Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,241 to 21,260 of 56,066
  1. Book

    Medical book

  2. [Newspaper]

    German National Socialist newspaper.

  3. Purse made while interned in Gurs concentration camp

    Purse made while interned in Gurs camp

  4. Oral history interview with Sam Dicker

  5. Cobblestones from Chłodna Street, which separated the two sections of the Warsaw Ghetto

    Cobblestones removed from Chłodna Street in Warsaw, Poland. The street was an important east-west thoroughfare in the city of Warsaw. On October 12, 1940, German authorities in Warsaw decreed the establishment of a 1.3-square-mile Jewish ghetto, and required over 400,000 Jews from the city and nearby towns to relocate inside the 10-foot-high wall that bounded it. An approximately 650-foot-long portion of Chłodna Street was contained within the ghetto until December 1941. Afterward, it became an Aryan-only street that divided the ghetto into two sections, with the relatively elite and intell...

  6. US Tanks Advance; German POWs; Burning village

    Slate: PROJ 186, MURPHY, 24 MAR M3. 03:20:48 MS, US tanks rolling into village, some greenery, trees, and a large white house visible in BG. 03:21:09 MS, Establishing shot, through opening in rock formation. Open field and road beyond field. Tank rolling by 'window' in FG. One tank has a visible #48 painted on the side, in white. 03:21:22 MCU, back of head and helmet of US MP in FG as he motions for tanks to pass by. MSs, US army vehicles, mainly tanks moving along dirt road, alternating scenery in FG, chain link fences, MPs, shrubs and tree branches. 03:21:41 MSs, military vehicles approac...

  7. Glass plate negative of Dachau at liberation

    Image of U.S. soldiers standing near pile of bodies outside; negative in an Agfa film box with a label in French.

  8. Dachau liberation negative

    Glass plate negative of Dachau at liberation. Image of a pile of corpses; negative in an Agfa film box with a label in French.

  9. Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Records from Yad Vashem collection

    Contains samples of Main Commission documents relating to war crimes and war crimes investigations from file 2848 in the collections of Yad Vashem.

  10. American Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress index cards

    The American Jewish Congress (AJC) and World Jewish Congress (WJC) index cards primarily consist of an index to Holocaust survivors and war victims in Europe requesting aid through the AJC and WJC and American sponsors who volunteered to provide assistance. Additional index cards comprise sponsor reply cards, an index to members of the American‐Polish Medical Alliance, miscellaneous activities of the AJC and WJC, and an alphabetical index of Aufbau articles. The index to requests for aid and sponsors tracks requestors, sponsors, and assignments made between them. Most cards provide minimal ...

  11. Selected records from the Czech State Archives

    This collection contains a wide variety of documents relating to the fate of Jews, communists, and other anti-fascist groups in the Czech lands (e.g., underground armed resistance, church groups, etc.). Also included is documentation on pro-Nazi activities by Sudeten Germans prior to the German occupation of Czech lands; implementation of the Munich agreement; preparations for the military occupation of Bohemia and Moravia; internment in Terezín (Theresienstadt) concentration camp; the destruction of synagogues; increasing restrictions on Jews in business and public life; the arrest of Roma...

  12. Stanley Osinski papers

    Contains copies of documents and other materials concerning the experiences of Stanley Osinski (then known as Szaja Ofenhejm) during World War II and his involvement in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

  13. Minsk survivor testimonies

    Contains information about survival in the ghetto in Minsk, Belarus, during the Holocaust. Also contains two photographs of Minsk ghetto survivors.

  14. Alice and Gerhard Zadek papers

    Contains photographs and text excerpts from "Ein Judenjunge Vom Alex," by Alice and Gerhard Zadek, compiled in scrapbook form. Includes information about young Jews participating in a resistance group headed by Herbert Baum and information about Zadek family members killed during the Holocaust. Dates covered in the text are 1939 to 1948.

  15. Ayduth Lachayim: Witness to Life, Holocaust Survivors in the Cleveland Jewish Community

    Contains information about the Holocaust Education and Commemoration Committee of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, Ohio; Yad Vashem; the 1981 World Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors in Israel; and 287 Jewish Holocaust Survivors from Cleveland, Ohio. Also included is information about the family members of the Cleveland survivors who perished in the Holocaust.

  16. Excerpts from the Shidlovtsa Yiskor book

    Contains information about Holocaust survival from former residents of Shidlovtsa, Poland. Translations from Yiddish into English were completed by Freda Stone.

  17. Louis Piechota papers

    One issue of "La tour garde: annonce le Royaume Jehovah," 15 Novembre 1980 No 22 Bimensuel, containing the article "Jai servecu a la marche de la mort" by Loui Piechota.

  18. Johannes M. Lublink papers

    Contains the January 1989 and June 1990 issues of "Stictig: we nemen 't weer niet, 1933 -19nu" concerning the persecutions and killings at the Sachsenhausen camp and the Nov.-December 1948 issue of Appe'l ( a publication of the Netherlands bureau of the American Red Cross) concerning Sachsenhausen and other camps. Also included is a copy of a written testimony by Johannes Lublink and a copy of a photograph of Johannes Lublink and a woman (presumably his wife), dated October 1945.

  19. Documents relating to Aryan descent, taxation, and membership in Jewish Community of Berlin

    Contains three documents: 1) Record from the Bishopric of Aachen, consisting of an excerpt of proof of Aryan ancestry, used to document the wedding of Peter W. Hansen and Agnes Kreitz, which took place in 1850 but was documented on this form in 1936; 2) a document (2 leaves) from a finance office in Berlin-Charlottenburg, documenting payment of a war subvention on income tax for the calendar year 1939, sent to Ilse Sara Foerder, May 1940; 3) a document from the Judische Gemeinde zu Berlin, e.V., showing that Ilse Sara Foerder had paid her yearly dues to the Jewish congregation, and had paid...

  20. "My Heroine Aunt"

    Includes a two-page biography of Margarete Elkan describing her acts of heroism during the Holocaust. The essay, "My heroine aunt," describes the work of Margarete Elkan as well as the stories of Bertha Bennigsohn and Elise Katz. Both the brief biography and the essay describe the experiences of German Jews before and after the Holocaust.