Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,401 to 15,420 of 55,889
  1. Heini Halberstam collection

    Consists of correspondence from Judith Halberstam, originally of Prague, Czechoslovakia, to her son, Heini Halberstam, who left on a Kindertransport to England in April 1939. The correspondence, which was diverted through family in Belgium, New York, and Zurich, was sent prior to Judith's deportation on June 10, 1942 as part of a reprisal for the death of Reinhard Heydrich. Includes identification documents for Heini and a pre-war black and white photograph of Judith.

  2. David Berger papers

    The papers consist of a letter in Yiddish written by Charles Fechtenbaum in 1988, a translation of the letter into English, and a clipping from "Jewish Currents", November 1999, relating to Ania Francos' life and to the Holocaust experiences of the Fechtenbaum family.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 48 and 49 -- Testimony of Perla Mark and Dr. T. Lowenstein Lavi; Romanian documents

    Session 48. Testimony from Perla Mark who describes the burning of the main synagogue in Czernowitz and the murder of Jews including her husband, the town's chief rabbi. Mark gives an account of the deportation of her son and brother to Theresienstadt. She states that her brother died in Theresienstadt and that her son was sent to Auschwitz, where he was forced to play cello in the camp orchestra. Begins in the middle of testimony from Theodor Löwenstein. The witness speaks in Hebrew. Löwenstein describes the physical measures against the Jews in Romania including the pogroms in Jassy, Bess...

  4. Records of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania

    Contains requests addressed to Maresal Ion Antonescu's office of the Presedintia Consiliului de Ministri of Romania from Jews wanting restitution for confiscated property, and requests by Jews to be considered and treated as non-Jewish Romanian citizens. Also contains records relating to Jews in forced labor in Romania and deportations of Jews from Romania, including records relating to refugees in Northern Transylvania, organization and administration of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria provinces.

  5. Liberation papers

    Contains one booklet entitled, "Berlin," prepared under the direction of the 78th Division Special Services Office, an album of black and white picture postcards of Germany, a map of Berlin showing the location of Special Service Clubs, American Red Cross Clubs as well as other recreational facilities, and thirty-four signal corp black and white photographs.

  6. Maria Kauderova-Fordham papers

    Contains mainly post-war documents regarding the personal history of Maria Kauderova-Fordham, originally of Czechoslovakia. She was liberated from Auschwitz at the age of 20 and eventually settled in Spain. The collection was donated by a woman who helped to care for Mrs. Fordham in the last months of her life, and therefore the life story of Mrs. Fordham is difficult to determine.

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius says that Eichmann did not have a position that would allow him to become part of the higher order of leadership. He says that the Prosecution has attempted to make him a key figure in the execution when he is not. The accusations of making decisions about the extermination are then challenged, saying that he only saw orders that were nearly completely decided. The charges of conspiracy must be dropped on this evidence, he says. 00:11:09 Servatius says that the implementation of the deportations was left to Eichmann, but all of his underlings, as well as the Gesta...

  8. Reinhold and Singer families papers

    The Reinhold and Singer families papers are comprised of biographical materials, a cookbook, correspondence, photographs, and printed materials documenting Feodora Reinhold Singer’s family in Germany, her departure via Kindertransport to England, Robert Singer’s family in Austria, his stay in the Merksplas internment camp in Belgium, and their immigration to the United States. Biographical materials include World War I era military records, education and employment records, marriage certificates, passports, identification cards, naturalization papers, and Feodora Singer’s personal narrative...

  9. Correspondence pertaining to Herbert David

    Contains letters pertaining to Samuel Tichnor's attempts to help Herbert David emigrate to the United States from Germany.

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 76 -- Eichmann's testimony

    Footage begins with the judges entering the courtroom. The camera cuts to show Eichmann standing and then sitting down as the judges are seated. Judge Landau opens the seventy-sixth session, reminding the accused that he is still under oath. Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about the functions and duties of the Head Office for Reich Security (00:01:29). Eichmann is asked if he worked with Department II, which concerned itself with organization and legal matters, then whether group IID worked on Jewish affairs. Eichmann states that his section did have contact with th...

