Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,921 to 4,940 of 56,066
  1. My life, as a child, during the holocaust in Romania

    Testimony: “My life, as a child, during the holocaust in Romania”; 10 pages, in English by Liviu Schapira, born 1934 in Piatra Neamtz, Romania. Schapira describes his experiences primarily between 1939-1944. He describes the rise of the Iron Guard to power, expulsion from school for being Jewish, the murder of family members and other Jews by the Iron Guard, anti-Jewish laws and restrictions, how his father’s instincts helped the family avoid deportation, liberation by the Russians, and life after liberation.

  2. Holländer family papers

    The collection documents the pre-war lives of Gerson and Jenny Holländer and their daughter Gerda in Berlin, Germany and their immigration to the United States in 1938. Included are documents related to relatives, photographs, identification documents, marriage and death certificates, and immigration documents. The bulk of the correspondence is with Jenny’s uncle Max Friedwald in Montana; S. Frohman, Max’s executor of his estate; and Louis Melnick regarding their emigration from Germany.

  3. Laszlo Vasilie Nussbaum testimony

    Contains a letter from Holocaust survivor Laszlo Vasilie Nussbaum of Cluj-Napoca, Romania regarding his experiences, and photocopies of documents relating to his and his family’s experiences during the Holocaust.

  4. Fred Davis Johnson collection

    Contains photographs taken post liberation of Dachau concentration camp in Germany. Images depict Nazi atrocities, dead strewn about, in rail cars, survivors wandering about in camp; and Nazi guards who were killed by their victims or American troops. Most photographs inscribed with descriptions on reverse by donor’s father Fred Davis Johnson, a sergeant attached to the Third Army. Included are a few images taken by and/or processed by Germans and appear to be mug shots. Also includes a confession of Franz Ziereis, commandant of Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, as told to survivor ...

  5. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Polish Embassy in Paris Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Paryżu (Sygn. 463)

    Reports, studies, articles, correspondence and other materials related to the condition of national minorities in Poland and other countries in Europe, including Germans, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Lithuanians and Polish Jews. Included are materials about Jewish matters: Jewish affaires in Poland and other countries, attitudes of the Jewish population to the Polish-Soviet war, Zionist organizations, the issue of pogroms of Jews in Poland, general position of the Jewish population in Poland, 1919-1920; the Universal Jewish Congresses in Gdańsk and Karlsbad, Jewish Memorandum to the Council of ...

  6. Charles and Ellen Hill collection

    Contains a handwritten letter, with envelope, from Charles Hill to his wife Ellen about his visit to the Buchenwald concentration camp, dated April 22, 1945; a typed carbon copy of the letter; three photographs and one partial photo, all mounted on paper, of Charles & Ellen Hill while on vacation in Greece and Europe shortly before WWII, dated 1939; and one loose photo of Charles Hill, dated January 1945.

  7. Charles Dennis Bobo collection

    Contains a photograph album compiled by Charles Dennis Bobo (circa 1960s) of images, copies created likely from negatives or other original images of Nazi propaganda, Nuremberg defendants, and a visit to the Dachau memorial site.

  8. Key fob commemorating the bicentennial of George Washington’s birth with a swastika on the back

    Hard plastic key fob commemorating the 1932 bicentennial of George Washington’s birth bearing his image on one side and a lucky swastika on the other. The fob was most likely manufactured in the United States around 1932, when the US had an official commission to manage nationwide bicentennial celebrations. Many prominent manufacturing companies produced medals, medallions, tokens, fobs, and other novelties for use during those celebrations, and their designs were widely copied by less reputable manufacturers. This fob is likely one of those copied novelties with a common image of Washingto...

  9. Archives of the Chief Rabbinate (Sephardi community) in Istanbul

    Records of the Jewish Community Istanbul in Turkey. Includes correspondence of the lay Council of the Jewish community of Istanbul, minutes of meetings, correspondence of the Chief Rabbinate, birth and death registers, a list of Jewish business, correspondence of the Chief Rabbi Hacham Bashi, correspondence with government offices, the rabbinic court (beit din) notebook, and press clippings from Turkish newspaper (mostly antisemitic). Note: Source Archives inventory at:

  10. Selected records of Dr Stefan Uhma related to history of Polish Red Cross Zbiór dr Stefana Uhmy dotyczacy historii PCK (Sygn.762)

    Records of the Polish Red Cross (PCK) districts of Kraków, Kielce, Lublin, Łódź, Pomorskie, Rzeszów, Śląsko-Dąbrowskie, Wielkopolska, and branches in Skierniewice and Łowicz including documents relating to organizational structure, regulations, extracts from protocols, and correspondence. Also included are accounts and materials of various persons regarding the financing, organization and activity of PCK; copies of German court judgments in cases against Poles; assistance for civilians during the war and occupation of 1939-1945, assistance for persons in Montelupi prison in Kraków, assistan...

  11. "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

    Printed report from the B'nai B'rith, Tel Aviv, titled "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

  12. Commission for War Refugees Commissie voor Oorlogsvluchtelingen

    The archive consists of minutes and other documents of the Commission meetings related to the organization, and coordination and reception of refugees in the particular provinces in the Netherlands.

  13. The Oldest People Didn't Jaywalk WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "If you Hoard - Make it Bonds!" and "The Oldest People Didn't Jaywalk" on the other side.

  14. Commission to File a Declaration of the Death of Missing Persons Commissie tot het Doen van Aangifte van Overlijden van Vermisten (Cie). Aangifte Overlijden Vermisten

    Correspondence, reports, circulars concerning the methods of work and details of deportations, witness statements, reports of death of missing (most Jewish persons), and various documentation about the German concentration camps. In addition to a "Central Register of Deeds of Death of Missing Persons", there are further registered accesses and card systems. The VP files (Missing Persons) are located in the archive Justice/Missing Persons (Archive Inventory: Accreted records consist of individual cards indicating the names of missing persons, with a note on possible repatriatio...

  15. Tile fragment

    Tile fragment with a partial image of a Star of David found by Valerie Wilpon on March 26, 2017, in the area of Warsaw where the Jewish ghetto was established in German occupied Poland during World War II.

  16. David Weyl diaries

    The collection consists of three diaries kept by David Weyl, originally of Erkelenz, Germany, documenting his Holocaust experiences after fleeing Germany to the Netherlands in 1939. The diaries chronicle his deportations to the Westerbork and Theresienstadt concentration camps and span 1942-December 1945. They also include notes on family history and addresses.

  17. Balas family photographs

    Collection of small individual photographs cut from contact sheet with portraits of members of donor’s family who died in the Holocaust.

  18. Schmelczer family collection

    Collection of correspondence, written between members of the Schmelczer family in the Strasshof concentration camp, as well as from family friends after liberation; dated 1944-1946; in Hungarian.

  19. Fonds David Diamant (CMXXV)

    Records of David Diamant (Aaron David Erlich). Records include personal papers, letters, manuscripts, archives, photographs, drafts, press clippings and work books as well as letters of internees, political detainies and deporties, and testimonies and records of the Union des juifs pour la résistance et l'entraide (UJRE), Union of Jews for Resistance and Mutual Aid.