Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,361 to 7,380 of 56,066
  1. Franka and Salomon Szoten collection

    Consists of 12 photographs of individuals and groups of Holocaust survivors, some of which were taken at the Landsberg concentration camp in 1945-1946. Many of the photographs depict survivors wearing components of their concentration camp uniforms. Also includes photographs of American soldiers with displaced persons and an image of American soldier Frank Tauber posing with Nazi iconography. Also includes a French/English/German language booklet published in France in 1944 and a wedding announcement for the joint wedding of Franka Litman to Salomon Schotten and Adele Litman to Izak Tirk, w...

  2. Selected records from the Portuguese National Archives

    Contains selected records of Portuguese agencies under António Salazar's regime. Included in this collection are correspondence, reports, mostly relating to Jewish refugees and trade relations with other nations, the question of sending German Jewish refugees to Portuguese colonies, and the Salazar’s personal archives.

  3. "Gleams of Memory"

    Consists of one memoir, 191 pages, entitled "Gleams of Memory," by Michael Treister, originally of Vitebsk in Byelorussia. In the memoir, he describes pre-war life, the bombing during the 1941 German invasion, and the establishment of the Minsk ghetto. He was in the ghetto from 1941-1943; in July 1943 the ghetto in Minsk transitioned into a concentration camp on Shirokaya street, where prisoners were incrementally killed with mobile gas vans. After a month, Treister was able to leave the camp due to a paperwork technicality and joined a partisan unit, acting as a guide to help people escape...

  4. Munich sights

    German countryside, motorcycle passes on highway. 01:09:05 Busy street scenes in Munich - Marienplatz square, Old Town Clock Tower, Isartor City Gate, and Isar River. Nazi banners are visible on some of the buildings.

  5. Andrew Breit photograph collection

    Consists of one post-war photograph taken of a group of orphan children in Poland in 1946. The children are posing in front of pressed leaves.

  6. Jeannette Hammer Kaufmann memoir

    Consists of a photocopy of a memoir, 20 pages, written soon after the end of the war by Jeannette Hammer Kaufmann, originally of Vienna, Austria. Married with two sons prior the war, she describes life after the Anschluss, their attempts to emigrate and being sent to the Opole ghetto in 1941. The family was able to escape from Opole to join Jeannette's parents in the Kunów ghetto. The family then moved to Bodzechów, where Jeannette's husband found a job as a chauffeur at a labor camp; Jeannette describes witnessing the liquidation of Kunów as they were leaving the ghetto and the residents w...

  7. Martin Koplow testimony

    Consists of written testimony by Martin Koplow (born Koplowich), originally of Czestochowa, Poland. In his testimony, he describes forced labor in Rakow, and a forced march to Gross-Rosen, though specific details regarding places and dates are incomplete. The testimony, written as short essays and longer narratives, some fragmented and incomplete, were written as a result of a writing class Mr. Koplow attended in 1979-1980. Mr. Koplow wrote the pieces in the third person, though he describes his own experiences; the pieces also include notes from his writing professor.

  8. Selected records from the State Archives of Bolzano

    This collection contains Jewish personal files from the region Bolzano in Italy.

  9. Felice Zimmern Stokes memoir

    Consists of one typed memoir written by Felice Zimmern Stokes, who was born in Wallduern, Germany, in 1939. In the memoir, she describes her family's deportation to France to Camp de Gurs and being taken to the "La Pouponniere" OSE nursery in Limoges and from there, into hiding with the Patoux family on their farm in La Caillaudiere, France. After the war, Felice reunited with her sister Beate (who also survived in hiding) in the Daveil and Taveny orphanages; they emigrated to the United States in 1951. She later visited Wallduern, and gave testimony when M. and Mme Patoux were named Righte...

  10. Selected records from the French Protectorates of Morocco and Tunisia, Syria and Lebanon under French mandate after WWI until after WWII, and the French Embassy in Madrid.

    This collection consists of selected administrative records from the former French protectorates of Morocco and Tunisia and related files from the “Syria-Lebanon” collection and from the French Embassy in Madrid. The documents originate from a variety of sectors of the colonial administration including the departments of the interior, immigration, public health and welfare, religious affairs, and foreign affairs, as well as police, public works, postal, military, and municipal records. Military records relate to internment camps, prisoners of war, and censorship. Municipal records document ...

  11. Rosenberg and Hitler

    "Ernennung Alfred Rosenbergs zum Reichsminister" Appointment of Alfred Rosenberg as Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories [Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete], territories which included nearly all the area seized by Germany from the USSR. Rosenberg and Hitler walk on the grounds of the Fuehrer's headquarters.

