Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 22,101 to 22,120 of 56,066
  1. Herbert Hugo Langshur family collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Erna and Sigmund Langschur and their son Herbert Hugo Langschur in prewar Czechoslovakia and of Herbert's experiences during the war in the United Kingdom.

  2. Bernice Krinsky collection

    The collection consists of a Wehrmacht helmet and a cane used by a member of the German army.

  3. Video productions of the United States Army Days of Remembrance collection

    Days of Remembrance ceremonies at US military bases and television programs on Jewish war veterans.

  4. Lazlo and Eugenia Szamosi collection

    The collection consists of a typewriter and two copy prints.

  5. John and Dorothy Goldmeier collection

    The collection consists of a World War I medal, documents, and photograph albums relating to the experiences of Hans Goldmeier (later John), his wife, Dorothy Fried Goldmeier, and their extended families in Germany and England before, during, and after World War II.

  6. Muzeum Wojska Polskiego collection

    The collection consists of artillery shells, a rifle, and a pistol relating to military activities in the Kampinos Forest and the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland during the Holocaust.

  7. Rabbi Aaron Landes collection

    The collection consists of two Waffen SS fez found at Dachau concentration camp following its liberation by United States troops.

  8. Charnitzki family collection

    The collection consists of a briefcase, purse, an autograph album, correspondence, a digital file, documents, photographs, and a prayer book related to the experiences of the Charnitzki family in prewar Königsberg, Germany, in Shanghai during the Holocaust, and in the United States after the war.

  9. Gábor Izsák collection

    The collection consists of a Hungarian Socialist propaganda leaflets and 3 Hungarian Socialist propaganda stickers.

  10. André Scheinmann collection

    Consists of materials related to the Holocaust experiences of André Scheinmann. Born Joseph Scheinmann in 1915, André hid his Jewish identity and worked in the French Resistance and for Great Britain as a spy in France. He was arrested as a Nacht und Nebel political prisoner and was interned at the Natzweiler-Strutthof concentration camp as a kapo, and later in the Dachau concentration camp. Includes "Call Me André," a narrative written by Diana Mara Henry with the assistance of Scheinmann, several articles she wrote about his experiences, and oral history interviews with Scheinmann.

  11. Inge Auerbacher collection

    The collection consists of a doll and doll clothing relating to the experiences of Inge Auerbacher during and after the Holocaust when she and her parents were deported from Germany and imprisoned in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German occupied Czechoslovakia.

  12. Joachim Hahn collection

    The collection consists of a Torah scroll and publications relating to the cultural history of Jews in Nazi Germany.

  13. Leon and Olga Thau family collection

    The collection consists of a typewriter and case, documents, photographs, and written testimony relating to the experiences of the family of Leon and Olga Thau and their sons Felix and Benjamin before the Holocaust in Germany and during and after World War II in the United States.

  14. The 1990 Jewish Welfare Fund Appeal of Cleveland's Pre-Mission to Poland Group collection

    The collection consists of nine pieces of scrip from the Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto in German occupied Poland scrip : nine 50 pfenning notes and ten 5 mark coins.

  15. Nathan D. Weiss collection

    The collection consists of items found postwar at Dachau concentration camp.

  16. Stefan Petri collection

    The collection consists of a workbench and over forty tools, machines, and machine parts, relating to the experiences of Stefan Petri, who with his first wife, Janina, concealed a Jewish family, Kaufman, Ela, and their sons Marek and Jerzy Szapiro, in two hiding places he built in his home in Warsaw, Poland, from spring 1942 to September 1944.

  17. Joseph Wardzala collection

    The collection consists of a forced labor badge, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Joseph Wardzala, a Roman Catholic who was deported from Poland to a forced labor camp in Germany during World War II. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  18. Menachem and Ita Blinbaum Konkowski families collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David badge, armbands, medals, a ribbon bar, cufflinks, certificates, correspondence, documents, photographs, and testimonies relating to the experiences of Menachem and Ita Blinbaum Konkowski and their families before the war in Poland, in the Jewish resistance and in hiding in Belgium during the war, and supporting the Jewish underground army in Palestine after the war.

  19. Annette Fry collection

    The Annette Fry collection includes photographic material, correspondence, art objects, and publications documenting Varian Fry’s work for the Emergency Rescue Committee in France, some of the artists and intellectuals he aided, and travels around Europe.