Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 304
Language of Description: English
Country: Ukraine
  1. Historical materials of the Kalynivske region (author's title by Zavodianyi Volodymyr Dmytrovych)

    There is no description log, the collection needs to be analyzed and organized. Zavodianyi cannot quantify his collection, but mentioned 27 folders with documents of local organizations, an unknown number of typewritten documents and handwritten notes, photos, and letters from Israel from former residents of Kalynivske. He also provided for copying the memoirs of the head of the local military commissariat, Borys Lvovych Zeldin (Peklo), on 6 typewritten sheets regarding the events of World War II. Zavodianyi mentioned that he has letters from Lummar Volodymyr (Volka) Zusevych (Zakharovych),...

  2. Personal scientific archive of Myroslav Petrovych Zhukovskyi, Nikopol

    • Personal scientific archive of Myroslav Petrovych Zhukovskyi
    • 00667401
    • English
    • Date(s): 1939–1945; 2018, 2021 The collection comprises paper documents, working notes, signed testimonies, and photocopies of published documents. It includes research materials on the Holocaust, partisans, and underground fighters in the Nikopol region. The materials also contain a small folder on the Holocaust, as well as documents produced by Jewish researchers of Tkum on mass shootings in the area. Some materials were submitted to a museum but were not formally registered, resulting in the loss of at least 50 items. The collection contains only a few photographs from the period, mainly depicting individuals. Additionally, it includes a monograph titled "The Nikopol Region, the Holocaust. In Memory of the Righteous Among the Nations of the World" (published in 2018 and 2021).

    The Holocaust was a forbidden topic under Communist Party rule, leaving no official records. Nikopol’s population shifted dramatically: from 26,000 in 1914 (including 3,000 Jews and two synagogues) to 70,000 by 1941 due to refugees and industrial expansion. Post-WWII, it fell back to 26,000, dominated by newcomers indifferent to the Holocaust and Holodomor, focused on economic opportunities rather than historical memory. Historical narratives were shaped by Soviet-trained propagandists, limiting research on Nazi and Soviet terror victims. Underground resistance fighters referenced 1940s eve...

  3. Private collection of the family of Masha Moishevna (08.12.1938 - 29.12.2021) and Anatolii Ivanovych (16.09.1937 - 17.01.2021) Kedrovsky

    One package (the family could not estimate the number of items in the package) with documents, photographs of M.M. Kedrovska and her husband Anatolii Ivanovych Kedrovskyi, a Ukrainian by birth from the village of Zapovit, who was also interested in the history of the Holocaust in the region. Birth certificate from 1938 and other documents, personal photos of M. M. Kedrovska dated to the second half of the 20th century, starting from her teenage years.

  4. Local museum on the basis of the House of Culture, Lvove village, Beryslav district, Kherson region

    6 handwritten records of memories recorded by local librarian Liudmyla Pyliuk, up to 10 paper records of memories recorded by Larysa Dyakiv group, 2 audio testimonies. About 100 photos and certificates provided by local residents remained in the local school, which is now destroyed as a result of Russian aggression. Dyakiv's notebook, which remains in her home in Lvove. While working at the Kherson Regional Archives in 2017-2018, Dyakiv copied down from the catalogs a list of documents that the regional archive had on the history of Lvove. This part of the archive's collection was probably ...

  5. Private collection of Chekhutska Valentyna Yukhymivna

    One folder entitled “Kalininske”, which consists of 30 sheets of biographical information about local Jews, their memoirs, photographs, and correspondence with one of them who left for Israel. Also in the folder are two handwritten sheets with a list of local Holocaust victims, 20 publications by Chekhutska V.I. on the Holocaust published in local periodicals, and 8 handwritten sheets on the Holocaust. Dates from the second half of the 20th century.

  6. Кримінальні справи на нереабілітованих осіб

    • Criminal files of individuals who were not rehabilitated
    • Kryminalni spravy na nereabilitovanykh osib

    The collection contains: Criminal files of persons served in the tsarist police, White army, insurgents, spies, as well as participants in the uprisings of 1918-1923, and of the OUN and UPA activists; Files of persons trained at German specialist institutions (intelligence, counterintelligence, police, military ones); Files of employees and agents of intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of Nazi Germany; Files of persons who worked in the German occupation administrative authorities; Files of persons served in German security bodies (gendarmerie, police, commandant's offices); Files...

