Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,721 to 9,740 of 56,066
  1. Dora Fischbein Cohn photographs

    Consists of 21 pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of Dora Fischbein and her family. Dora Fischbein was born in 1936 and spent most of the war hiding as Haneczka Holowiecka with the Koszarski family. Her parents, Osias and Feiga were able to visit her in hiding a few times, and after liberation the family was reunited and emigrated to Venezuela in 1949.

  2. Col. John Christopher Bechtler photographs

    Consists of 33 photographs from the collection of Col. John Christopher Bechtler. Includes photographs taken upon the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp as well as photographs taken from a German soldier and photographs described as taken in the Eastern front. The photographs taken from a German soldier includes photographs of the hanging of men wearing signs accusing them of anti-German partisan activities.

  3. Paul R. Brown collection

    Collection of photographs of unidentified camp. Acquired by Paul Richard Brown (donor's father) while serving with the US Army in Europe during WWII.

  4. Sheva Vapne collection

    Consists of documents and photographs related to the Holocaust experiences of the family of Sheva Latvinsky Vapne, originally of Riga, Latvia. Includes a copy of a pre-war photograph of the Latvinsky family and an English-language copy of a diary, written by Sheyna Gram (cousin of the Latvinskys) from June 22, 1941 until her death on August 8, 1941, entitled "The Anna Frank from the Latvian Little Town of Preili." Also includes copies of photographs showing a memorial in remembrance of the Jews of Preili and a print-out recording the deaths of Sheva's brothers, Leizer and Abram, who died fi...

  5. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Collection of photographs documenting the Nordhausen concentration camp immediately following liberation; dated April 1945. Acquired by Captain Donald Shonk Morris, a medical officer with Company D, 329th Medical Battalion, 104th US Infantry Division, who liberated Nordhausen on April 12, 1945.

  6. Armband handstitched with a red cross and Star of David by a concentration camp inmate and nurse

    Armband worn by Annie Rose Levine while she was imprisoned in Auschwitz concentration camp. In June 1942, Annie, her husband, Benjamin, and their 4 children were deported by the Germans from Sered, Czechoslovakia, (Slovakia) to Auschwitz. In September, Benjamin was beaten to death by camp guards for saying the Kaddish over a dead bunk mate. In 1943, Annie began working as a nurse in the camp hospital. An SS section leader made her his private nurse. One day, he asked her to get a paper from a box beneath his bed. Also in the box was her husband’s wedding ring. That day, Annie secretly stitc...

  7. Moses Kirschner collection

    Certificate: laminated, issued to Moses Kirschner (donor's father) by the International Information Office Dachau; states that he was "detained in Dachau" from July 15, 1944 until April 29, 1945, and was assigned prisoner number 81204; photograph of bear attached; issued May 14, 1946.

  8. Unger family visits their Jewish relatives in a Polish village

    A young boy, Sy Unger, wrestles and kicks a dog in a field. Kalman Unger (man with a long beard) walks throughout the village. CU of the brick house the Ungers live in, a source of pride in a town where most houses are made of mud. Camera pans over the small town of Niebylec, Poland. Cows are led past the camera. A small boy (cousin) slides down a little hill barefoot. Kalman's second wife walks by the camera in a kerchief. A well dressed man pumps water from a well. People sit together on a bench. Sy performs tricks with an umbrella for the camera. A child rocks on a swing in a park in the...

  9. Crossing Rur River; liberation; atrocities

    Allies Overrun German Positions in Big Push. American infantry troops advance into Germany. Troops march past badly damaged buildings and footage shows some artillery fire. Long shot of Jeeps of the US 9th Army crossing the Rur river (small river in western Germany, not to be confused with the Ruhr). Troops pass through Linnich. Dead German soldiers in Juelich. German POWs march down the road. The narrator says that the enemy's casualty lists have surpassed one million on the Western front. Shot of German civilians and devastated buildings. Generals Eisenhower and Simpson inspect the area n...

  10. Howard Brodsky collection

    Contains a postcard sent to Frau Julie Brasiak in Poland from Brasvak [illegible] in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp; written on pre-printed camp postcard; dated December 21, 1941; and a letter sent to Marie Mika in Litzmannstadt (Łódź) from Tadeusz Mika, who was imprisoned at the Dachau concentration camp; written on pre-printed camp stationery; dated December 16, 1944.

