Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 381 to 400 of 55,777
  1. Комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача у Војводини

    • Komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača u Vojvodini
    • Pokrajinska komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača u Vojvodini
    • Zemaljska komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača u Vojvodini

    Arhivska građa fonda sadrži podatke o zločinima koje su okupatori i njihovi pomagači počinili na teritoriji Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine u toku Drugog svetskog rata. Građa je nastala u periodu od 1929. do 1950. godine i čine je: - delovodni protokoli, imenski registri i inventari dokumenata Komisije i njenih organizacionih jedinica, registri ratnih zločinaca, narodnih neprijatelja, žrtava i oštećenika, kao i druge evidencije; - prepiska Komisije i njenih organizacionih jedinica: pravilnici, uputstva, objašnjenja, raspisi, dopisi, izveštaji o radu; - zapisnici o saslušanju žrtava, oštećenik...

  2. Лични фонд Павла Шосбергера

    • Lični fond Pavla Šosbergera

    Građa fonda je nastala u periodu od 1920. do 2011. godine i najvećim delom se odnosi na prostor Vojvodine, a nastala je radom Pavla Šosbergera. Dokumenta o delatnosti tvorca fonda: istorijat porodice Šosberger; nagrade, priznanja i dr; podaci iz radnog odnosa; predavanja, intervjui, savetovanja, seminari i dr; materijali sa sastanaka Jevrejske opštine, Saveznog izvršnog veća, komisija i dr; Ugovor o međusobnom davanju u zakup novosadske Sinagoge. Najveći deo građe u fondu čine razni materijali koji su nastali ili koji su sakupljeni tokom rada Pavla Šosbergera na pisanju raznih radova i knji...

  3. Комисија за утврђивање штете причињене од стране окупатора историјским предметима и знаменитостима Војводине

    • Komisija za utvrđivanje štete pričinjene od strane okupatora istorijskim predmetima i znamenitostima Vojvodine

    Građu fonda čine prijave i procene štete na školama, crkvama, sinagogama, manastirskim konacima, raznim društvima i udruženjima, humanitarnim, sportskim, kulturno-prosvetnim ustanovama, muzejima, spomenicima, čitaonicama, umetničkim predmetima fizičkih lica i drugo.

  4. Zbirka dokumenata

    • Collection of documents
    • Muzej Vojvodine
    • MV ZD
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • There are 80 boxes of paper documents in which Holocaust relevant items could be found. Also, there are index cards containing basic info about each World War II civil victim from Vojvodina region.

    The Holocaust related material in the Collection consists of documents concerning the “Raid” in southern Bačka, documents containing basic personal data for WWII victims and perpetrators associated to Vojvodina, as well as documents produced by occupation regimes in Vojvodina during the WWII (mostly acts containing discriminatory measures, acts related to confiscated property and deportation to concentration camps).

  5. Zbirka fotografija

    • Collection of Photographs
    • Muzej Vojvodine
    • MV ZF
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • Overall, the Collection includes almost 28 000 inventoried photos and Holocaust related photographs can be found via index cards.

    Dozens of photos presenting scenes of punitive and discriminatory measures, incarceration and deportation, former synagogues, “Raid” in southern Bačka, and victims.

  6. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    • State Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes of Occupiers and their Supporters
    • Državna komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okuaptora i njihovih pomagača

    Commission created by Yugoslav Partisan Government during WWII in 1943. for collection all data about Crimes committed by Occupiers and their Accomplices. The fund consists primarily of statements of survivors and their relatives, decisions for War Criminals, partly by original documents or copies of documents. There are comprehensive lists of War Criminals. Part of documentation published by Commission in 93 Saopštenja (Comunique) and in some other publications.

  7. Pressesammlung

  8. KZ Dachau

    • Concentration camp Dachau
    • Konzentrationslager Dachau
    • KL Dachau
    • KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
    • 01
    • German
    • 1933
    • 35 Regalmeter, verschiedene Medien, u.A. Papier, digital, Fotos, Pläne.

    Materialien aus der Zeit des Bestehens des Konzentrationslagers Dachau. Darin Materialien und Angaben zu Peronen (ehemalige Häftlinge, SS-Personal, Häftlinge im SS-Straflager Dachau, weitere Personen), Orten (Stammlager Dachau, Außenlager und -kommandos), Verwaltung, Häftlingsgesellschaft, Lageralltag, Täter etc.

  9. Konzentrationslager und Verfolgungsstätten

    • andere Konzentrationslager und Verfolgungsstätten
  10. Stadt Dachau

    • Dachau
    • City of Dachau
  11. M.52.DASO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Sumy Region

    M.52.DASO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Sumy Region History of the Archives: The regional archival administration in Sumy was established in 1925. Its function was to collect documentation from the local archives, to absorb documentation of the archives that were dismantled, to create original collections and to establish the newspaper archives. In 1930 the archival administration underwent reorganization and it became the local administration of Sumy. In 1932 it became the Historical State Archives of Sumy. Upon the establishment of the Sumy region in 1939, the State Histo...

  12. Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Personalabteilung II (Senate Chamber - Personnel Department II) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Personalabteilung II (Senate Chamber - Personnel Department II) in Hamburg

  13. Various materials from the Saarbruecken State Archives (without a central organization that produced them)

    Various materials from the Saarbruecken State Archives (without a central organization that produced them)

  14. Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Volksschulen (State and private elementary schools) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Volksschulen (State and private elementary schools) in Hamburg Included are files from the following schools: - Fritz-Schumacher-Schule - Schule Wohldorf-Ohlstedt - Schule Moorkamp 3 - Mädchenschule Angerstraße - Volksschule Barmbeker Straße 30/32 - Schule Altenwerder - Schule Turmweg - Schule Von-Essen-Straße - Sammelschule I (Maretstraße) - Volksschule Bunatwiete (Maretstraße) - Heinrich-Wolgast-Schule.

  15. Collection of Th. Limperg, a senior lecturer at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, who opposed the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands during 1941-1943

    Collection of Th. Limpberg, a senior lecturer at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, who opposed the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands during 1941-1943 Included in the collection: Circular by Limpberg, regarding the VO 23/1940 law concerning the Germans' control over the universities in the Netherlands; Protocols of meetings at the Universiteit van Amsterdam during 1941; Documents regarding the situation of the Jews at institutions of higher learning in the Netherlands during 1941-1943; Documents regarding the situation of the Portuguese Jews in the Netherlands in 1942; Circulars regarding the...