Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 91
Language of Description: English
Country: Poland
  1. Akta miasta Przeworska

    • Files of the town of Przeworsk

    The collection contains i.a. materials on the establishment of the ghettos and Jewish community assets, population records, correspondence regarding the Jews, German orders, as well as a summary list of the Jews in Przeworsk from 1940 to February 1942. There is also a file entitled “Administracja majątkiem pożydowskim” (Administration of former Jewish assets), which contains lists of large numbers of businesses, houses and other real estate.

  2. Krajowy Zakład Leczniczy w Międzyrzeczu - Obrzycach

    • Landesheilanstalt Meseritz-Obrawalde
    • Regional Treatment Institute in Międzyrzec-Obrzyce
  3. Polsko-Brytyjskie Towarzystwo Okrętowe S.A.

    • Polish-British Shipping Company

    Files include official correspondence regarding reservations, copies of tickets, lists of émigré passengers, among whom were large numbers of Jews, and shipping documents. These materials are an interesting source for research into emigration of Jews from Poland on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. They contain considerable information on mutual aid campaigns by Jewish organizations, which assisted with all the formalities surrounding emigration. There is also a large volume of correspondence regarding reservations and information.

  4. Akta miasta Łowicza

    • Files of the town of Łowicz

    The collection contains i. a. information on forced labour among Jewish artisans in the years 1940-1942, including in the local labour centre established specifically for this purpose, the Dom Pracy (Labour House, call no. 3045, 3046, 3052), as well as a list of Jews dating from 1940 (call no. 3060) and documents referring to confiscations of industrial plants owned by Jews.

  5. Akta Miasta Lublina. 1939-1944

    • Files of the city of Lublin

    The collection contains i.a. materials concerning the establishment of the ghetto, “lists of deaths” among the Jews, and forced labour, and also large numbers of residential registration ledgers

  6. Rejencja Opolska

    • Rejencja Opolska
    • Opole Regional Administration

    The collection comprises i.a.the extensive correspondence in connection with the destruction and liquidation of synagogues during the Kristallnacht, 9-10 November 1938, and other antisemitic incidents; documents of the Związek Żydów Polskich (Union of Polish Jews) and other materials (file with the call no. 1963, Wydział I [Department I]).

  7. Gdynia-Ameryka. Linie Żeglugowe S.A

    • Gdynia-America Shipping Lines

    The surviving files include i.a. contracts for transport of Jewish passengers on the Palestine line, official correspondence regarding people of Jewish birth being smuggled on the MS Piłsudski in the years 1935-1937, collective lists of passengers and named lists (e.g. of those travelling to Buenos Aires), passenger traffic statistics, and personal files of some passengers, including Jews from Poland and Germany.

  8. Dokumenty niemieckie z okresu okupacji hitlerowskiej

    • German documents from the Nazi occupation period

    The documents of special importance to the history of the Holocaust are those gathered in Section I, among them: call no. 200 – Traktowanie Polaków i Żydów w tzw. Kraju Warty (różne zarządzenia) oraz sprawy wysiedleń z lat 1939-1943 (Treatment of Poles and Jews in the “Wartheland” [various orders], and resettlements in the years 1939-1943) call no. 398 – Przesiedlanie Polaków i Żydów do GG (Resettlement of Poles and Jews to the GG), call no. 699 – “Judentransportliste nr 1” (Jewish transport list) dated 13 December 1939; a list of 768 people deported from the camp at Główna Street in Poznań...

  9. Akta miasta Piotrkowa

    • Files of the town of Piotrków Trybunalski

    The subcollection "Commissar and Administration of the town of Piotrków 1919-1945" in addition to documents generated by the German administration, also contains files of the Rada Starszych Gminy Żydowskiej (Committee of Elders of the Jewish Community). The documentation contained in this collection is extremely extensive and concerns all aspects of the daily life of the Jews under the German occupation of the town, their internal organization, and their attrition and exploitation through forced labour.

