Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,981 to 22,000 of 56,066
  1. Joe Friedman collection

    The collection consists of a cane, patch, a woodcut, military records, occupation, military, and displaced persons camp life materials, photographs, and printed materials relating to the experiences of Joe Friedman and his work with displaced persons for the Third Army and Military Government and Holocaust memorial events held between 1978 and 1982.

  2. Hans Pauli collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David badge, a SS dagger, and an SA membership document.

  3. Muzeum Okregowego w Koninie collection

    The collection consists of 3 bullet shells recovered from a tree.

  4. Irving Heymont collection

    The collection consists of a paperweight, correspondence, documents, photographs, a publication, reports, and a videocassette relating to the experiences of Irving Heymont, then a Major, 5th Regiment, 71st Infantry, during and after World War II in Germany, including the liberation of Gunskirchen concentration camp and his administration of Landsberg displaced persons camp in Germany, as well as continuing educational and commemorative activities.

  5. Fred Mittler collection

    The collection consists of 7 banners used by a Boy Scout troop in Shanghai, China during World War II.

  6. Barry Perlman collection

    The collection consists of seven pieces of scrip of the type issued in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp during World War II and four French currency exchange coupons of the type issued during World War I.

  7. Ervin Abadi collection

    The collection consists of eighty-six artworks created by Ervin Abadi while hospitalized after his liberation from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945.

  8. Simcha Dimant collection

    The collection consists of Buchenwald concentration camp canteen scrip, a concentration camp uniform jacket, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Symcho Dymant before the Holocaust in Czestochowa, Poland, during the Holocaust in Buchenwald concentration camp, and after the Holocaust in Fulda displaced persons camp.

  9. Hanna Poznanska-Linde collection

    The collection consists of a one piece of Łódź ghetto scrip, and two Soviet bank notes relating to the experiences of Hanna Poznanska-Linde, a survivor of the Łódź ghetto, and her husband, a soldier in the Russian Army during World War II.

  10. Matthaeus Pibal collection

    The collection consists of a concentration camp uniform jacket and pants relating to the experiences of Matthaeus Pibal, who was imprisoned in Germany for being a Jehovah’s Witness after the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany.

  11. Winter family collection

    Documents, correspondence, photographs, and certificate illustrating the experiences of Marianne Winter, a refugee from Nazi occupied Austria, who fled with her parents Max and Anna and her brother Stephan. Included are letters to Jane Bomberger in Reading, PA who was Marianne's pen pal since 1935 and whose parents assisted the Winters in immigrating to the United States. Also included are pre-war images of Winter's family, report cards for Marianne, materials documenting Marianne's participation in competitive swimming for Hakoach.

  12. Hadassah Rosensaft collection

    The collection consists of several series of anti-Nazi satiric prints.

  13. Foterek Sperling collection

    The collection consists of two bars of soap gifted to Helen Sperling and relating to the experiences of Czeslaw Foterek during the Holocaust in Stutthof labor-concentration camp.

  14. Paul Tauchner collection

    The Paul Tauchner collection includes a numbered badge from a concentration camp prisoner's uniform, a Buchenwald concentration camp badge, a Russian army propaganda leaflet, documents regarding restrictions on Rosa Block (1867-1942) as a Jewish woman in Germany, and it also includes photographs of Karl Hermann Frank, a postcard to someone interned at Theresienstadt, picture postcards depicting Adolf Hitler, and a form documenting Johanna Meisinger’s Aryan descent.