Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,921 to 21,940 of 56,066
  1. State Museum at Gross Rosen collection

    The collection consists of concentration camp uniform pants and jacket relating to Gross-Rosen concentration camp during the Holocaust.

  2. Esther Lurie collection

    The collection consists of two drawings created by Esther Lurie in a labor camp.

  3. Oral history interviews of the KRUU collection

    Oral testimonies of Holocaust survivors recorded for the radio program "Speaking Freely," a production of KRUU-FM.

  4. Kongregacja Wyznania Mojżeszowego Kraków collection

    The collection consists of two damaged stained glass windows likely from Tempel Synagogue in Krakow, Poland, which was desecrated by German occupation forces during World War II.

  5. Jesse and Ruby Goldman collection

    The collection consists of German artifacts related to the experiences of an American soldier during World War II.