Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,781 to 21,800 of 56,066
  1. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 10 mark note

    10 (zehn) mark note receipt created in the Łódź ghetto, renamed Litzmannstadt by Nazi Germany after they occupied the city in September 1939. When the Germans transferred Jews to the ghetto, they confiscated all currency in exchange for Quittungen [receipts] that could be spent only inside the ghetto. The scrip was designed by the Judenrat [Jewish Council] and includes traditional Jewish symbols. Although the notes are dated May 15, 1940, the inital printing occurred in March. The ghetto was liquidated by the Germans in August 1944.

  2. Charlene Schiff papers

    The collection primarily documents the postwar experiences of Charlene Perlmutter Schiff, originally of Horochów, Wolyn Poland (Horokhiv, Ukraine), including her life in the Föhrenwald and Bensheim displaced persons camps (DP camps) and immigration to the United States in 1948. Included are documents, correspondence, and photographs. Documents include a United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) immunization card, notes, a copy of a legal document, and songs and poems. One poem, “I Remember” was written in 1985 and read by her at a Holocaust memorial service at Fort Bel...

  3. Roma documents from the Otto Pankok Museum, Düsseldorf

    Contains information relating primarily to Otto Pankok and his strong interest in Roma, especially Roma of Düsseldorf, Germany. Of special interest in the collection are articles relating to the artwork and career of Otto Pankok and his play "Wie Wir Leben."

  4. Eigil Jorgensen papers

    The Eigil Jorgensen papers consists of a framed original letter from the Danish bishops to the supreme authorities of the Nazi occupation forces in Denmark.

  5. Abstract painting by Jimmy Ernst

    Allegorical oil painting created by Jimmy Ernst in memory of his mother, Louise, who was killed in Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland during the Holocaust.

  6. Ukrainian Nationalists

    Documentary that combines Ukrainian newsreel and documentary film footage about the crimes committed by Ukrainian fascists--bourgeois nationalists--who murdered Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, and Jews. This short documentary uses footage of the trials held in the Ukraine post war, wartime newsreel footage, and oral history interviews with survivors and eyewitnesses. This film addresses the issue of war criminals who are believed to be still missing, or in hiding. There is an interview with a contemporary Ukrainian official who states that over 7,000 Ukrainian war criminals are still at large ...

  7. Gerald Trees photograph collection

    Consists of seven photographs of the Kaufering sub-camp of Dachau soon after liberation.

  8. Nordhausen photographs

    Consists of seven photographs from the liberation of Dora-Nordhausen. Contains images of victims' bodies and German civilians forced removal of corpses.

  9. George Herbenstreit photograph collection

    Contains two photographs taken after the liberation of Buchenwald, depicting rows of corpses of prisoners.

  10. Albert Schiff photograph collection

    Consists of twenty-two original prints taken after the liberation of Dachau, Buchenwald and Mauthausen concentration camps.

  11. Richard Bishop photographs

    Contains seventeen photographs taken by U.S. Army soldiers shortly after the liberation of Buchenwald. Includes images of three Army soldiers, identified as "Smith," Duffy," and "Grimm," at various places on the grounds of the Buchenwald camp site, and images of medical specimens found at the camp.

  12. Dr. W. Lehman Guyton collection

    Consists of twelve photographs, some bearing inscriptions, taken of the Gardelegen massacre site, and of the Hillersleben displaced persons (DP) camp.

  13. Gardelegen massacre photographs

    Consists of nine photographs taken of the Gardelegen massacre. The photographs were presumably taken by the donor, Dr. Peter B. Kamin, a member of the 44th Evacuation Hospital of the First Army.

  14. David and Louise Schneider papers

    The David and Louise Schneider papers contain documents and correspondence relating to David “Deszo” Schneider and his wife Louise Schneider (née Roth). Both in Belgium at the time of Nazi occupation, David spent 6 months in Camp de Gurs before escaping in 1943 while Louise hid in an attic in Mons-lez-Liège, Belgium to evade capture from 1942 until her liberation.. Included in the collection are correspondence with family, identification cards, photographs, and paperwork related to restitution from the German government. The David and Louise Schneider papers primarily consist of corresponde...

  15. Rev. James Burwell Ficklen III papers

    The Rev. James Burwell Ficklen III papers consist of photographs and a letter sent by Ficklen, Chaplain in the United States Army, to his wife relating to the liberation of the Ohrdruf concentration camp. The photographs and letter provide details of the camp and descriptions of what he witnessed.

  16. Adolf Hitler-Strasse street sign acquired by a US soldier

    Adolf Hitler-Strasse street sign, taken by Harmon R. Stone, a US soldier, during the Allied occupation of Germany in May 1945.

  17. Testimony of Nordhausen liberation

    Consists of a copy of a liberation testimony by Otho Kime written in the form of a letter on 24 September 1986. The brief testimony describes Kime's account of the liberation of Ohrdruf concentration camp and the activities of the Fourth US Armored Division in the area of Ohrdruf.

  18. Many kisses

    Contains copies of correspondence between Andrew Engel and his family and friends during the Holocaust, together with English translations, arranged in the format of a scrapbook. Includes information about Engel family genealogy, Righteous Among Nations, the concentration camp at Nyirjes, and forced labor.

  19. Reborn memoirs of a camp survivor

    Consists of a copy of the survivor testimony of Kay Gundel entitled "Reborn: Memoirs of a Camp Survivor." The testimony describes in great detail the persecution of Jews living in Berlin, Germany, just prior to World War II. The greater portion of the testimony is devoted to the graphic description of Gundel's imprisonment at Terezin, Auschwitz, and Merzdorf. The later part of the testimony describes Gundel's return to life in Germany and her eventual emigration to the United States. Also included with the testimony are several letters written to the Berthold family of Wilmersdorf, Germany....

  20. Narrative and diary of Mr. Gabriel Mermall

    Consists of a copy of a survivor testimony written by Gabriel Mermall in diary form. The diary recounts the experiences of Mermall and his son, Tommy, during six months of hiding in a forest near the Carpathian Mountains. The diary also contains information about Christians who aided Mermall and his son, activity of partisans in Hungary, and the advance of the Soviet Army at the end of World War II. Portions of the testimony are written in narrative form and are intermingled with the diary entries.