Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,141 to 5,160 of 56,066
  1. A short film about the Kessler family dogs

    Lizzy-Film Produktion. Mitglied des Klubs der Kinoamateure Oesterreichs. “Unser Hundeparadies” “Sultan, ein Bernhardiner, 3 Monate Alt” “Waldi, ein bissiger Dackel Eva---Mitze” “Hansi, sein herrl, zwei statisten” “Ort Grinzing” “Freunde” Hans Otto Kessler (Hansi) plays with two dogs. The dogs tug on what appears to be a fabric scrap. “Eva stoert den Frieden” The dogs chase a cat and play in the sun. “Drei Monate spaeter” The dogs play in the snow. “Zeit-Vertrib” A woman (possibly the camera operator and Hansi's mother, Alice) entertains the dogs with a stick and they continue to play in the...

  2. Activities in France; Kershner speech; children sing

    “American Friends Service Committee.” “Views of some of the activities in and around Marseille May 1942.” “France May 1940.” Flames engulf various buildings, with billowing black smoke. Various collapsed buildings. Civilians leave the city en masse, loaded into trucks or walking. People are carried on stretchers. Large crowds of people sleep in a large, crowded room. CU of various children sleeping, crying, looking upset. AFSC logo. Pan of the AFSC building (the offices weree one floor above Varian Fry's office in Marseille). Howard Kershner, the American head of the Quaker delegation, sits...

  3. Selected records from the State Archives of the Chernivtsi Region related to the history of the Jewish Communities of Northern Bukovina before and after WWII

    The bulk of the collection contains prewar records (1918-1940) of various Romanian government agencies related to the socio-economic and political history of the Jewish communities of Northern Bukovina. It includes government permissions for the opening Jewish businesses and Jewish public organizations, payment of taxes, revocation of citizenship, surveillance of activities of various Jewish organizations, individual Jews as well as foreign Jews residing in Northern Bukovina; vital records, applications of Jews travelling abroad for foreign passports, criminal and civil court cases involvin...

  4. Outtakes from a comedy film about a family eating (3 reels)

    Outtakes from Lizzy Kessler's comedy film "Familie Unterernährt isst Gansl Lustspiel in 2 akten" (RG-60.7029)

  5. Sonja Alaimo collection

    Contains a manuscript, unpublished, written by Sonja Alaimo, describing her experiences fleeing Novi Sad in Yugoslavia and being interned on the island of Korcula under Italian occupation. Born Sofia Backman in 1927 to Jakob and Maria Backman, Sonia and her mother fled to Korcula in 1941. Sonia’s father, Jakob, was interned until late 1941 and then also came to Korcula. In 1943, they were then sent to Italy where the family remained until they came to New York in 1947.

  6. John J. Garvey collection

    Contains photographs taken by John J. Garvey (donor’s father), who enlisted in the US Army in 1939 and served in 62nd Armored Field Artillery Battalion. He fought in North African Campaign, in the invasion of Sicily and took part in the D-Day crossing. Corporal Garvey’s unit liberated the Hurlach concentration camp, a Kaufering IV sub camp of Dachau, on April 30, 1945. Includes a photograph showing prisoner corpses, annoted on the verso: “ Camp Hurlach” Germany 1945 – Bodies of human beings”; in pencil.

  7. Adler and Blau families papers

    Passports, documents, correspondence, and related materials documenting the immigration of Richard F. Adler and Alice (nee Blau) Adler to the United States, from Nazi occupied Austria, in the late 1930s, and their experiences as recent immigrants in the United States. Also includes documents related to their lives and those of their respective families in Austria prior to emigration.

  8. District Notary Office in Stropkov Obvodný notársky úrad Stropkv

    Selected records pertaining to anti-Jewish regulations and decrees, the persecution of Jews, and Aryanization of Jewish property in the Stropkov district. The collection consists of minutes, notes, legal decrees and other documents concerning the Jews living in Stropkov. Files 1939-1944: handwritten minutes and notes of the General Council in Stropkov; regulations of the Stropkov government commissioner, relating to execution of anti-Jewish legislation; measures relating to Jewish real estate, immovable property of Jews who were deported. Files 1941: documents relating to various anti-Jewis...

