Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,201 to 10,220 of 56,066
  1. Cesia Fater collection

    Collection of photographs, papers and brochures (including music scores) pertaining to the life of Issachar Fater, cantor, composer and music teacher before the war. In 1940 he was a refugee in Soviet Baronovice and worked as an inspector for teaching of music. After being freed from labor camp in Siberia he became the director of the State Philharmonic Orchestra in Tadjikistan. Returning to Poland, he moved to Paris, Belgium, Rio de Janeiro and in 1962 immigrated to Israel. Includes a birth certificate in the name of Elizbieta Ritkowska issued August 27, 1938 and used by donor during the war.

  2. Isidor Becker collection

    The collection consists of one visitor's gallery pass and one program for the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial issued to Captain Isidor Becker of the United States Air Force Dental Corps for March 13, 1946.

  3. Oral history inteview with Morris Salzberg

  4. Main technology office, NS Reich administration of the association of German technology Selected records of the Hauptamt für Technik, Reichswaltung des Nationalsozialistischen Bundes Deutscher Technik (NSBDT) (NS 14)

    The records contain correspondence with different offices of the Reichswaltung des Nationalsozialistischen Bundes Deutscher Technik (NSBDT) and documents about the education/propaganda-work. The collection also contains records related to prohibition of Jews in the BDT; list of Jewish engineers; technical publications by Jewish publishers; and some files mention Jewish participation in various fields on engineering or science.

  5. NS-Schul-Dias glass slides

    Contains approximately 280 glass slides produced by the Nazi government as educational tools.

  6. Jews with armbands in destroyed Warsaw

    Jews wearing armbands on the heavily bomb-damaged streets of Warsaw. People on foot and in horse-drawn carts pass in front of bombed out buidlings.

  7. Print 4, Swieki, spruce trees

    Print 4 of 10, in a book of ten prints by Leon Wyczolkowski, either signed or signed in plate.

  8. Fritz Buff papers

    The Fritz Buff papers consist of biographical materials, letters, and a travel diary documenting Fritz Buff from Krumbach, Germany, his voyage aboard the MS St. Louis to Cuba in 1939, the ship’s forced return to Europe, his life as a refugee in Brussels, Belgium, and his immigration to the United States in 1940. Biographical materials include identification, registration, and immigration papers and a ration card documenting Buff’s status as a German Jew, his relocation to Belgium following the return of the St. Louis in June 1939, and his immigration to the United States in 1940. Two letter...

  9. Jews remove stars during liberation of Tunisia

    Scenes from the liberation of Kairouan, Tunisia on April 4, 1943 by the 8th British Army. View of the city, followed by shots of French General Philippe Leclerc. Residents of Kairouan cheer and greet the entering British troops. Jews remove their star badges, throw them to the ground, and step on them. A man removes a sign that reads, "Durchgang fuer Wehrmacht Verboten [entry by the Wehrmacht forbidden]."

  10. Adolf Fingrut photographs

    Collection of photographs documenting the experiences of Adolf Fingrut during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. Some of these photos bear the stamp of Adolf's photo studio in Rembertów, Poland.

  11. John Scott Small collection

    Collection consists of correspondence and one photograph sent to Holton Ramsay Small [donor's brother] in the United States from a family in Austria seeking assistance to leave Europe, and one letter written to him from a displaced person in Salzburg, in English.

  12. Tami Ben Or collection

    Consists of four photographs pertaining to donor's life in prewar Budapest. The donor survived the war using false name of Marishka Lenart in the village of Rakocz Ligett, Hungary.

  13. Early Nazi rally (Day of Opposition)

    The Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP) joins the NSDAP in the Harzburg Front alliance. The event was called the "Day of Opposition." Large crowd of uniformed men standing in a wooded area. Many of the men are members of the Stahlhelm, a paramilitary organization affiliated with the DNVP. 10:05:20 Title identifies the "leader of the National Front" followed by a shot of Alfred Hugenberg, head of the DNVP. 10:05:50 Close-up of Franz Seldte, co-founder of the Stahlhelm. 10:06:01 Theodor Duesterberg, another Stahlhelm leader, speaks. 10:06:27 Ernst Roehm is visible in front of a large crowd. H...

  14. German troops and parade in Pancevo's town square

    Colonel Stockhausen reviews troops while a military band plays in a town square in Pancevo. Local civilians watch the parade and a Roma/Sinti band plays. Smiling German soldiers eat and drink at an outdoor café; German officers ride horses; soldiers and officers take a boat ride and drink beer on the Danube.

  15. Lola Fuchs and Leon Mazliach papers

    Contains documents and photographs illustrating the post-war experiences of Lola Fuchs [Fuks], born in Szydlowiec, Poland and deported to slave labor and concentration camps including Skarzysko Kamienna, Częstochowa, Bergau, Bergen-Belsen, and Allach; and Leon Mazliach [Masliach], born in Saloniki, Greece and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Dachau-Muehldor. The couple met and married after the Holocaust in the Feldafing displaced persons' camp, and later immigrated to the United States

  16. Sammlung Schumacher collection on the History of National Socialism Sammlung Schumacher zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus

    The Schumacher collection contains very diverse files of German government and NSDAP offices between 1933 and 1945, including documents of NSDAP branches abroad, the Office of Racial Policy, the SA, the SS, Hitlerjugend, and other agencies. It includes examples of Nazi propaganda, orders by Heydrich and other officials, documents on the Freemasons and similar associations, and documents relating to Austria, Italy, and other countries.

  17. Black velvet embroidered tefillin bag buried for safekeeping while owner in hiding

    Black velvet pouch used to hold his tefillin, prayer boxes worn by Jewish males during morning prayer services, buried for safekeeping with other religious items by Johanna Baruch Boas while she lived in hiding in Brussels, Belgium, from 1942-1944. It originally belonged to her husband, Bernhard, who died in Berlin, Germany, in 1932. She brought it with her when she fled Nazi Germany for Brussels in March 1939 with her daughter’s family. Germany occupied Belgium in May 1940 and soon there were frequent deportations of Jews to concentration camps. Johanna had a non-Jewish landlady who hid he...

  18. Cheryl Mordfin collection

    Collection consists of a record book containing the meeting minutes of the Zduńska Wola Relief Organization; written and kept by Anna Katzowsky, donor's grandmother, who was recording secretary. Also includes a blank postcard sent out for meeting notifications inserted inside front cover; dated 1940-1957, in Chicago, Illinois. Anna Waksman Katzowsky immigrated to the U.S. from Zduńska Wola, Poland in the 1920s. She and others would meet regularly to collect money to send along with packages to family and friends still living in Zdunska Wola during WWII and after liberation when some had mov...

  19. PK cameraman heads to the Yugoslav front

    Titles: "Frontbericht 1941 von Gottfried Kessel Im Banat" [Report from the front 1941 by Gottfried Kessel: In Banat (the name of a geographical region which includes Pancevo)] Shots of Kessel with his Kodak camera in Neuruppin, Germany after the French campaign. Kessel's narration says he studied photography and enlisted in the Propaganda Kompanie. Scenes shot by Kessel out the window of a JU 52 plane as he heads to the front.