  11. Medical kit

  12. Identification tag worn in Warsaw

    Identification medal worn by Charles Milgrim in the Warsaw Ghetto.

  13. Propaganda filming of the Warsaw Ghetto: arrivals; Jewish Council; police; prison

    ***This footage is from a roughly ninety-minute propaganda film that was never finished or shown publicly. It was created by a German propaganda camera team in the spring of 1942.The Nazi regime created these ghettos and imprisoned Jews within them, subjected them to these conditions of starvation and disease and overcrowding. And yet, with a film like this, they hoped to suggest that these conditions were chosen by the Jews, that they were natural Jewish living conditions. This film is considered propaganda because it is heavily staged, omits selective information, attempts to establish gr...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius speaking in German. 00:01:04 Tape is interrupted, time code resets. 00:00:27 Tape begins again in the same place. 00:01:11 Tape is interrupted, and restarts with Counts 1-4. Servatius addresses Count 4, preventing the births of Jews. He says that this implicates Eichmann in the actual sterilization of people, when he had no knowledge of these activities (duplicate footage from Tape 2231). Servatius raises evidence that shows that Eichmann did not give the orders for gassing, and that nothing shows that he gave the order for sterilizations. 00:08:49 Count 3, the bo...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- Eichmann talks about arrests, Jews, and the Wannsee Conference

    Session 107. The Attorney General Hausner is seated alone - the rest of the court, including the Judges, the Defense, and Eichmann, are out. They slowly return to their spots. 00:04:58 The Judges return and they open Session 107. Eichmann is reminded he is under oath. Eichmann is asked about the testimony of a previous witness, asking if he gave a speech to the imprisoned Jews telling them that the water was unfit to drink. He answers that he never gave any such speech, but contaminated water was a normal occurrence at the camps. He then talks, at length, about the arrest of priest Dean Gru...

  16. Bigler H. Mumma photograph collection

    Collection of thirteen photographs documenting the Nordhausen concentration camp immediately following liberation, taken by Bigler H. Mumma (donor's uncle) who served in a medical battalion with the US Army during WWII and was part of the liberation forces at Nordhausen. Images show hundreds of corpses of prisoners laid out next to partially-destroyed buildings.

  17. 101st Police Battalion photo album

    Contains a photograph album from a member of the 101st Police Battalion. Contains 170 photos/photo postcards.

  18. Minna Aspler papers

    Collection consists of three identity cards issued to Minna Aspler at the Landsberg Displaced Persons (DP) Camp, one 1937 photograph of a Warsaw classroom, and one postwar photograph of Minna with friends in Wahlwinkel, Germany.

  19. Rena F. Finder collection

    Contains twenty-seven black and white photographs of Rena Ferber Finder, her husband, Marcel (Mark) Finder, her mother, Rozia Windisch Ferber, and other displaced persons living in Bindermichl displaced persons camp in Austria. The photographs depict scenes of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) staff in Bindermichl; an ORT cosmetology training class; memorial and Yom ha-Sho'ah observances held in Bindermichl and nearby Gunskirchen one year after liberation; American Joint Distribution Committee staff in Bindermichl; and wedding day photographs of Rena and Mark F...

  20. Blanca Borell collection

    The collection consists of photographs depicting Blanca Borell and her husband Norbert Borell in the Linz-Bindermichel displaced persons camp 1945-1947. Photographs depict demonstration rallies by survivors of Gusen and Mauthausen, remembrance ceremonies in Gusen in May 1946, a soccer team in Bindermichel, and displaced persons en route to Canada with aid from HIAS. Includes a depiction of Simon Wiesenthal. Also includes a HIAS business card issued to Norbert Borer.