Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,401 to 21,420 of 56,066
  1. Glass plate negative of Dachau at liberation

    Image of two men dragging a corpse with tongs; negative in an Agfa film box with a label in French.

  2. Glass plate negative of Dachau at liberation

    Image of two men holding the arm and leg of a corpse lying on the floor; negative in an Agfa film box with a label in French.

  3. Note

    Contains a note regarding a patient, dated 18 November 1938, handwritten on paper with the imprint of the Israelitisches Asyl für Kranke und Altersschwache (Jewish hospital) in Köln-Ehrenfeld, Germany, and stamped "Zur ärztlichen Behandlung ausschliesslich von Juden berechtigt" ("Allowed to treat Jews exclusively").

  4. Book

    Book concerning the study of eugenics.

  5. Polish made telephone

    Polish made PZT

  6. Atrocities at Dachau Concentration Camp

    (LIB 6572) Atrocities at Dachau, Germany, May 3, 1945. INTs and EXTs, gas execution chamber with sign over door in German: "Brausebad" (Shower Bath). CU, pan to ceiling, gas vents; two holes on wall. ECU, one gas "nozzle." CU, floor; bigger vent (against wall). MS, pan to ceiling pipes. CU, 2 soldiers (one looks mournful, one disgusted). Piles of bodies in room adjoining gas chamber. SLATE: Marthey. MLS, Dachau train station. CU sign on building wall "Dachau." CU, street sign with cut-out, low relief sculptures. US armed entrance/gate to camp; two story barracks in BG. Sign: "Quarantine. Ty...

  7. Poetry written in the Łódź Ghetto

    Consists of a notebook of poetry handwritten by a 17-year-old girl named Ewa in the Łódź Ghetto, 21 September 1943.

  8. Book

    Insert in book concerning the study of eugenics.

  9. Book

    Book by Hermann Kesten, a German author whose writings were banned during the Third Reich, 1933-1945. On May 10, 1933 thousands of books, such as this one, were burned by Nazi students and their professors throughout Germany. The books, ransacked from libraries, bookstores and universities, were the product of authors who had been blacklisted as "un-German."

  10. Book

    Book concerning the study of eugenics.

  11. Card

  12. Book

  13. [Newspaper]

    German National Socialist newspaper

  14. Dorothy Shapiro collection

    Consists of American newspaper articles discussing the situation of Jews in the immediate postwar era. Includes two letters from the Vaad Hatzala rescue organization addressed to Dorothy Shapiro, dated March and April 1945, acknowledging her fundraising efforts.

  15. Warsaw ghetto scenes (before and after Uprising)

    Excerpts from Nazi film footage. Many people crossing over a footbridge into the ghetto. Homeless people sitting in the street. LSs of tenement buildings. Shots of bodies being taken off the street and loaded onto a death cart. Tanks on road. Brief shot that showing two German soldiers (SS?) standing in the middle of the street with damgaed buildings on either side. Smoke fills the street. The narration states that this is footage of the 1943 uprising and it appears quite similar to "Stroop Report" still photos. Distant shot of fires burning, then panning shot of destroyed ghetto.

  16. Edwin Chwedyk photograph

    Image of Edwin Chwedyk, created by unknown photographer, 1939, Lublin, Poland.

  17. Jews mistreated; Riga synagogue burned

    Men and policemen beating Jewish men in the street, dragging one man, punching one man. Fire in Riga synagogue (see fire through stained glass windows).

  18. The Eternal Jew Poster for an anti-semitic film