Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,181 to 32,200 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Nová Bytřice

    The fonds consists of regular agenda of a civil court. Property rights, estate and custodian files are mainly concerned. Within the criminal agenda the criminal matters of foreign workers are of interest (sign. NS). There are also documents of Inheritance court within the fonds. For researching Jewish history attention should be paid mainly to property rights matters, mainly inheritance matters.

  2. Landrat (District Coucillor) of Most

    Information about the Jewish history in the given region can be found in the file labelled A complaint against the German administrators - swindles with Czech and Jewish properties (1940).

  3. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Horní Litvínov

    Information about persons of the Jewish origin can be found especially in the files marked 3/2 K (Seizureofrealestates, 1939-1941).

  4. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Most

    Information about persons of Jewish origin can be found especially in the files marked 5 K (forced auction, 1939-1944), 5 L (forced administration, 1939-1942), 6 Cs (e.g. reports against Jews, 1940-1941), and the 7 HRA files which concern the removal of Jewish companies from the Commercial Register (Most, Horní Litvínov, 1938-1944).

  5. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Úštěk

    The archival fonds comprises documents resulting from the activities of the court operating in the Úštěk Judicial District in 1938-1945. In the fonds's inventory we find reference to the Jewish matters only under inv. No. 13 – Jewish debts 1940-1942. Jewish-related documents can also be founded in the unarranged part of the fonds in the collection of deeds for the land books, which also contains documents of transfers of property originally belonging to Jewish owners (private and legal persons).

  6. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Lovosice

    The archival fonds comprises documents resulting from the activities of the court operating in the Lovosice judicial district in 1938-1945. Jewish matters only show up in file L – forced administration of Jewish property 1940-1943 (inv. No. 128).

  7. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Litoměřice

    The archival fonds comprises documents resulting from the activities of the court operating in the Litoměřice judicial district in the years 1938-1945. The courts documents contain interesting material on Jewish matters, particularly as regards the property matters of persons of Jewish origin. In section VIII – commercial register files, there are the files of firms and companies that had Jewish owners and on forced administration for Jewish businesses; in the collection of deeds for the land books (unarranged part of the fonds) there are transfers for the property of originally Jewish owne...

  8. Landrat (District Councillor) of Litoměřice

    The fonds contains the documents of the political administration in the Litoměřice district in 1938-1945. Jewish matters are mentioned in the inventory under the following items: Nazi administration of Czech and Jewish property 1938, Czech and Jewish enterprises, homes, farmhouses 1940, property of the Czechoslovak state, Czechs and Jews 1939 ( G 4), Jewish registers 1939-1942, Jewish registers, Nuremberg Laws 1939-1944 (Ho III and 8 – C Jüd), Jewish first names 1939-1944 (Ho III b 3), the racial protection act 1940-1944 (Ho III c 1), municipal reporting on Jewish cemeteries 1941 (Ho III 11...

  9. Landrat (District Councillor) of Přísečnice

    Materials concerning Jewish issues are stored in the box No. 22, including the following documents: identifying persons of Jewish origin, arresting persons of Jewish origin, lists of Jewish property, Jewish businesses, Aryanization, etc.

  10. Landrat (District Councillor) of Chomutov

    The debts of persons of the Jewish origin, evicted/escaped from the district of Chomutov, the administration of the ayrianized assets and trades - temporary administration, Treuhänder, etc. The register of people of the Jewish origin, 1943; the liquidation of a Jewish law firm and dealing with its claims, 1941.

  11. Landrat (District Councillor) of Kadaň

    Documents concerning the Jewish population can be found in the inv. No. 54 (labelled as "various unclassified files") - they include, in particular, lists of Jews and Jewish peple of mixed racein the district of Kadaň and documents about the Aryanization of Jewish property.

  12. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Kadaň

    In the materials concerning the criminal agenda there are files relating to the breach of the duty to use the supplemental first name Israel for Jewish men, and Sára for Jewish women, 1940.

