Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 34,301 to 34,320 of 55,818
  1. Úrad obžalobcu pri Národnom súde

    • Prosecutors office of the National Court

    The fonds contains documents of the Prosecutor´s Office of the National Court. It is directly connected to the legal activity of the National Court, the highest court of the retributive justice system in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia (1945-1947). It contains various documents pertaining to the war crimes, crimes against humanity and various anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia 1939-1945 that were subject to the retributive trials in the postwar period.

  2. Коллекция трофейных немецких документов, перемещенных на территорию СССР

    • Collection of trophy German materials
  3. Okresné živnostenské spoločenstvo v Želiezovciach

    • District Business Association in Želiezovce
    • Járási ipartársulat Zseliz

    The fonds contains documents pertaining to the revisions and cancellation of business licenses of Jews. Additional files pertain to the propositions to exclude Jews from the Business Association after the adoption of the Second Jewish Law, penalties for trading goods without permission. Files from 1944 contain instructions on the closing of Jewish stores and shops as well as documents on the Aryanization of Jewish property.

  4. Tekovsko-hontianska župa (1938 - 1944), Dočasne spojená župa Tekov-Hont

    • Bars és Hont közigazgatásilag egyelőre egyesített vármegye

    Documents of the fonds contain a lot of information on the persecution of Jewish population of the county. However, part of the fonds was destroyed during the battles. Files of the County Chairman (including personal files), files of the Deputy Chairman of the County are preserved. Deputy Chairman´s files are however still processed by the archive.There are also documents of the legal attorney in the fonds, but these include only the registers and the index, as well as the financial documents. The last two groups are not inventorized yet. A big group of documents from the files of the Count...

  5. Okresné živnostenské spoločenstvo v Leviciach

    • Járási ipartársulat Léva
    • District Busines Association Levice

    The fonds contains documents of the District Business Association in Levice. It contains various documents on business owners, statistics and censuses of the members, including Jewish members. Documents on the exclusion of Jews from the Association from 1942, racially-motivated denial of the masters exam, list of Jewish stores in Levice. Files from 1944 contain documents on the selling of Jewish stores,

  6. Notársky úrad vo Farnade (vo Farnej)

    • Jegyzőségi hivatal Farnád

    The fonds contains interesting documents pertaining to the persecution of Jews in years 1938-1944. One file pertains to the case of the return of Jewish inhabitant previously deported from the village in 1938. The fonds also contains the Ruling on reporting Jewish businesses after the adoption of the law on the exclusion of Jews from public and economic life. There are also various documents from 1940 concerning several different anti-Jewish measures.

  7. Okresný ľúdový súd v Nitre

    • District People´s Court in Nitra

    The fonds contains documents of the District People´s Court in Nitra. It includes documents pertaining to the activities of the Hlinka Guard in Nitra in 1938-1944, various forms of persecution of Jews, including documents on the arrests of Jews in 1944, the physical abuse of Jews etc.

  8. Serbian Government of Milan Nedic 1941-1945

    • Nediceva arhiva

    The archive of Serbian Government of Milan Nedic from 1941 to 1945 is arranged and processed to the level of internal lists of boxes and folders and has 263 boxes of the archival materials. In the aforementioned archival materials, there are dispatches (46 boxes) on the box numbers from 187 to 232. The fund has card files of Chetnik, Ljotic and Nedic’s units in Serbia in 1941 and card files of the geographic objects in Serbia in 1941. The fund also has a theme inventory book of the basic documents on the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, Nedic’s institutions, Crime Investigation Commi...

  9. Executive Committee of the Coroteni village council of workers' deputies in MSSR's Slobozia district

    • Исполнительный комитет Коротянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Слободзейского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Korotyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Slobodzeyskogo rayona MSSR

    List of 13 citizens shot by the Nazi occupiers in 1941-1945. List of Nazi invaders. The list was compiled by the village and collective farm commission on the basis of statements and testimonies by the local residents et al.

  10. Executive Committee of the Dubăsari district council of workers' deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Дубоссарского районного совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Dubossarskogo rayonnogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Summarized information about the established atrocities committed over the citizens of the USSR by the fascist German criminals in the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR. Information about the number of residents of the Dubossary district of the MSSR who were shot by the German invaders. Extract from the consolidated statement of damage and losses caused by the German fascist invaders and their associates on the collective farms of the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR during the occupation period

  11. State Archival Service of the Republic of Moldova

    • Государственная архивная служба Республики Молдова
    • Gosudarstvennaya arkhivnaya sluzhba Respubliki Moldova

