Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,641 to 26,660 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Collection of the photodocuments on the history of Kharkiv Communist party organization

    • Колекція фотодокументів з історії Харківської обласної партійної організації
    • Kolektsiia fotodokumentiv z istorii Kharkivskoi oblasnoi partiinoi orhanizatsii

    Collection contains photos of the old Bolsheviks, partisans and underground fighters, leading figures of industry, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, photos of various events, including German occupation, photo albums (mostly positives). Collection includes photos of barracks on the territory of the Kharkov tractor plant, where thousands of Jewish civilians were destroyed by the German invaders in the city of Kharkiv (inventory 1, file 402, pp. 1, 2).

  2. Administration of the 5th district of Kharkiv

    • Управа 5-го району м. Харкова
    • Uprava 5-ho raionu Kharkova

    Collection includes: Note from November 14, 1941 by the head of the Kharkiv City Council about the arrest of 50 Communists and Jews as hostages (inventory 2, file 7, p. 9).

  3. Ейский районный отдел социального обеспечения и попечительства ейской районной управы

    • Department of the social work and guardianship of Yeysk district administration

    Личные дела жителей города Ейска.

  4. Úrad obžalobcu pri Národnom súde

    • Prosecutors office of the National Court

    The fonds contains documents of the Prosecutor´s Office of the National Court. It is directly connected to the legal activity of the National Court, the highest court of the retributive justice system in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia (1945-1947). It contains various documents pertaining to the war crimes, crimes against humanity and various anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia 1939-1945 that were subject to the retributive trials in the postwar period.

  5. Okresný ľúdový súd v Nitre

    • District People´s Court in Nitra

    The fonds contains documents of the District People´s Court in Nitra. It includes documents pertaining to the activities of the Hlinka Guard in Nitra in 1938-1944, various forms of persecution of Jews, including documents on the arrests of Jews in 1944, the physical abuse of Jews etc.

  6. Okresné živnostenské spoločenstvo v Želiezovciach

    • District Business Association in Želiezovce
    • Járási ipartársulat Zseliz

    The fonds contains documents pertaining to the revisions and cancellation of business licenses of Jews. Additional files pertain to the propositions to exclude Jews from the Business Association after the adoption of the Second Jewish Law, penalties for trading goods without permission. Files from 1944 contain instructions on the closing of Jewish stores and shops as well as documents on the Aryanization of Jewish property.

  7. Okresné živnostenské spoločenstvo v Leviciach

    • Járási ipartársulat Léva
    • District Busines Association Levice

    The fonds contains documents of the District Business Association in Levice. It contains various documents on business owners, statistics and censuses of the members, including Jewish members. Documents on the exclusion of Jews from the Association from 1942, racially-motivated denial of the masters exam, list of Jewish stores in Levice. Files from 1944 contain documents on the selling of Jewish stores,

  8. Municipálne mesto Komárno (1938 – 1945)

    • Törvényhatósági jogu város Komárom

    The fonds contains the list of associations in Komárno, including the Chevra Kadisha, Jewish womens´ club and Makkabi. Some files of the fonds document the decrease of the number of Jewish inhabitants of Komárno, limitation of their business activities in the city as well as cancellation of their licences. The fonds contains applications of Jewish businessmen for the licence renewal. Several files pertain to the prohibition of the activities of Jewish bakers and the exclusion of Jews from the trade. There are also files concerning the baptism of Jewish children, or the list of Jewish childr...

  9. Tekovsko-hontianska župa (1938 - 1944), Dočasne spojená župa Tekov-Hont

    • Bars és Hont közigazgatásilag egyelőre egyesített vármegye

    Documents of the fonds contain a lot of information on the persecution of Jewish population of the county. However, part of the fonds was destroyed during the battles. Files of the County Chairman (including personal files), files of the Deputy Chairman of the County are preserved. Deputy Chairman´s files are however still processed by the archive.There are also documents of the legal attorney in the fonds, but these include only the registers and the index, as well as the financial documents. The last two groups are not inventorized yet. A big group of documents from the files of the Count...

  10. Notársky úrad vo Farnade (vo Farnej)

    • Jegyzőségi hivatal Farnád

    The fonds contains interesting documents pertaining to the persecution of Jews in years 1938-1944. One file pertains to the case of the return of Jewish inhabitant previously deported from the village in 1938. The fonds also contains the Ruling on reporting Jewish businesses after the adoption of the law on the exclusion of Jews from public and economic life. There are also various documents from 1940 concerning several different anti-Jewish measures.