  11. Doris Anne Brooks collection

    Collection consists of documents, photocopies, and passports relating to the family of Sigismund Salo Rund, originally of Berlin, Germany.

  12. Walter Spitzer allegorical drawing of three children seated in a concentration camp

    Drawing created on June 21, 1947, by Walter Spitzer, and given to Hana Jane Barton in a cafe in Paris, France. The drawing depicts three children, sitting on the ground. According to the artist: “ the boy will grow up to be a criminal; the girl will become a bitter woman; and the child on the right will be an idiot - after all, what can you expect them to be, after what they experienced.” Each child represents a different characteristic: despair, cunning, obliviousness. Spitzer, born in 1927 in Poland, was imprisoned in multiple concentration camps during the Holocaust. The 17 year-old Spit...

  13. Edna Bojm collection

    Consists of postcards written by Nissim (Nino) and Ermosa (Mosa) Bachar [donor's father and mother] during his period of internment in Albania during World War II. Includes pre- and post-war family photographs of the donor and her family, including two photographs of Nissim Bachar in a labor camp in Albania.

  14. Wolf Hampel collection

    Collection of three notebooks written by Wolf Hampel (donors’ father) while he was receiving educational training as an electrician in Munich as a displaced person; one photographic print of Wolf Hampel boxing in the Bad Reichenhall DP camp; one document issued to him by the U.S. Army; Wolf Hampel was born in Łódź, Poland. He was sent to Auschwitz and was eventually liberated in the Dachau concentration camp.

  15. Demonstrations in Berlin

    MS, Brandenburg gate. Various shots of the massive crowd gathered at the gate. Narration: "On the Brandenburg gate a cameraman filmed endless columns of the demonstrating revolutionary soldiers and workers of greater Berlin. Two weeks ago the sailors revolted in Kiel. A few days after that the Bavarian Republic [was founded]. In many places in the Reich workers and soldiers have seized power." 01:02:50 "Revolutionary demonstrators on Unter den Linden." MS, people parading through the gate. Spectators waving at the camera.

  16. Postwar destruction of German city; US soldiers celebrate

    Pan of desolate grounds and destruction of buildings at an airfield in Stuttgart(?). A small aircraft flies in the sky. Remnants of demolished German airplanes and their skeletons on the ground. Street scenes, a civilian with a briefcase walks towards the camera. Pan of bomb destruction. Camera focuses on "The Churchill Machine Tool CO LTD Manchester England" engraving. Piles of debris on the ground. Extensive damage, ruins. 01:18:52 CU of U.S. Army jeep. An officer with a mustache talks to someone off camera while standing next to the vehicle holding the steering wheel. He and another offi...

  17. Borokowsky, Gideon, and Reifenberg families papers

    Contains documents illustrating the experiences of Erich Reifenberg and Martha Borokowsky [donor’s parents] in Germany and their eventual immigration to the United States. Erich traveled from Germany to Holland and immigrated to Baltimore from Rotterdam in 1937, and Martha immigrated to Baltimore in 1938. Also includes documents concerning Bertha [Berti] Gideon, Martha’s cousin, who also immigrated to the United States from Germany to New York in 1939.

  18. Margaret Bourke White photograph

    1 Gelatin Silver Print: photograph by Margaret Bourke White. Photograph depicts charred remains inside Buchenwald crematorium oven, on display for German civilians forced to view Nazi atrocities found by American forces after they liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp.

  19. Radio-Sende-Spiel [Radio transmission game], a Nazi propaganda board game

    Playing board for a Nazi propaganda game, Radio-Sende-Spiel: Ein luestiges Wuerfelspiel fuer vier Personen [Radio Station Game: A funny dice game for four people.] The game is based upon the sending of radio messages between transmission towers of the German Armed Forces within Germany circa 1942, thus Czechoslovakia and Poland are shown as part of Germany. The player's goal is to make it around the board while avoiding enemy or foreign radio stations. Radio transmissions are monitored by enemies of Germany. Cities outside German boundaries, such as London, Paris, Bucharest, and Moscow, are...

  20. Pinta family collection

    Contains two photographs, one partial identity card issued to donor's father after liberation, and one modern copy print regarding the experiences of the Pinta family.