    List of 444 Jews shot in the fall of 1941 and buried in mass graves in the cemetery for the victims of Fascism in Dubăsari. The list was compiled by the initiative group that assisted the reconstruction of the monument to the victims of Fascism in Dubăsari on the basis of archival data obtained at the NARM, data given by the Jewish community of Tiraspol, and data obtained from relatives and friends of those who were killed by the Keller's Fascist punitive squad in September 1941

  12. Executive Committee of Tiraspol city council of people's deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Тираспольского городского совета народных депутатов
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tiraspol'skogo gorodskogo soveta narodnykh deputatov

    Decision to create a commission to investigate atrocities and damage caused by the German Fascist invaders to state-owned enterprises and institutions, collective farms and residents of Tiraspol; List of citizens forcibly driven into slavery during the flight of the Germans; the decisions of the executive committee to commemorate more than 1,000 Soviet citizens arrested by the Romanian occupiers for assisting the Red Army Workers' Committee and shot by the Germans in early April 1944 in Kirpichnaya slobodka area; list of repatriated Soviet citizens шт 1949 - POWs taken from from Tiraspol an...

  13. Executive Committee of the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Глинянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Glinyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona

    The register of damage caused by the Fascist invaders to the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council in 1944

  14. Executive Committee of the Tașlîc village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Ташлыкского Сельского совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tashlykskogo Sel'skogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona MSSR

    Registration of military cemeteries; lists of soldiers buried in 1944-1945

  15. Landeszentralbank von Baden

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 331-BW
    • German
    • 1947-1952
    • Schriftgut 596 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 27,9 laufende Meter

    Bestandsbeschreibung Zentralbankgeschichte der Nachkriegszeit im Gebiet des späteren Baden und der französischen Besatzungszone; Sitzungen der verschiedenen Koordinierungs- und Leitungsgremien im Zentralbankgefüge der französischen Besatzungszone und der dort nach 1945 entstandenen Länder; Zentrakbanktätigkeiten; Rechnungswesen; Statistik; Berichte über externe und interne Prüfungen

  16. Landeszentralbank Bremen, Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 331-BNS
    • German
    • 1926-2002
    • Schriftgut 982 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 30,2 laufende Meter

    Bestandsbeschreibung Grundstücks- und Gebäudebeschreibungen (Blaue Hefte); Unterlagen über den An- und Verkauf von Grundstücken und Gebäuden oder Wohnungen; Wiederaufbau von Wohngebäuden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg; Betreuung der Bundesbankfilialen Halle und Magdeburg in der ehemaligen DDR; Personalangelegenheiten; Unterlagen zu Wechselstuben an der innerdeutschen Grenze; Unterlagen zur Treuhand- und Garantiegesellschaft mbH zur Besicherung von Krediten; Festlegung von Rediskontkontingenten und einzelnen Kreditengagements; Zahlungsverkehr; Gründung der Landeszentralbank Bremen, Niedersachsen...

  17. Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands e.V.

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Ostern 1893 „1. Versammlung Deutscher Historiker" von Wissenschaftlern und Schulpraktikern in München, Protest gegen gegen den neuen preußischen Geschichtslehrplan von 1892; 1895 Gründung des „Verbandes Deutscher Historiker" in Frankfurt am Main, zu den Initiatoren gehörte u. a. Ludwig Quidde; 1933-1945 Vorsitzender ist Karl Brandi von 1932 bis 1936, danach das fördernde SS-Mitglied Walter Platzhoff; Ende 1948 auf Betreiben von Gerhard Ritter bildet sich ein „Gründungsausschuss" mit Hermann Heimpel, Hermann Aubin und Herbert Grundmann, Neugründung des Verband...

  18. Комисарство по еврейските въпроси

    • Commissariat for Jewish Affairs

    Проектозакони за защита на нацията; наредби, правилници, окръжни, заповеди на Комисарството и лични досиета на негови служители; списъци на лица от еврейски произход, на движимото и недвижимото им имущество; доклади, изложения, преписки и др. по дейността и утвърждаване бюджетите на еврейските общини; отчети, протоколи, доклади, декларации, преписки и др. по отчуждаване и разпродажба на имуществото на еврейски семейства, изселването, въдворяването им в лагери, забрана да посещават обществени места и други наложени ограничения; досиета по движението и продажбата на техни имущества; изложения...

  19. German Occupying Forces 1941-1945

    The fund of German Occupying Forces has in total 315 boxes of the materials of a war period from 1941-1945, arranged and processed in archival manner. The aforementioned archival material applies mainly to combat operations of the German units on Yugoslav territories, various combat reports, checklists of units staffing and documentation of German military and civilian authorities. The fund of German Occupying Forces also has 51 boxes of disorganized archival materials with the reports on operational section work, promotional material and German card files manuscripts. The fund of German Oc...

  20. Redarstvena oblast za grad Zagreb

    • Police District of the City of Zagreb