  7. Municipal institution “Vysokopillia Museum of Local Lore”, Vysokopillia, Beryslav district, Kherson region

    The history of Vysokopillia and Vysokopillia district from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. Lists of Ostarbeiters (15 sheets) were already in the museum when Bibik became director, she does not know their origin. Bibik estimates the number of photographs related to the period of World War II to be 100. A local resident, Hennadii Trush, found and handed over to the museum the lists of Soviet combatants buried in the Vysokopil district. The number of sheets and the availability of this list needs to be clarified. In general, the entire collection needs a detailed qualitative ...

  8. School museum of Kalynivske village

    There were up to three hundred documents by 2022. The collection included memoirs of the village's residents - concentration camp inmates, and diaries about the Holocaust (about 10 original diaries that did not survive the occupation ща 2022). Nothing from this part of the collection concerning the Jewish history of the village survived the Russian occupation in 2022. Citation: “There were records of testimonies, such as Natasha Sereda's, how she was in 1944, at the beginning of the year the Germans came, gathered them all here, how they were expelled. She, to her credit, took a student's n...

  9. School Museum on the basis of the branch Bobrovokutskyi institution of general secondary education of I-II degrees - preschool educational institution of Kalynivske core institution of general secondary education of I-III degrees

    About 100 original photographs from the early to late 20th century with textual accompaniment. Of those photos, 4 are of local Jewish schoolchildren before World War II, and 18 photos depict local Holocaust victims. 10 self-made museum stands.

  10. Підпільні організації, партизанські загони періоду Великої Вітчизняної війни на Вінниччині (1941–1944 рр.)

    • Underground organizations, partisan units of the period of Great Patriotic War

    The participation of Jews in the anti-Nazi underground was reflected in various categories of documents, starting with the list of Communists left in the rear of the enemy by the party organs, the NKVD organs of the Ukrainian SSR, and the state security organs of the UkrSSR to establish underground activities. According to these documents, out of the 150 people left in the region, 12 were Jews [inventory 1, file 42, pp. 3-21]. The same can be seen also in the list of persons left by the local security authorities in Vinnytsia region in the enemy rear with the tasks of individual sabotage an...

  11. Вінницька обласна комісія сприяння роботі Надзвичайної державній комісїї по встановленню і розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників

    • Vinnytsa regional Commission for assisting to the work of the Extraordinary State Commission on Investigation of the German-Fascist Crimes

    Inventory 1 contains resolutions of the SNK of the USSR, of the Ukrainian SSR, and instructions on the activities of the Commission (hereafter ChGK). It also includes decisions and instructions from local authorities; instructional materials by ChGK USSR and that of the USSR; summaries of records, registers, acts, lists of crimes and damage caused by the German-Romanian occupants and their accomplices to citizens, organizations, enterprises, and collective farms; reports, notes on the work of regional, district, city committees of the ChGK sent to the republican ChGK and Moscow’s ChGK. Inve...

  12. Державна надзвичайна комісія СРСР по встановленню і розслідуванню нанесених злодіянь німецькими загарбниками Полтавській області, м. Полтава Полтавської обл

    • State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of the German Crimes in Poltava Region, city of Poltava, Poltava region
    • Derzhavna nadzvychaina komisiia SRSR po vstanovlenniu i rozsliduvanniu nanesenykh zlodiian nimetskymy zaharbnykamy Poltavskii oblasti, m. Poltava Poltavskoi obl

    Most of the files contain information about the material damage caused to various towns and villages of the region. Files 1618, 1623-1625, 1627, 1634-1646 contain statements of the Commission about civilians killed by the ‘German-fascist invaders’ in various localities of the region.

  13. Полтавський обком Компартії України, м. Полтава Полтавської області

    • Poltava Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, city of Poltava
    • Poltavskii obkom Kompartii Ukrainy, m. Poltava Poltavskoi oblasti

    Opys 2 contains information on 242 files. Selected files containing data on the occupation and local administration, Nazi population politics, population losses, and the Holocaust: File 110 - Activities of the department to execute orders of the Central Committee (of the Communist Party of Ukraine) and of the Council of the People’s Commissars. Budennyi’s address to the population. Notes, memos, reports by the Oblast Party Committee, city committees, and district committees about the railway cars needed for evacuation. File 123 – Information items, memos by the Oblast Party Committee about ...

  14. Колекція документів по партійному та комсомольському підпіллю, партизанському руху.