  11. Коллекция трофейных немецких документов, перемещенных на территорию СССР

    • Collection of trophy German materials
  12. Pracovný zbor národnej obrany 1940-1945

    • Labour Corps of National Defence 1940-1945

    The fonds contains documents of the Labor Corps of National Defence, a special military organized part of the Slovak military forces in 1940-1945, created for organizing the labour units within the Slovak army forces. These included Jews and Roma conscripts and soldiers which were not allowed to conduct regular military service. The fonds contains various documents on the forced labor of Jews and Roma during their military service, including documents pertaining to the infamous VI. Labour Battalion that was part of the Labour Corps of National Defence.

  13. Okresné žandárske veliteľstvo Levoča

    • District Gendarmerie Command Levoča

    The fragmentary fonds contains documents of the District Gendarmerie Command Levoča. It contains the Holocaust-relevant file which pertains to the arrest of several persons from Levoča (including severa Jews in the political prison in Ilava in August 1941).

  14. Okresné žandárske veliteľstvo Kežmarok

    • District Gendarmerie Command Kežmarok

    The fragmentary fonds contains documents of the District Gendarmery Command in Kežmarok. The Holocaust-relevant files include the circular letter of the Main Gendarmery Command on the contacts with Jews from 30 June 1943 as well as the circular letter of the same command body ordering thorough study of all orders and rulings pertaining to the Jews from the September 1943. Other files pertain to the action police against the Jews performed on 26 March 1943 or sending Jews to various labor camps. There is also a file from July 1944 which concerns the order to arrest and bring to labor camps f...

  15. Štátne zastupiteľstvo v Nitre

    • State Attorney´s Office in Nitra

    The fonds contains documents of the State Attorney´s Office in Nitra. As far as the Holocaust-related documents are concerned the fonds contains documents concerning the revision of passports of Jews, and censorship-related files. Besides that, there are penal case files of Jews including cases pertaining to the property of Jews (hiding of property, property census- related cases, etc.). Other files pertain to baptism investigation or searching for Jews. Some files concern arrests of Jews. The fonds also contains documents on anti-Jewish riots, stealing of Jewish property after deportation ...

  16. Žandárska stanica Veľký Lipník

    • Gendarmerie Station Veľký Lipník

    The fragmentary fonds contains documents of the Gendarmerie Station in Veľký Lipník. The Holocaust-relevant file concerns the order of the District Gendarmery Command in Spišská Stará Ves to arrest Jews from 7 September 1944.

  17. Ľudový súd v Levoči

    • People´s Court in Levoča

    The fonds contains files of People´s Court in Levoča, which existed in 1948 as the retributive court. It contains several Holocaust-related files. Among others, it contains files with the information and testimonies on the hiding of Jews in Spišské Podhradie in 1942, the deportation of Jews from Spišské Podhradie, Stará Ľubovňa, Kežmarok in 1942. There is a file about the denunciation of a Jewish man by the aryaniser of his business in Spišské Podhradie and several files on various forms of persecution of Jews in Spišská Stará Ves, Spišská Belá etc. Besides that, the fonds contains the case...

  18. Žandárska stanica Spišská Stará Ves

    The fragmentary fonds contains documents of the Gendarmerie Station in Spišská Stará Ves. These include report on the arrest of a Jewish woman, originally from the General Gouvernement in 1940, several files on the arrest or investigation of Jewish individuals from Spišská Stará Ves. Some files pertain to the house searches of specific households of Jews in Spišská Stará Ves. One file contains the list of Jews of foreign citizenship from 1940. Several files pertain to the accusations of illegal business activities and the liquidation of Jewish businesses. One file pertains to the cancellati...

  19. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Šali II.

    • Főszolgabíroi hivatal Vágsellye

    The fonds contains files of the Chief Constable´s Office in Šaľa (Vágsellye). The majority of files pertaining to the Jewish community consists of files pertaining to businesses, licenses and license-owners lists. The fonds also contains files pertaining to the revision of licenses of Jews, limitations of Jewish entrepreneurs, or files concerning the internment of Jews and the police surveillance. Some files reflect Jewish refugees from Slovakia. Another files concern the Jewish ghetto established in the town of Šaľa as files pertaining to the movable property of Jews that remained in this ...

  20. Žandárska stanica Spišská Belá

    • Gendarmerie Station Spišská Belá

    The fragmentary fonds contains documents of the Gendarmerie Station in Spišská Belá. It includes documents from 1938 and1941. These include report on the Anti-semitic flyer "Christians of all countries unite!" written in Czech language and sent from Zlin, then documents concerning the deportation of Jews in November 1938 (including lists of those that were expelled and list of those who returned back) and various documents pertaining those deportations. Files from 1941 concern the cooperation between gendarmes and Hlinka Guard in anti-Jewish measures, as well as file concerning the restrict...