Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 296
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Dutch
Country: Ukraine
  1. State Archive at the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

    • Государственный архив при Совете Министров Автономной Республики Крым

    The files relating to the Nazi occupation regime and the Holocaust can be found in the files of the Inventory 2: File 1Б. Materials on the former soviet citizens who served in the German military units. 25.05.1943-22.04.1955. 25 pages. File 1В. List of the German-Fascist criminals, who committed crimes on the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimea. 28.08.1944. 4 pages. File 1Г. List of pseudonyms of the newspaper “Golos Kryma” reporters. 9.03.1945. 179 pages. File 11А. Reference list of the publications in the Crimea during the occupation period. 31.01.1996. 10 pages. File 13Б. Refere...

  2. Красноармійська районна комісія по сприянню в роботі Надзвичайної державної комісії по встановленню та розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників та їх спільників і заподіяних ними збитків громадянам, колгоспам, громадським організаціям і державним підприємствам, с. Красноармійське Красноармійського району Запорізької області

    • Krasnoarmiiska District Commission for assistance to Extraordinary State Commission on Establishment and Investigation of the Crimes committed by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices, village of Krasnoarmiisk
    • Красноармейская районная комиссия по оказанию содействия в работе Чрезвычайной государственной комиссии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям СССР

    Selected files in the collection contain information about the German population policies and the Holocaust in the district: File 2. Lists of individuals tortured and shot by the German-Fascist occupiers during the temporary occupation of Krasnoarmeisk district. 1943-1944. 42 pages. File 4. Statements about atrocities and crimes, and deportations to Germany of the civil population of Krasnoarmeisk district. 1944. File 5. Lists of citizens shot by the occupiers. Lists of those returned from Germany. 1944. 22 pages.

  3. Хронологічні довідки про тимчасову окупацію німецько-фашистськими загарбниками населених пунктів Вінницької області

    • Chronological references about temporary occupation by the German-Fascist occupiers of Vinnytsia region

    Some files contain information about the persecution and murder of the Jewish population: Inventory 1, file 15. Komsomolsky district: p. 6 contains information on the shooting of the Jewish population of Komsomolsk. Inventory 1, file 18. Lypovets district: pp. 6-7 contain information about the persecution and murder of the Jews of Lypovets. Inventory 1, file 22. Murovanokurilovetsky district: p. 16 contains information on the shooting of the Jewish population of Murovany Kurylivtsi; p. 19 contains information about the death of the Jewish population in the village Bakhtyn of Mur-Kurilovets ...

  4. Вовчанська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Вовча Кобеляцького р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Vovcha village board, village of Vovcha, Kobeliaky district, Poltava region
    • Vovchanska silska uprava, s. Vovcha Kobeliatskogo raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Orders by district board about collecting food for German army, arrest of population for refusal to work; requests to purchase farmlands; salary lists; list of volunteers to German army and persons deported to Germany. Titles of selected files related to local administration, population policies, and the Holocaust: File 1. Orders by Kobeliaky district board. File 2. Lists of evacuated school-age children, statistical data on the population of Vovcha village board. File 3. Orders by Kobeliaky district board. File 4. Decisions by district board. File 7. Instructions by district board. Holocau...

  5. Archival Section of the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Odessa Region, City of Odessa

    The fond includes forty-three inventories, in which documents are systematized chronologically and, for personal files in op. 11, 39, and 40L, alphabetically. Documents in the fond include (op. 2, 24) correspondence with the Main Archival Administration of the Ukrainian SSR, subsections of the NKVD and Ministry of Internal Affairs, and local organs of executive power on ascertaining and investigating crimes of the German-Romanian invaders in the Odessa region; chronologies of the occupation of population centers in the Odessa region, including information on instances of mass terror perpetr...