  9. Paris Peace Conference, 1946

    Posing on a balcony in Paris with children, one woman smokes a cigarette. Bus: “Service Special. Conference de la Paix,” children posing in the window. Ornate facade of the Academie Nationale de Musique. Statue, CUs woman seen earlier, gentleman. The marquis for the Hotel Scribe. Women and children on the sidewalk. 01:07:54 Another shot of the Conference de la Paix bus.

  10. Court of the First Instance in Tuszyn Sąd Grodzki w Tuszynie (Sygn. 2290)

    Selected files of the records so-called “Zg”. Records relate to declaring someone dead or issuing a death certificate. This includes persons who perished during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: including persons arrested either by Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, murdered in ghettos or in other places of extermination. The files (app. 5-20 pages) contain an application declaring the death of a person, testimonies of witnesses filled out on standard forms, correspondence and sentences of the court. That entry enabled one to subm...

  11. Erika Ziemlichova collection

    Contains an autograph (“Poesie”) book that belonged to Erika Ziemlichova (donor’s mother, later Erika Campbell), born in Krnov, Czechoslovakia, who was sent by her parents in 1939 to stay with relatives in Guatemala City. Erika was not successful in her attempts to bring her parents and younger sister to join her in Guatemala. The book includes inscriptions, signatures, inserted notes, loose pages and a cut out illustration. The collection also includes a memoir entitled "Something of Myself" written by Erika Campbell; 10 pages; typed; recollecting her departure from Czechoslovakia, brief s...

  12. Chaim and Rita Wind collection

    Consists of documents, correspondence, and photographs pertaining to the experiences of Chaim and Rita Wind, formerly of Berlin, after their emigration from Nazi Germany to Shanghai. Included is a postcard sent to Chaim Wind in 1940 from his sister and parents in the Tarnow ghetto.

  13. Theatre program and antisemitic cards

    Contains three cards with antisemitic drawings of Jews; and an opera program which originally contained an insert instructing the audience to remain seated until the Führer and his party left the theater (insert now missing).

  14. Would you Tell Secrets to Spies? Then Don't Talk About Military Matters WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "Buy Defense Bonds! Your Buying Keeps 'Em Flying", on one side, and "Would you Tell Secrets to Spies? Then Don't Talk About Military Matters" on the other side.

  15. Lutz travels with others on a train

    Unknown date. Carl Lutz and a woman sit in a train car. Another woman travels with them. CU, Mother Lutz with the woman. Man with a mustache. Carl and two women look out the window at the passing landscape, pointing at things. Carl puts his arm around his mother. They gesture out the window. Off the train, there are various close shots of the different woman smiling. The mustached man. CU, elderly woman. Carl. He tips his hat several times. They pose in front of a monument with lots of domes. Carl with the elderly woman. He gestures behind him. Group shot. They wear hats and fur coats, and ...

  16. Ilse Wolff Geldern notebook

    Contains a notebook kept by Ilse Wolff Geldern, born in 1905 in Duisberg, Germany. Documents concerts, plays, dates and venues recorded by Ilse. The last entry is for a concert performed by the Kulturbund in 1936.

  17. Oral history interview with Carl Groth

  18. Fred Stern collection

    The Fred Stern collection consists of one letter (V-mail) and one photograph pertaining Pvt. Fred Stern's service with the 327th Engineer Combat Battalion, 102nd Infantry Division. The letter was sent to his sister Mollie Bruh (née Stern) in May 1945. The letter relates the German atrocities witnessed by Stern, specifically the Gardelegen Massacre and its aftermath. The photograph depicts the corpses of Dachau concentration camp victims.