Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,141 to 11,160 of 56,066
  1. Cry...if you can a true story

    "Cry..If you Can- A True Story" by Leo Winokur Winn describes the author's family home in Łódź, Poland, his childhood and activities before World War II, his and his family's imprisonment in the Łódź ghetto, the deportation of his family to Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, and his subsequent survival of camps and a death march.

  2. [Newspaper]

    A 2-sided Hebrew newspaper published on August. 1, 1941, in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland.

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- An expert testifies

    13:40 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:41 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session; one witness has not yet arrived 13:41 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:28 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:30 Cerdini reads the Court's decision regarding the Defense's exception taken to an earlier ...

  4. U.S. soldiers in small European town and at camp

    US soldiers in combat gear and combat helmets boarding train, sitting in rail cars, eating and talking. VS, soldiers in combat helmets exiting building, walking towards camera. MLS, along roadside, civilians, local peasants with carts and all their belongings. Unclear if they are refugees leaving or returning home. VS, US soldiers hamming it up at base camp, two soldiers in SS uniforms engage in an Errol Flynn-style sword fight, mocking SS soldiers.

  5. Bulldozers and US Army engineers unearth corpses in the rubble of destroyed buildings

    The NARA record states that this film shows "the rubble of a European town devastated by Germans." Civilians and US Army soldiers (engineers?) watch as a bulldozer clears the rubble from a bombed building. After the bulldozers have moved the large pieces of debris, the soldiers use shovels to continue digging for bodies of those buried in the ruins. Soldiers escort a distraught man away from where they are digging. A long shot of several devastated houses, then a shot of what used to be the interior of a house, with a photo still hanging on the wall. A woman digs through the rubble piled on...

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 8 -- A witness testifies regarding the UGIF raid; a civil party testifies

    13:47 President Cerdini opens the hearing; asks for the accused to present himself; Barbie refuses to appear 13:49 Cerdini asks a bailiff to summon Barbie 13:50 Another bailiff reads the list of witnesses set to appear 13:52 Cerdini suspends the hearing until the bailiff returns from summoning Barbie 14:19 Cerdini resumes the hearing; the bailiff reads a statement noting that Barbie refuses to appear in court 14:22 Prosecutor Kormann asks to present a new document into evidence; the document, from the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, concerns testimony given by an SS General ear...

  7. Reichsbahn officials receive military medals; German soldiers going home on leave

    Poor quality image. Scenes from a ceremony honoring officials of the Reichsbahn. The ceremony takes place in a large hall, filled with uniformed spectators. Reichsverkehrsminister (Reich Minister for Transporation) Dr. Julius Dorpmueller is present. The audience applauds as several men receive the military honor of the Ritterkreuz (Knight's Cross). The recipients named in the Bundesarchiv description are: Reichsbahn Oberinspektor Hellenthal, Direktionspraesident Grimm, Lokfuehrer Kindervater, Direktionspraesident Lammerts, Lokfuehrer Bierschenk and Direktionspraesident Dr. Godefroy. Josef G...

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 3 -- Barbie's life after WWII in South America

    14:43 Barbie is examined concerning his emigration to South America. 14:52 Interrogation into Barbie's life in South America from 1951 until 1972. Of particular interest to the court were his business activites at the time. 15:01 Barbie's life after being discovered by the Klasrfelds in 1972. 15:07 Barbie's trouble with the Bolivian government. 15:16 The death of Barbie's children and wife. 15:21 Barbie's eventual political activites in Bolivia. 15:28 Barbie's extradition from Boilivia.

  9. Germans fighting in Kiev; city views; burning town

    Reel 1: 00:42:40 Kiev railway station, exterior and platform view. Postal signs. Portraits of Engels and Marx. Shot of a post box. Downtown Kiev scenes, including ZUM Department Store. Men work on constructing a bridge. Damaged buildings. Reel 6: 00:45:05 Buildings burning (set on fire by Ukrainians), probably September. The wounded are bandaged inside a building (poor quality). 00:46.17 Russian prisoners cook soup in bathtubs. Russian women and children huddle on the ground in front of a building. German soldiers walk towards a village that is engulfed in flames, various shots of the villa...