  6. Колекція друкованих видань КГБ України

    • Collection of printed publications of KGB of Ukraine

    There are, particularly, copies of memos, reports, reviews, orientations, analytical materials and other documents on the operational situation in Ukraine, emergency events, results of search operations, investigations of individual criminal cases; reference books and bibliographic publications; materials about the shooting of Jews during the Second World War. Of particular significance is file No. 98 "Materials on the killings of Citizens of Jewish Nationality by Nazi Occupiers" (1999-2000, 101 pages), which contains an inquiry (signed on January 22, 1999 by the Deputy Head of the SBU V. P...

  7. Дирекція забезпечення Примарії Одеського муніципалітету, м. Одеса.

    • Odessa Municipal Primaria Procurement Directorate

    The fond includes four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents in the fond include the order (8 January 1943) of Odessa city head G. Pyntia that Jews’ and communists’ personal assets remaining after their deportation to the ghetto be leased to Romanian military and diplomatic personnel, officials, and other persons; instructions of the Odessa Municipal Primaria Procurement Directorate on the leasing and takeover of “ghetto property” and a report by commodities subsection chief N. Okul on the transfer of 4,000 apartments of Odessa residents dri...

  8. Черкаська народна районна поліція, м. Черкаси

    • District People's Police, city of Cherkasy
    • Cherkaska narodna raionna politsiia, m. Cherkasy

    Local auxiliary police documentation can contain information connected to the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files potentially related to the subject: File 1. Lists of policemen and other employees of the district police; lists of employees and workers of establishments and enterprises in Cherkasy that were eligible to use electricity, 1942-43, 43 pages. File 2. Lists of policemen; receipts they obtained for arrested persons and confiscated money, statements and certificates regarding bicycles registered; report for the administrative and economic expenses, etc. Not dated. 40 p...

  9. Сосницька районна поліція, смт. Сосниця Сосницького району Чернігівської області

    • Sosnytsia district police, town of Sosnytsia, Sosnytsia district of Chernihiv oblast
    • Sosnytska raionna politsiia, s.m.t. Sosnytsia Sosnytskoho raionu Chernihivskoi oblasti

    Local auxiliary police documentation can contain information related to the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files: File 2. Minutes of interrogation, 115 pages. File 6. Personal information of the police staff (orders, registers, lists, reports), 133 pages. File 7. Signed statements by village dwellers, lists of district police agents, 100 pages. File 11. Lists of policemen to obtain allowance, registers for food distribution, 16 pages. File 13. Lists of arrested persons, 23 pages. File 14. Registration book of arrested persons, 21 pages. File 15. Registration book of the operati...

  10. Мелітопольська районна комісія по сприянню в роботі Надзвичайної державної комісії по встановленню та розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників та їх спільників і заподіяних ними збитків громадянам, колгоспам, громадським організаціям і державним підприємствам, м. Мелітополь Запорізької області

    • Melitopol District Commission for assistance to Extraordinary State Commission on Establishment and Investigation of the Crimes committed by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices, town of Melitopol
    • Мелитопольская районная комиссия по оказанию содействия в работе Чрезвычайной государственной комиссии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причинённого ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и уч-реждениям СССР (ЧГК), г. Мелитополь Запорожской области

    Files 4, 5, 6a, and 11 of the collection contain: - statements, testimonies about the mass executions of the Jewish population of the city of Melitopol, - lists of individuals murdered and tortured (including Jews and Karaites) with their personal data, - applications from citizens relating to damage of their property and loss of their family members during the German-Fascist occupation.

  11. Архівна колекція документів з історії краю (Вінницька область)

    • Archival collection on the history of Vinnitsa region

    In some files, there are documents on the persecution and mass destruction of the Jewish population during the German-Romanian occupation, photocopies of documents on the preparations for resettlement of Jews into ghettos, announcements of the German and Romanian occupation authorities on taxes and indemnities imposed on the Jewish population of cities of Vinnytsia, Zhmerynka, Haysyn, Mogiliv-Podilsky, a photo of the exhumation of the killed Jewish population of Khmilnyk [inventory 1, file 141, pp. 1, 12, 19, 32]. Copies of chronological informations on the Nazi occupation of locations of V...

