Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,541 to 13,560 of 55,847
  1. Liberation of Kharkiv (Kharkov), Ukraine

    Newsreel produced on the first anniversary of the liberation of Kharkiv [Kharkov]. Clouds of billowing smoke. CU cross (grave marker). CU barbed wire fence, behind the fence are more grave markers. MS, wall through barbed wire, on wall the word "Lager" is written. EXT of building, CU, shot from low angle, angle up to sign above entrance to building that reads: "Ortskommandantur-West". MLS of the same building, from across the street. VS, destruction of city, crumbled buildings, rubble and dead body in the streets. Still of several men hanging from a balcony (location and victims unidentifie...

  2. Evidence against Kaltenbrunner and Gestapo at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 474) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 2, 1946. LSs, EXT, judges enter courtroom, spectators stand, are seated. Trial resumes. LS, MSs, Robert G. Storey in his opening remarks since the adjournment on December 20 continues presenting evidence on the policies of Ernst Kaltenbrunner and the Gestapo. MSs, defense counselor for Kaltenbrunner addresses the Tribunal. Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence informs the attorney that he will have ample opportunity to question any evidence presented in relation to his client.

  3. Film showing sterilization of a man

    Title: "Aus der chirurgischen Universitaetsklinik Berlin/Ziegelstr." "ausgefuehrt durch: Dozent Dr. Haase, Oberarzt aus der Klinik" Close shot: genitalia scrubbed. Penis covered. Anasthetic, testicles. Clamped, left, then right. Surgical cut. Retraction. Vas deferens pulled forward, isolated, tied off. Injection into vas deferens. The cut is sewn up.

  4. Kiev during first days of war

    First weeks of war in Kiev. Wartime in countryside, building defense lines. Stalin, Krushchev, and other Soviet officials and politicians are seen clapping, supposedly celebrating the unification of Ukraine. Cut to the countryside (probably just outside of Kiev), where people dressed in traditional Ukrainian folk costumes celebrate, marching on the streets. They appear to enter Kiev, though this may be a different group entirely. The marchers carry banners, including a picture of Stalin. Khruschev waves at the crowd. Girls appear to wave back. Others hold up flowers and five-point stars. Fa...

  5. Bodenschatz questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 35) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 8, 1946. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross-examines Karl Bodenschatz, former member of the Reich Air Ministry (this is a continuation from 111 ADC 5865). Hermann Goering in prisoners' dock makes notes as testimony is presented. MSs, left side of defendants' box, Goering mutters something to Hess. MSs, Bodenschatz answering questions relative to Goering's influence in the Nazi government and his concern over the bombings of Germany and its people.

  6. Wisliceny testifies at Nuremberg Trial re.his role with Eichmann's work in Hungary, deportation of Greek Jews. Kaestner mentioned

    (Paris 487) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 3, 1946. LS, prisoners' dock, chart at front of courtroom. Pan to Dieter Wisliceny testifying on the stand. Rear view, Col. Brukhard questioning Wisliceny on incidents dealing with SS and SD and the fate of 50,000 Jews. Wisliceny testifies (in German) that an order came from Eichmann to Brunner about the immediate deportation of all Jews from Saloniki and Macedonia to Auschwitz. The military administration did not have objections or exceptions (except for 3000 male workers for rail works, but they were deported shortly after), Brunn...

  7. Netherlands occupation discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 535) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 2, 1946. LS, defense rising. Pan to center of courtroom as those in attendance are seated. LS, officer announces that defendants Seyss-Inquart and Kaltenbrunner will be absent due to illness. Rear view of French prosecutor Faure addressing the court. MSs, Koos Vorrink, Senator of Netherlands and President of the Socialist Party in 1940, is sworn in and interrogated by Faure. Vorrink discusses the situation in Holland before and during the German occupation.

  8. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 2)

    Footage of a prewar (?) anti-fascist demonstration. A graphic shows the Star of David badge issuing from a photo of Globke. Adolf Eichmann is named as a close colleague of Globke. Photos and footage (some of it staged) showing the way communists and then Jews were mistreated by the Nazis. The narrator quotes Hitler as saying that it is necessary to have a visible enemy, the Jews. Shots of Goebbels speaking about the lying Jewish/Bolshevist press, exemplifying how the Nazis tied anti-Bolshevism and antisemitism together. Exterior shots of the Karl Liebknecht House, headquarters of the commun...

  9. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: interiors of a hospital

    Reel 7 of 8: "Koepfe von Kranken" More CUs and dramatic lighting. Focus on details. First men, then women. Distorted faces. Woman with wild gray hair, very touching. 00:43:21 Dark-haired woman, then a girl, maybe Jewish. Force feeding a young person.