  10. Akta miasta Skierniewic

    • Files of the town of Skierniewice

    The collection contains i.a. the materials on forced labour; correspondence with the Rada Żydowska (Judenrat, Jewish Council) regarding the establishment of the ghetto (1940); a list of names of wealthier Jews; postwar documents on issues including property rights cases;

  11. Ubezpieczalnia Społeczna w Zamościu

    • Social Insurance Institution in Zamość

    The insurance institution documents rare in Polish collections providing evidence of employment of Jews: named notifications and labour record cards for the area covered by a given Arbeitsamt (Labour Office), as well as a range of circulars and correspondence on Jewish-related matters dating from 1940-1942.

  12. Zbiór akt dra Janusza Petera 1891-1963, lekarza i regionalisty

    • Collection of files of Dr Janusz Peter

    Above all, this collection includes reminiscences and accounts about the partisan and resistance movements in the Zamość region

  13. Zarząd Policji w Polanicy Zdroju

    • Amtsbezirk Altheide Bad,Kreis Glatz
    • Police Board in Polanica Zdrój

    The collection contains i.a. orders issued by the authorities regarding foreigners and Jews, issue of passports to Jews, orders, and lists of Jews issued with Kennkarten, correspondence in various matters affecting and concerning Jews;

  14. Rejencja Wrocławska

    • Regierung Breslau
    • Wrocław Regional Administration,

    The collection contains i.a. – prewar issues, such as mixed marriages; Jewish assets (regulations, correspondence, lists of assets earmarked for “Aryanization”, lists of artisan workshops, and lists of land and plots belonging to Jews); regulations on arresting Jews of Polish descent; the activities and liquidation of Jewish organizations; correspondence of Wrocław Jewish community organizations on many different matters; regulations regarding changing Jewish names; applications for “award of German blood” to children from mixed marriages; official decisions on “degree of Jewish descent”; a...

  15. Akta miasta Węgrowa

    • Files of the town of Węgrów

    The collection contains i.a. general information on the situation of the Jews during the occupation, orders and circulars, tribute payment collection ledgers for the years 1940-1941 (in which the address is recorded alongside the name) and 1941-1942 (in this section there is an alphabetical list of the Jews of Węgrów).

  16. Akta miasta Rozwadowa

    • Files of the town of Rozwadów

    The collection contains i.a. the breakdown of the assets belonging to Jews (1941), rent and apartment ledgers, a register of abandoned real estate, and a ledger in which are recorded expropriations of former Jewish assets.

  17. Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Czudcu

    • Jewish Community in Czudec

    In addition to registry files, there are also minutes of meetings of the Jewish Council dating from 1940, records including numbers of Jews before the war and in May 1940, number of people resettled, the community budget, other economic and business matters, social welfare, lists of people paying subscriptions to the community organization, the cash ledger, insurance documents for the bathhouse and synagogue, correspondence with the Joint and the Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna (ŻSS, Jewish Self-Help), orders issued by the German authorities, lists of forced labourers, lists of Jews receiving ...

  18. Naczelna Rada Starszych Ludności Żydowskiej Dystryktu Radomskiego w Radomiu. Dział Dowodów Osobistych

    • Supreme Council of the Jewish Population in the Radom District – Personal Identification Division

    This is a collection of several thousand applications by Radom Jews for identity documents, which contains a vast quantity of personal data, as well as the photographs submitted for the issue of these Kennkarten.

  19. Wydział Powiatowy w Piotrkowie

    • County Department in Piotrków Trybunalski

    The collection contains i.a. many documents and information on the state of health of the Jews during the occupation and the struggle with infectious diseases; the personal details of Jewish physicians; correspondence concerning social welfare, sanitation issues, Jewish cemeteries and burial of the dead; and many other statistical and personal data

  20. Akta miasta Łodzi

    • Files of the city of Łódź

    The Gettoverwaltung documents are correspondence with the Judenrat on all manner of subjects related to the ghetto, and correspondence with German government offices and companies regarding the ghetto’s manufacturing output, employment of Jews in labour camps, looting of their property – on matters of this nature reports were submitted by the Kripo (the German criminal police, which had a police station inside the ghetto). There is also a wealth of valuable material in Wydział Ogólny Zarządu Miejskiego w Łodzi (Allgemeine Verwaltung Stadtverwaltung Litzmannstadt, General Administration of t...