  12. Statistical Bureau of Simferopol City Council

    • Городское статистическое бюро Симферопольской городской управы

    The following files contain statistical information about Jewish and Krymchak population of Simferopol and the Crimea during the Nazi occupation: File 1. Statistical reports for November and December 1941. File 2. Statistical reports for January 1942. File 3. Statistical reports for February 1942. File 4. Statistical reports for March 1942. File 5. Statistical reports for April 1942. File 6. Statistical reports for May 1942. File 7. Statistical reports for June 1942. File 8. Information on the age and gender composition of the population of Simferopol and its suburbs. 01.12.1941 – 01.01.194...

  13. Вінницький міський касаційний суд при Вінницькому окружному комісарі

    • Vinnytsa city appeal court at Vinnytsa gebietskommissariat
    • Vinnytskyi miskyi kasatsiynyi sud pry Vinnytskomu okruzhnomy komisari

    Inventory 1, files 18, 24, 28, 43, 45, 90, 91, 102, 139, etc. - uniformed sets of documents, representing criminal and civil cases, produced by cassation courts at the district commissariat. These include, in particular, the complaints of Jews: the alienation of houses, robbery of property, etc. The cases cover the circumstances in which the damage was occurred. The group of civil cases testifies about fining of Jews who did not leave their homes in time and did not move to areas determined by the occupation authorities, or did not contribute their share into the indemnity imposed by the au...

  14. Житомирське обласне управління

    • Zhytomyr regional administration
    • Zhytomyrske oblasne upravlinnia

    Lists of personnel of the statistical department of the Zhytomyr administration and applications for employment, personal files of teachers, regulations of the administration on organization of police, the procedure recording acts of civil status, instructions on census of population and of livestock, information on land in public farms of the region, certificates of teachers, lists of industrial enterprises of the region and of settlements of the region, curricula and reports of the work of schools. File 7. Lists the population of districts and settlements of Zhytomyr region by age, gender...

  15. Подільська районна управа, м. Київ.

    • Administration of Podol rayon, city of Kiev

    Оpis 1 1. Decrees of the general kommissar of Kiev general region and the Kiev city administration 2. Decrees and orders of the Podol rayon administration 3.-3a. Orders of the Podol rayon administration 4. Materials and orders 5. Records of meetings and sessions of the Podol rayon administration 6. Lists of employees of the Podol rayon administration and staff rosters Opis 2 1. Orders and instructions of the Kiev city administration and the Podol rayon administration Opis 4 1. Statements regarding investigations of families sent to work in Germany 11. Lists of families of soldiers, police e...

  16. Agricultural management of the Crimean district (WiKo Krim)

    • Областное сельскохозяйственное управление Крыма (ВИКО Крыма)

    Information related to the occupation politics and the Holocaust can be found in the following files: Inventory 1. File 8. Policy directives and circulars of the German chief of land management, beverage industry control of Crimea and special headquarters of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-21.08.1943 File 9. Circulars and guidelines from Special Staff of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-14.07.1943 File 10. Orders for the regulation of wages and working conditions for local residents working at German institutions, and tariff rates. 1942 File 19. Minutes of meetings at the Regio...

  17. Претура Мостівського району, с. Мостове Мостівського району Березівського повіту.

    • District Pretura of the Mostovoe District, Village of Mostovoe (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; 2. Orders of local authorities dealing with the forced labor of the Jewish population; 3. Documents on the situation of Jewish doctors and on hygiene and sanitary conditions in which the Jews of Transnistria lived; 4. Materials on financ...

  18. Дирекція агрикультури Губернаторства Трансністрії, м . Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Agriculture
  19. Інспекторат в`язниць Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Inspectorate of Prisons
  20. Дирекція культури Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Culture