  10. Surrendering to the Germans; burying German soldiers

    Reel 2: 00:04:23 Quick CU of a German soldier firing a rifle. German military trucks traveling through a village. Panning shot of locals standing outside village buildings. CU of a three-striped flag atop a flagpole in the middle of a large plaza surrounded by small buildings; German military vehicles enter the plaza. Soviet soldiers approaching the Germans on horseback waving a large white flag; Russians are surrounded by a group of German soldiers. Pan of a wooden bridge; a soldier swings a rifle (cuts out). Reel 3: 00:05:27 (Repeat in RG-60.4262) Shots of buildings on fire in the distanc...

  11. Signet ring with an engraving of the Łódź ghetto bridge owned by a ghetto resident

    Ring with his initials given to Jerzyk Wajnberg for his 18th birthday in the Łódź ghetto. It is engraved with an image of one of the two bridges that joined the three sections of the ghetto. The sections were created by the fenced intersection of two major roads that crossed through the ghetto. The bridges were needed for the inhabitants to travel between sections, as they were not permitted on the roads. Jerzyk,his parents, Julian and Regina, and his sister, Joanna, became residents of the ghetto in December 1939, when the Germans, who occupied Poland in September, evicted them from their ...

  12. Records of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Collection contains political reports, memoranda, general correspondence, records pertaining to legal, consular, general travel, repatriation, citizenship, charity, deportation, property, real estate, and miscellaneous personal issues, concerning arrested and interned individuals, and requests for information. The documents were created by the general offices and the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Külügyminisztʹerium), and the Hungarian Embassies in Berlin, Brussels, Rome, Vichy, the Vatican, Washington DC, Bern, and the Hungarian Consulate in Amsterdam.

  13. Album

    Adolf Hitler - Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers [Adolf Hitler - Pictures of the Life of the Führer), a cigarette card album with 188 b&w and colored colored mounted cards, an encomium by Hermann Goering; text by Joseph Goebbels and others. Cigarette cards were a popular collectible item in Germany beginning about 1920. Large albums with text, but no pictures, were published for each series and the cards were collected to be added as illustrations. The album for this series has text and photo captions that tell the story of Hitler's life from birth in 1899, to his 1933 appointment as Cha...

  14. US Army and Navy chaplains perform Passover Seder

    Continuation of Story 4376. Members of the US Army and Navy celebrate Passover, perhaps in Hawaii (the originating unit is the 7th Hawaii). A woman identified in the NARA storycard as Mrs. Linczer lights candles. An Army and a Navy chaplain stand beside her. Officers and chaplains perform the ceremony. A view of the crowded hall. A slate identifies the cameraman as Sgt. Shivers and reads: "Jewish Passover APO 953 7th CCU 4-7-44." More shots of the ceremony. The participants seem very aware of the camera. Close-up shots of wine being poured, lit candles. Overhead shots of sailor and soldiers...

  15. Captured high-ranking Nazis, including Goering, Galland, Kesselring, Bodenschatz

    An American military truck carrying several high-ranking German officers arrives at an airfield. The officers get out of the truck and board a C-47 plane. Good shots but it is difficult to see their faces. The plane taxis and takes off. Shot of the sky and a formation of B-17s overhead. Sign beside a road lines with trees reads: "Only Road Surface Cleared of Mines." Two young women walk their bicycles down the road as American military vehicles drive by. An American interrogator stands beside a German general. Close-ups of the general. 01:15:47 Luftwaffe general Adolf Galland is shown on th...

  16. Resistance - women of the FFI (French Forces of the Interior)

    Two women of the Forces Francaises de l'interieur (French Forces of the Interior or FFI). One of them wears a badge bearing the double-barred cross that was the symbol of the French resistance. The camera pulls back to reveal several men in the room The FFI was a confederation of French resistance organizations.