Private collection of the family of Masha Moishevna (08.12.1938 - 29.12.2021) and Anatolii Ivanovych (16.09.1937 - 17.01.2021) Kedrovsky
Extent and Medium
Personal photos and documents of M. Kedrovska.
Biographical History
Years of life of Kedrovska Masha Moishevna (08.12.1938 - 29.12.2021), the looting of the family collection during the Russian occupation in 2022. Masha Moishevna Kedrovska survived the Holocaust as a small child in the village of Bobrovyi Kut. Her father, a local Jew, Raikin Moishe Srulievych, was mobilized during World War II, and his child was hidden by local peasants after the shootings of local Jews in 1941. The collection consisted of personal photos and documents of Kedrovska M.M. The collection was looted during the Russian occupation of the village in 2022. The Kedrovsky family recommended watching the film 16 SEPTEMBER IN BOBROVYI KUT (, about Masha Kedrovska's memories of the Holocaust.
One package (the family could not estimate the number of items in the package) with documents and photographs of M. Kedrovska and her husband Anatolii Ivanovych Kedrovsky, a Ukrainian by birth from the village of Zapovit, who was also interested in the history of the Holocaust in the region.
Scope and Content
One package (the family could not estimate the number of items in the package) with documents, photographs of M.M. Kedrovska and her husband Anatolii Ivanovych Kedrovskyi, a Ukrainian by birth from the village of Zapovit, who was also interested in the history of the Holocaust in the region. Birth certificate from 1938 and other documents, personal photos of M. M. Kedrovska dated to the second half of the 20th century, starting from her teenage years.
Only 3 photos of M.M. Kedrovska remained in the family's collection as a result of the looting of the house during the Russian occupation of the village in 2022. The surviving photos remain in the family.
Conditions Governing Access
By prior agreement with the family
Conditions Governing Reproduction
Free copying
Archivist Note
Compiled by Vladyslav Litkevych for Arolsen Archives as part of the project to identify and describe microarchives in Ukraine for EHRI.
Larysa Kedrovska (daughter-in-law of Kedrovsky Masha and Anatolii) personally interviewed by Litkevych Vladyslav during visits to Bobrovyi Kut village on 14.07.2023, further clarification by phone.
Rules and Conventions
EHRI Guidelines for Description v.1.0