Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,221 to 7,240 of 56,066
  1. Gerö family collection

    Consists of documents and photographs related to Zoltan and Johanna Gerö and their daughter, Eva (now Eva Gerö Gal), originally of Budapest, Hungary. Includes an identity workbook for the shop in which Zoltan manufactured false Palestine certificates, a 1943 letter, and displaced persons paperwork, including a document attesting to Zoltan's death at Auschwitz.

  2. Forchheimer family photographs

    Consists of photographs and copyprints (7) depicting the family of Emil and Bertha Forchheimer, originally of Coburg, Germany. Includes school photographs, family portraits, and honeymoon photographs, all taken prior to the family's eventual emigration to the United States in 1940.

  3. Reisman family photographs

    Consists of post-war photographs from the collection of Motel Rajsman and his wife, Mary Droznik Rajsman (later Michael and Mary Reisman). The photographs depict Motel, Mary, children, and groups of other displaced persons in the Haid, Steyr, and Ebelsberg displaced persons camps in Austria.

  4. Otto Papernik family papers

    Papers of Otto and Irene Papernik, including birth certificates, travel documents, immigration forms, and an unpublished memoir of Otto Papernik, describing his experiences after the annexation of Austria by Germany, his escape to Luxembourg, and after 1940, to southern France, and eventually the Dominican Republic. Collection also contains documents related to Papernik's mother, Karoline, including travel documents and her death certificate, showing that she died at Gurs in 1940.

  5. Al Gordon collection

    Consists of a postcard of the MS Batory, an ocean liner which was part of the Polish merchant fleet, and a postwar photograph of Al Gordon standing in uniform in front of a building marked "Nurnberg Military Post."

  6. Provincial Court in Lublin. Trial of Teodor Dak. Sąd Wojewódzki w Lublinie. Proces Teodora Dak (Sygn. 309)

    Files of the Provincial Court in Lublin, trial of Teodor Dak ("Krakus," d. 1974), for participation in "pacification" of Polish civilians 1943‒1944 while in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) near Tudorkowice, Sztychorów (now Ukraine), Hunistyń (Hrubieszów county), and Chłaniów (Krasnystaw county). Dak charged under Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka,” issued by Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego regarding Nazi criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and punishment of traitors to the Polish nation). Dak sentenced in 1972 under Article IV of the ...

  7. Hans Vogel diary

    Consists of one spiral-bound diary, handwritten in German with illustrations and insertions, written by Hans Vogel, originally of Cologne, Germany. The diary, which covers the period of July 24, 1940 to August 9, 1941, describes the Vogel family's life in exile in Oloron-Sainte-Marie, France and concludes on the day the family arrived from Europe in New York City in August 1941.

  8. "Das Krematorium in Dachau"

    Consists of a copy of "Das Krematorium in Dachau," an eyewitness report given by Willy Furlan-Horst shortly after the liberation of Dachau. The report describes the interior of the crematoria, the gas chambers, the procedures for torture and execution of prisoners, the duties of the Kommandos, and the facilities for housing the SS attack dogs.

  9. Chaim Malachi collection

    Consists of three photographs taken during the war of prisoners in uniform at an unknown concentration camp. The photographs are from the collection of Hindu Davidovich Kiczales, though she is not depicted in the images.

  10. Records of the Jewish National Council of Lithuanian and Jewish Parliamentary Group in Lithuanian Sejmas (Parliament) (Fond 620)

    Contains records relating mainly to the period of Jewish national autonomy in Lithuania, 1923-1926. The records of the Jewish National Council consist of miscellaneous correspondence files concerning all aspects of the activities (political, economic, educational, cultural etc.) of the Jewish communities of Lithuania. The collection also includes general records related to the activities of the Jewish parliamentary group in the Lithuanian Sejmas and includes minutes of meetings, reports, statistics, drafts of the various decrees relating to Jewish minority rights, records regarding municipa...

  11. Max Vielgut papers

    The Max Vielgut papers consists of documents and correspondence related to Max Vielgut, a musician originally from Vienna, Austria. The papers include his correspondence from pre-war Vienna, from the period after his escape to Belgium, as well as in France, where he was interned in various concentration camps, including Saint-Cyprien and Gurs.

  12. State Court Graz: Nazi-related court cases Landesgericht Graz : NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court and investigative records of Nazi-related cases in Styria, Austria for the years 1954 to 1992. The collection includes court case against Franz Murer, the deputy of the SS commandant of the Vilna (Vilnius) ghetto ("Stellvertreter und/oder Adjutant des Gebietskommissars der Stadt Wilna und Referent für Jüdische Angelegenheiten"); includes both cases that did and did not reach verdicts.