  12. Fred Roberts Crawford memoir

    Consists of one typed memoir, written by Fred Roberts Crawford, describing his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot during World War II, including life on Allied air bases in North Africa and Corsica; flying bombing raids over Italy, France, and Romania; being shot down by friendly fire in one such raid over Hungary; his capture by Hungarian civilians and subsequent imprisonment in Budapest and at Stalag Luft III and Stalag Luft VIII-A prisoner of war camps; and his liberation and subsequent viewing of the nearby Dachau concentration camp.

  13. Joseph Borkin papers

    Consists of correspondence and research material (photocopied and original) related to the research, writing, and publication of the book "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin. Among the research materials are court documents from various legal cases against successor companies to I.G. Farben, which were tried in United States courts during the 1950s and 1960s, as well as subject files of copied primary and secondary source materials about individuals, organizations, and products related to I.G. Farben. These latter materials range information about the pre-World War I ...

  14. Cover for handmade portfolio of illustrations by Herbert Heyne and Erich Kästner

    Handmade book containing nine pages of illustrations sent by Herbert Heyne to Walter Furst. The book was a gift from Heyne to Furst and was written with Erich Kästner in 1945. It features color illustrations by Heyne and offers a comical and critical depiction of National Socialism and Nazi militarism.

  15. Allied liberation of Belgium; VE Day parade; daily life of a Belgian family at peacetime

    A tank moves out after the Allied liberation of East Flanders. German surrender. Two young men drink beer and celebrate with civilians. The tank drives through town, and Belgian civilians watch and join the procession. A crowd gathers as German prisoners of war march through town. 01:06:32 Jean-Marie wears a captured German helmet and shakes someone's hand. The children play outdoors near a road sign for "de Pinte -2 Km." More footage of German POWs. Canadian troops enter liberated Ghent and are celebrated by civilians. Steeple of St. Baron Cathedral and more crowds celebrating. 01:09:50 VE...

  16. "A Life of Rebellion"

    Consists of one memoir, 181 pages, entitled "A Life of Rebellion," by Hans Apel, as told to Stefan G. Meyer. In the memoir, which was written based on extensive audio interviews with Mr. Apel (originally Appelbaum), Mr. Apel describes his childhood, antisemitism in Konitz, life in the German army in World War I, and the rise of Nazi influence in his brewery firm in Berlin in the late 1920s and early 1930s. In 1935, he and his family emigrated to the Netherlands, to England in 1936, and to the United States in 1937. During World War II, he taught German language and history to army officers ...

  17. Rosalyn Brisbois photograph collection

    Consists of 18 enlarged black and white copies of photographs taken by the US Signal Corps of the aftermath of the liberation of various concentration camps, including Buchenwald, Ohrdruf, Linz, Nordhausen, Schwarzenfeld, and of the site of an atrocity at Landwehr.

  18. Felicia Neufeld papers

    Correspondence, writings, unpublished memoir, videorecording and documents of Felicia Neufeld, recounting her childhood experiences in a Jewish orphanage in France during and following the German occupation, as well as her experiences as a "hidden child" in France from 1942-1944, and her later efforts to gain recognition for the woman who sheltered her, Renee Verité, as a "Righteous Among the Nations" at Yad Vashem. Contains unpublished memoir, correspondence, identification documents, writings, and one videocassette recording, related largely to the experiences of Felicia Neufeld as a hidd...

  19. Rainès-Lambé family papers

    Collection of documents and correspondence documenting the experiences of Anna and Leon Rainès-Lambé (donor's parents), the expropriation of their livelihood, and their efforts to evade Nazi collaborators and deportation in France during the Holocaust. Documents include an announcement for Leon to appear for "special transport" as well as a post-war document indicating that Wehrmacht officials occupied their home and appropriated personal possessions; the letter indicates where the family could retrieve their personal belongings.

  20. Collection of records of the Agricultural American Joint Distribution Committee Office in Moscow, USSR Amerikanskiy agronomicheskiy ob'edineny raspredilitel'nyy komitet. Agro-Joint (Fond P-7746)

    The collection consists of contracts signed by the Agro-Joint with the Soviet government for 1924, 1927, 1933, minutes of meetings of the main and field offices, correspondence with agencies, organizations and foreign firms on the purchase and delivery to the USSR of agricultural equipment and supplies; various reports on the work of agronomists in the Jewish settlers' villages, financial plans and reports (1924-1937), statements for the payment of wages; maps, charts, drawings, posters on the activities of the Agro-Joint. Also includes personal files of the staff members of the organizatio...