  13. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Jirkov

    In the materials concerning the criminal agenda there are files relating to the breach of the duty to use the supplemental first name Israel for Jewish men, and Sára for Jewish women, 1940-1941.

  14. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Chomutov

    In the materials concerning the criminal agenda there are files relating to the breach of the duty to use the supplemental first name Israel for Jewish men, and Sára for Jewish women, 1940.

  15. Předsednictvo ministerské rady - Londýn

    • Presidium of Ministerial Council
    • PMR - L
    • Národní archiv
    • 1006
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 14,5 linear metres from which 14,5 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and accessible and 0,3 linear metres are unprocessed and not accessible.
  16. Československá vládní komise pro stíhání nacistických válečných zločinců

    • The Czechoslovak Government Commission for Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals
    • NAD 1145
    • Národní archiv
    • 1145
    • English
    • 1959-1990
    • 49 linear metres of documents which are not processed and inventoried, however the fonds is accessible.

    The fonds contains records, information and mailing of the commission, records of the commission meetings, administration files, documents copies, above all Nazi criminals extradition requests, documents about Nazi judges, war criminal lists etc.

  17. Úřad československého delegáta v komisi pro stíhání válečných zločinců

    • The Office of the Czechoslovak delegate in the Commission for Prosecution of War Criminals
    • ÚD
    • NAD 615
    • Národní archiv
    • 615
    • English
    • 15 linear metres of documents from which 11 are processed and inventoried, 4 are not processed. The fonds is accessible.

    The fonds contains the documents and files coming from the office functioning and administration, incomplete records of the International Military Tribunal sessions (hearings and interrogations, various summaries), documentary materials for the trials (such as documents against K. von Neurath or K. H. Frank, documents of investigation and hunt for war criminals), incomplete lists of war criminals, and the correspondence of Bohumil Ečer and his assistant.

  18. Ministerstvo sociální péče - Londýn

    • Ministry of Social Welfare - London
    • MSP - L
    • NAD 1007
    • Národní archiv
    • 1007
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 15,8 linear metres of documents from which 15,5 linear metres are processed and inventoried and 0,3 linear metres unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds includes various administrative correspondence (this correspondence refers to requests for social supports or finding a job opportunity), questionnaires of repatriates, circulars, information booklets, studies, reports and records of the Czechoslovak National Council and its committees. Jewish related documents can be found in various boxes, such as in boxes 58 and 59, there are files of Jewish associations, clubs and Jewish committees including the Federation of Czechoslovak Jews, The Union of Orthodox Jews from Czechoslovakia or Central Board of Jews. There are also documents fr...

  19. Ministerstvo hospodářství a práce, Praha

    • Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Prag
    • MHP
    • NAD 782
    • Ministry of Economy and Work
    • Národní archiv
    • 782
    • English
    • 1942-1945
    • 109 linear meters of documents, all are processed and inventoried.

    The Ministry of Economy and Work (Ministerstvo hospodářství a práce) was a result of the Heydrich´s reform of the Protectorate administration in 1942. In this period falls the total change of the Protectorate into a war economy. As the Aryazation of Jewish property was untill 1942 almost finished and the deportation of Bohemian and Moravian Jews to Ghetto Theresienstadt (Terezín) and other Ghettos and camps in the east started in 1941 most Holocaust relevant material in this collection is connected to the status of "mixed" Jews or Jews who were married to a non Jewish partner.

  20. Ministerstvo průmyslu, obchodu a živností, Praha

    • Ministry of Industry, Trade and Crafts, Prague
    • Ministerium für Industrie, Handel und Gewerbe
    • MPOŽ
    • NAD 903
    • Národní archiv
    • 903
    • English
    • 1918-1942
    • 453,6 linear metres of documents from which 452 linear meters are processed and inventoried and 1,6 linear meters are not inventoried.

    The archival fonds contains the records of the Ministry until its dissolution in 1942. Especially important are documents relating to the divestment of the Jewish population from economic life in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.