    • Collection of documents on the Party and Komsomol underground and partisan movement
    • Kolektsiia dokumentiv po partiinomu ta komsomolskomu pidpilliu, partyzanskomu rukhu

    Some files contain information on German occupation and local administration, population policies and the Holocaust. Some files contain information on German occupation and local administration, population policies, and the Holocaust. Opys 1 (Inventory 1) File 28 - Statement of the Oblast ChGK. List of crimes and those guilty in these crimes, data about persons killed and deported to Germany, and about material damages, 1944-46, 205 pages. File 29 - Lists of district (raion) and town commissions for collecting materials on the Great Patriotic War, 1946, 33 pages. File 30 – List of localitie...

  15. Станіславська надзвичайна державна комісія по встановленню і розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників і їх спільників на території Станіславської області.

    • Stanislav Special State Comission on the investigation of the atrocities concluded by Nazi occupiers and their associates in the Stanislav area

    The copies of the documents from this collection are described by USHMM as follows: 1. Reports and regulations of the Stanislav Regional Special State Committee on the results of the investigation on the atrocities committed by the fascist aggressors, including damage caused to the industrial and commercial enterprises, as well as to the individuals. 16 June– 22 August 1945. 64 pp. 1а. Acts on the damages caused by the German-Fascist occupiers in town of Stanislavow. 1 October 1944- 1 January 1945. 374 pp. 1B. Same. 1 of January- 16 of February 1945. 185 pp. 2. Reports from interrogations, ...

  16. Житомирский генерал-комиссариат, г. Житомир

    • Zhytomyr General Commissariat
    • Zhytomyrskyi general-komissariat

    The following files contain information about the organization of the occupation administrative and power apparatus, as well as anti-Jewish policies: File 1. Orders for transfer of policemen, sentences, October 28, 1942 - October 21, 1943, 54 p. File 2. Reports of district officials on their work in the field and the structure of the of the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists), July 31, 1941 - March 25, 1943, 179 p. File 3. Reports by Kovalsky M., Vingalova N., Arendt M., Grinasevich M., Stavichenko M., Sheriy V., Vetvitsky S. and Kulitsky A., December 9, 1941 - February 24, 1942, 2...

  17. Kerch city council

    Inventory 1 – 37 files. File 1. Enactments. November – 16 December 1941. 2 pages. File 2. Printed materials. Enactments and directives of the city council and police. 1 November – 10 December 1941. 26 pages. File 3. Printed enactments and orders of Kerch city council and police. 1941. 18 pages. File 4. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 1-2. 1941. File 5. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 3. 1941. File 6. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 4. 1941. File 13. Lists of employee...

  18. Crimean Republican Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation of crimes of the German-Fascist invaders and damage caused by them to the citizens, collective farms, civic organizations, state enterprises and establishments of the Crimean ASSR

    • Крымская Республиканская чрезвычайная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям КрАССР
    • Державний архів в Автономній Республіці Крим
    • P-1289
    • English, Russian, Ukrainian
    • 1943-1944
    • 205 files in two inventories. Inventory 1 holds titles of 28 files, which contain information about German and Romanian atrocities in the Crimean localities. Inventory 2 holds titles of 100 files, which contain information about material damage caused by the German and Romanian occupiers.

    Inventory 1 - 28 files. File 1. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in the cities of Simferopol, Sevastopol, and in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and Yalta districts. 1944. 87 pages. File 1а. Statements of the Extraordinary Commission in Sevastopol. 1944. 61 pages. File 2. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in the city of Kerch, and in Ak-Sheikh and Telman districts. 1944. 191 pages. File 2а. Statements of the Extraordinary Commission in Simferopol district. 1944. 94 pages. File 3. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in Feodosia and Kerch. 1944. 46 pages. Fil...

  19. Kharkiv city administration

    • Харківська міська управа
    • Kharkivska miska uprava

    Collection includes: Instruction on registration of the population of the city of Kharkiv with a note that all Jews, regardless of their faith, should be listed in separate lists, December 1941 (inventory 1, file 215, p. 13). Information from the Mayor of Kharkiv about the final results of the census in December 1941, indicating the number of Jews (inventory 1, file 232, p. 1). Results of the census run by the city administration in December 1941 containing data on various ethnic groups including the Jews (inventory 2, file 116, p. 54) Report of the head of the housing department of the 2nd...