Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 30,981 to 31,000 of 55,889
  1. French address booklet

    Address-booklet, entitled "A Communauté (community). Contains mainly London-based addresses of organizations and embassies, as well as private addresses. Owner unknown.

  2. Arnold Rosé: copt documents re wartime musical activities

    The collection was deposited at the Wiener Library on the instruction of Richard Newman, co-author of Alma Rosé: Vienna to Auschwitz, Amadeus, USA, 2000. Alma Rosé was Arnold's daughter and became the conductor of the Auschwitz orchestra, where she died in 1944. Whilst the book obviously focuses on the experiences of Alma there is substantial biographical account of many members of the family including her father and his relation to the Mahler family.

  3. Various eyewitness testimonies

  4. Lizzi Grünwald collection

  5. Lewis Goodman: copy letter re Kristallnacht

    The letter describes conditions on Kristallnacht in the author's home town. Unfortunately the name of the town is not made apparent.

  6. Kommandostab RFSS Nachrichtenkompagnie, Eastern Region: Reports

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of copy reports amassed by the Kommandostab RFSS Nachrichtenkompagnie emanate from regional HSSuPF (Higher SS and police leaders) from headquarters in North, South and Central Russia. They cover the period July to October 1941 and document the actions and movements of various battalions and regiments either linked with or part of the notorious Einsatzgruppen. In particular they provide details of the murder of Jews, partisans and other civilians

  7. Yom Hashoah 2006

  8. Peter Mansbacher memoir

    This mf copy memoir of Peter Mansbacher was donated to the Wiener Library by Clare Ungerson.

  9. Inherit the truth

  10. Julia Rahmer: Papers re Neu Beginnen

    This collection of copy documents of Julia Rahmer, a former member of the underground Leninist group Neu Beginnen, gives some insight into the activities of the group and the realities of life as a member.

  11. Report re antisemitism in Holland

    Report, by Miss de Boer according to an account by Mr L. Ph. Polak, re the persecution of Jews in Holland covering the period 1940-1945 and including reference to the destruction of a synagogue; erosion of Jews' rights and privileges; execution of the Chief Rabbi; transportation of Jews to WesterborkEnglish 8 pages 

  12. Letter seeking advice re behaviour towards Jews

    This is a letter with response requesting advice on how to conduct oneself with a Jew written by a person unknown- a partially legible annotation on the response suggests it might have been written by someone called G. J. Bloch. the same note seems to date the letter 8 November 1931. It is addressed to the leadership of the 'N.D.A.P', Muenchen Braunes Haus. The response is from Uschla, R. L.

  13. Josef Reheis: Indictment

    Certified copy of an indictment of a forester, Josef Reheis from Brannenburg, Bavaria the Oberlandesgericht, Munich. This is an example of the prosecution of an ordinary German citizen for uttering ‘unpatriotic' sentiments about the war. Having admitted to two strangers that he regularly listened to foreign radio stations for reliable news about the progress of the war and that he felt Germany was sure to lose, he was denounced by them, and sentenced to two years imprisonment.

  14. World Jewish Congress: various reports

    This collection consists of reports, communiqués and newsletter from the World Jewish Congress regarding the situation of Jews in Austria and Yugoslavia.

  15. Herczlinger family: copy papers

    Copy family documents and digital photographs

  16. Holocaust memorial Day: Event in Luton

    Holocaust Memorial Day Announcement of an event in Luton