  10. Goering supporter Dehlerus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 67) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 19, 1946. Berger Dehlerus, Swedish engineer, taking the witness stand. Delherus says he knew England well because he had lived there for 12 years. LS, translators in courtroom. Dehlerus testifies in support of Goering. He talks about several visits he made from Berlin to England in 1939 on behalf of Goering and Hitler in order to prevent a war. He recounts that the situation was serious because an agreement with Poland had not been reached and he was asked to go to London to explain the situation. He could not say whether the trip hap...

  11. On the War Front

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 12, No. 863, Part 1. Release date, 04/01/1940. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 12:29:25 Part 1A: "Welles Reports Back to FDR" Washington, DC. Climax to Undersecretary Samner Welles' 14,000 mile peace visit to belligerent capitals in Europe. After landing in New York, he hurries to the White House to give his report to the President. Peace is not imminent, FDR says later. 12:30:07 Part 1B: "On the War Front." Paris, France. Paul Reynard, French financial wizard, forms a new cabinet after the downfall of Premier Daladier. 12:30:35 Part 1B: "On the War...

  12. Broadside proclamation from General Eisenhower

  13. Excerpts of Auschwitz liberation film

    Excerpts of "Oswiecem" film showing Auschwitz after liberation filmed by the Soviet military. Film clips including: Men and women behind barbed wire, winter, snow, view from the air of concentration camp barracks, electrified fence, interior of the women's area, corpses in front of buildings with a woman and child walking near them, children's concentration camp, children behind barbed wires showing the numbers [tattooed] on their arms, emaciated corpses, crematoria where they were burned, canisters of poison gas, Soviet soldiers in front of open mass graves, piles of cut hair, dentures, go...

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine; Hitler; Goebbels; Cantor, synagogue; Boycott of Jewish shops; Nazi flag

    Trims. 179 C: Singing in Hebrew, in dining hall (sound). 09:12:44 Factory (without sound). CU, women working in factory. 09:13:20 Man on desert with camera, tripod, camel in BG. 09:13:23 Hitler at podium giving speech (sound). 09:13:31 Pan, aerial landscape, Palestine (without sound). Valley of Israel, map. Tel Aviv, Jerusalem. Desert. Palestine, city streets with people, camels. Letters. Women in factory. 09:15:13 Different shots, newsreel footage of Hitler speaking (sound). 09:15:51 Palestine. Hitler. Palestine. Hitler speech. Camels. Factories, pantyhose. Palestine. 09:17:52 179 D: Herma...

  15. Day of German Commerce is celebrated; speech; antisemitic propaganda in animation

    Propaganda film showing the first German Commerce Day in Braunschweig, Germany. [Titles: Ein Film des Hauptamtes für Handwerk u. Handel der NSDAP. Nach Gedanken von Pg Joachim Walter. Mit Aufnahmen vom 1. Deutschen Handelstag in Braunschweig. 19 November 1933] Scenes showing Nazis marching, parade with floats, vast crowds of spectators. Nazi official delivers a speech, filmed as an interior scene. Speech continues over maps, animation and other graphics. 00:04:52 graphics begin. Speaker appears intermittently, also with footage of shops, consumers, workers, industry. German trade, German bu...

  16. Gottfried Feder speaks on German economy

    Gottfried Feder, in a business suit, faces the camera and delivers a speech about the National Socialist movement and fiscal & economic issues. He claims to be one of oldest, most loyal followers of Hitler, along with Roehm & Frank from the 'horrible chaos' following November 8, 1918, and to have influenced the party's first political agenda together with Dietrich Eckhardt. He speaks on his favorite topics of "Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft" [rupture of the slavery of interest rates] and "Kampf gegen den Gott Mammon" [fight against the deity Mammon] and calls his books on economy &am...

  17. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case - Opening Statement by Telford Taylor

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. 17:12:16 High angle Med close views of defendants in dock as they are arraigned and individually asked if they've read the indictment and how they plead. To 17:13:06 Motion for continuance was denied - judge at bench. 17:15:30 Taylor to podium and begins: The grave charges in this case have not been laid before the Tribunal casually.... It accuses them of wholesale enslavement, plunder and murder. ... There is no laughter in this case. Neither is there any hate.

  18. Tribunal, Hess's amnesia at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 398) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. LS, Tribunal consisting of Robert Falco, Henri Donnedieu de Vabre, John J. Parker, Francis Biddle, Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, Justice Birkett, Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko, and A F Volchoff. They enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Gunther von Rohrscheidt, counsel for Rudolf Hess, addresses the court about Hess' alleged amnesia. MS, Hess seated in prisoners' dock. LS, Lord Justice Lawrence requests that the medical report be read. The Lord Justice goes on to say that the only thing wrong with Hess is his forgetful...

  19. Towel

    Hand towel used by Jewish slave labor throughout the time period of the Holocaust.