  13. Samuel Gottesman Collection

    Consists of one memoir, 76 pages, entitled "A Chronicle, 1923-1947," written by Samuel Gottesman, originally of Irshava, Czechoslovakia (now Ukraine). He describes pre-war religious life in a small town, and his town being rounded up and deported to the ghetto in Berehove in the spring of 1944. He describes life in the ghetto and their deportation to Auschwitz, where he was forced to work on various construction projects. In January 1945, when Auschwitz was evacuated, he was sent on a forced march and placed in a open rail car, finally arriving at Bergen-Belsen. In the spring of 1945, he wa...

  14. "The First Generations: An early genealogical history of the Shanas, Stracovsky, Kimmelfeld, Gorstein, Mozart, Frimet, Smaller and other related families as they struggle for survival in both the Old World and the New"

    Consists of one manuscript entitled "The First Generations: An early genealogical history of the Shanas, Stracovsky, Kimmelfeld, Gorstein, Mozart, Frimet, Smaller and other related families as they struggle for survival in both the Old World and the New," by Bert Z. Shanas. The manuscript, which includes extensive copies of photographs, family tree information, maps, and documents, also includes a chapter about the members of the family killed in the Holocaust in Ukraine and the family members killed in military service.

  15. Elihu H. Rickel papers

    The bulk of this collection relates to Commander Elihu Rickel’s time in China, and in particular Tianjin, in 1945-1946, while serving as a chaplain with the U.S. Marine Corps. While there, he sought to raise awareness about the condition of the Jewish community in Tianjin, which was comprised primarily of Jews who had fled Europe in the late 1930s. The second series of documents in this collection contains, in part, a report that Rickel wrote about the community, a letter he sent to Rabbi Stephen Wise, and a journalistic account of Rickel’s ministry among the Jewish community. By this time,...

  16. Amoreena Tillman collection

    Consists of a DVD containing a ten-minute documentary on the Holocaust created by Amoreena Tillman as part of a National History Day project in 2013. Also includes a DVD containing an interview by Amoreena Tillman with her grandfather, Dwight Aldrich, who was a member of the 334th infantry and participated in the liberation of the Hannover-Ahlem concentration camp. Amoreena incorporated the interview into her documentary.

  17. Frances Cutler Hahn collection

    Consists of digital images of documents and photographs related to Frances Cutler Hahn, who was born Fanny Lindenberg Kahan in Paris, France, in 1938. Includes photographs of her parents, Schlomo Zalman Kahane and Cyla Lindenberg, letters to their family in Poland, photographs of Fanny in wartime childrens' homes and post-war orphanages, and documents related to her immigration to the United States with the assistance of HIAS.

  18. Eva Weinberger Cohen collection

    Consists of photographs, postcards, a photograph album, photographic negatives, documents, and postcards from the collection of Eva Weinberger Cohen, originally of Kusnice, Czechoslovakia [now Ukraine]. Though her family remained in Kusnice and was deported to Auschwitz, where only two sisters survived, Eva obtained false papers and posed as a Catholic in Budapest. She was able to obtain a spot on the Kastzner train and was deported to Bergen-Belsen in July 1944; she was released in December 1944 and sent to Switzerland. Includes pre-war family photographs; post-war photographs of Eva's sur...

  19. "Naki's Story"

    Consists of one typed story, 8 pages, written by Jack Samarias in the voice of his aunt, Naki (Esther) Touron-Fais, and describing her Holocaust experiences. In the story, "Naki" describes the wartime bombing of her hometown of Larissa, Greece; the family's decision to leave Larissa for Vizitsa, Greece, where they felt they would be safer; her visit to Larissa in March 1944, where she was arrested and taken to an internment camp outside of Larissa. She and a friend, Julie, lied about being Christians and convinced the German guards to release them as long as they could provide proof. Julie ...

  20. Eugenia Goldberg testimony

    Consists of testimony, 26 pages, in German, written in 1993 in the form of a letter by Eugenia Goldberg, originally of Liepāja, Latvia. She describes life under Russian occupation in Liepāja and in Riga, the German invasion, and her wartime attempts to survive. She also mentions the experiences of her extended family, as well as of George Schwab, who her husband, Julius Goldberg, aided.