    Given to Mania Sendziszew in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp by dying, unknown Jewish woman whom Mania was caring for, immeadiately following Liberation. Ring originally made and given to unknown woman in Łódź ghetto by woman's fiancee.

  17. Der Stuermer newspaper display case and keys

    Red display case with a glass front used to distribute the anti-Semitic newspaper, Der Stuermer.

  18. Postwar devastation; poverty; hunger; opening of Nuremberg Trial

    Reel 1: "Europe 1945" Panorama of war devastation: buildings and cities laid to waste, rubble, mother climbing out of trap door shelter with naked baby in arms, people in hunger and despair emerge from shelters, children running down steps, clambering for food, poverty, homeless people, begging for food, weeping woman. 05:03:01 "Nuremberg 21 November 1945" EXT and INT Nuremberg Palace of Justice. CU, document announcing trial and listing the accused. Seating of International Military Tribunal. 05:04:26 Chief US prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson presents the opening statement and Count 1 of the ...

  19. Doris Jacobson collection

    Contains six newspapers; one ticket to a handball competition as part of the 1936 Olympics; one map of the Berlin transit system; two passenger lists and two menus from the Queen Mary from March 1938; two postcards; and one letter, dated 1925, from a secretary to Kaiser Wilhelm II.