Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,101 to 21,120 of 56,066
  1. Hindenburg speaks at rally

    Goebbels in profile in trenchcoat. At Lustgarten, Berlin. In BG soldier and journalist in bowtie and hat. Big camera visible too. Great MLS of camera on tripod. Pan out across swarming crowd. Hindenburg walking through crowd, up to podium. Looks very professorial. "Heils"; holding top hat. Hindenburg speaks, greets crowd. Reads from paper with big print in gloved hand (age). Then, hurrahs, big cheers with raised fist, National Anthem. Remainder of reel contains: Hysterical crowds at another event. Nazi banners. Fireworks. Spotlights. Train station?

  2. Red Front demonstration

    Men marching down a street, some playing insturments and carrying flags, as part of a Red Front demonstration in Berlin. They raise their fists in a salute at one point. Crowds watching Ernst Thaelmann, the KPD candidate who ran against Hitler in 1932 and was later executed in Buchenwald. Profile shots of him speaking (silent). The crowd salutes. A building with a large "Vote List 5" sign on it. KPD election campaign demonstration. People hand out literature. A poster shows a drawing of a worker slaying a several-headed snake. Signs entreating people to vote for the KPD. Shotes of people ma...

  3. Italian partisans surrender

    Hands up in surrender, partisans in civilian clothing retreat from mountainside. Seated on a hill (under guard), looking unhappy.

  4. Banks closed

    "Deutschland in Not" Newspaper headlines Banks closed, sidewalk scenes.

  5. Illegal Ship

    Night-time shots of refugees with large packs boarding rubber boats. Crowded onto deck, rushing into hold and covering selves with tarpaulin when British airplane flies overhead. Airplane is an RAF : Lancaster. British warship (destroyer) sited, Brits jump from their decks to refugee ship. English and Hebrew sign "Haganah Ship Unafraid" and "Jewish" flag raised.

  6. Rivesaltes concentration camp, France

    Children and mothers getting off buses on arrival in the camp. Tracking shot of "camp garden," people working with hoes. Men in hospital beds; sick people arriving from Gurs camp. People eating in dining hall. Mail passed out. Elderly men and women walking outdoors.

  7. Signing of Versailles Treaty

    Views of the Palace of Versailles and the gardens. The camera pans left to right across the exterior of the palace, showing the crowds lined up outside. More exterior shots - the fountain, crowds cheering, waving flags, soldiers marching in formation. One car after another drives through a large archway - the delegates arriving. Delegates and their wives embark from cars and are greeted and escorted inside: French Foreign Minister Stephen Pichon, French Premier Georges Clemenceau, American Secretary of State Robert Lansing, General Tasker Howard Bliss, Herbert Hoover, General Michel Maunour...

  8. German POWs

    Captured German POWs are marched in a column by American soldiers, who smile into the camera. Motorcycles drive past the column of prisoners. The camera pans across POWS, some of whom are wounded. POWs sit in a field. They stand in rows and are counted. POWs shown removing dead/wounded Allied soldiers from a field. A crowded shot of POWs shown lying or sitting switches to much smaller groups of three or four, who look at the camera. Wounded, including a man with a large bandage over his eye. POWs receiving medical treatment. Supplies being unloaded from a truck. Prisoners behind barbed wire...

  9. Waffen SS green fez given to a US officer by his soldiers after the liberation of Dachau concentration camp

    Green/field gray fez with a swastika and Death's head given to Byron Lee Schatzley, an officer in the United States Army, in May 1945 by ground troops following the April 29 liberation of Dachau concentration camp in Germany. The green fez was part of the combat uniform of a Waffen-SS military detachment composed of Muslims from Bosnia, Croatia, and Herzegovina in occupied Yugoslavia, with one division from Albania. There was a red fez for the dress uniform. The creation of this unit was authorized by Hitler in 1943. The original purpose was to combat Tito’s partisans. Through recruitment a...

  10. Propaganda film on eugenics/Nazi racial science

    Opening title sequence with production company, credits. Propaganda on genetic analysis. Family visits the doctor, who records their hair color, eye color, skull size with the appropriate equipment. (Some of these devices are artifacts displayed at the USHMM.) Family in waiting room. Doctor measuring skull size of man, woman, and their son, using calipers. Doctor checks hair coloring of mother against his hair color-spectrum samples; same process with eye color of mother, child.

  11. Whip

    Found inside barracks (by Louis Scutiere?), Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

  12. Ley Speaks

    Ley speaks at the Kongresshalle in Berlin, about "Truth and Hope".

  13. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 10 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 10 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  14. Hitler comes to power

    Title: "Herbst 1932". Reports on activities and policies of the Nazis in Germany 1921-1933 (poor sound quality, fades in and out). Title: "Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor 30 January 1933". Title: "Goering, Named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, Outlines His Program February 1933." Goering seated, speaks to camera, outlines program. Title: "Election Day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933." MCUs of citizens coming in and out of the election booth. Title: "Gewerkschaftshaus." VS of German soldiers and workers milling about the entrance way to a building. Title: "Election Day in Berlin, 5 Mar...

  15. War Crimes Trials: Jodl under interrogation

    British prosecuting attorney in CU puts questions to Jodl who answers but we never see Jodl, only hear his voice. Includes question regarding plebicites as an excuse for military force. Talks of Schussnig and his fate, considered an "Honorary member of Dachau." Response: "that is an honor one would be glad to dispense with." 01:32:00 Staged shots of young women walking in sitting down and listening thru headphones.

  16. Book

  17. Pamphlet cataclysm of the World"

    A critical survey of Hitler's Mein Kampf. Published by the American Goodwill Association, New York, NY.

  18. Liberation photographs of Dachau and other camps

    Consists of positive photographs and negatives depicting scenes of Dachau and what seems to be various other concentration camps soon after liberation. The photos focus on the camp prisoners and the crematoria.

  19. The Poison Mushroom Book

    Antisemitic children's book, Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom) acquired by Isadore Tuerk, a psychiatrist in Patton's 3rd Armored Division, in Gotha, Germany, circa May 1945. It has an anti-Jewish inscription in a child's handwriting and a stamp from a school library in Gotha. It was published by Der Stuermer Verlag, a division of the viciously anti-Jewish newspaper, Der Stuermer, published by Julius Streicher from 1923-1945. The illustrations are by Fips (Phillip Rupprecht), the paper's well known antisemitic cartoonist. Both men were arrested by the US Army in May 1945. Rupprecht was t...