Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,521 to 2,540 of 3,431
  1. Documentation of the Reichsministerium der Justiz (Reich Ministry of Justice), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsministerium der Justiz (Reich Ministry of Justice), Germany, 1933-1945 In the years 1933-1935, the Reich Ministry of Justice became the central authority in the judicial system in Germany, and as such assumed management of the system. Upon the seizure of control by the Nazis, Franz Guertner, who had been appointed to the position of Reich Justice Minister in 1932 under Franz von Papen, abandoned the principles of State Law, and provided legal means for the activities of the SA, SS and the Gestapo. During his time, the rights of Jews were revoked and a special crim...

  2. Bezirksleitung Berlin der SED, Bezirksparteiarchiv - Sammlungsgut

    1. Bestände (Ost-) Berliner Behörden bis 1990
    2. Kammern und Körperschaften, Parteien, Organisationen und Vereine
    3. Stiftung Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR - Bezirk Berlin
    4. SED-Bezirksorganisation Berlin

    Vorwort C Rep. 902-02-05 Bezirksleitung Berlin der SED, Bezirksparteiarchiv - Sammlungsgut 1. Bestandsinformation Aus Einzeldokumenten, v. a. Einzelnummern von Zeitungen, Faksimiles oder Kopien, Flugschriften, Broschüren bis hin zu Ausweisen, Fotos u. ä., wurde im Bezirksparteiarchiv Berlin (BPA) der Bestand "Sammlungsgut" gebildet. Grundlage für die Ordnung dieser Sammlung bildete eine "Periodisierung der Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung", die sechs Hauptabschnitte umfasste: 1830-1917, 1917-1933, 1933-1945, 1945-1949, 1949-1961 und 1961-1989. Die Findkartei des Bezirksparteiarchivs Berl...

  3. [Boycott of German Economy I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains diplomatic correspondence between the German Foreign Ministry, represented by Vicco von Bülow-Schwante, and various German diplomatic missions on international boycott activities directed against Nazi Germany. The first part contains letters and reports from German diplomats regarding the situation of boycott initiatives directed against the Nazi German economy in their respective countries. Diplomats replied to a survey on the structure, the extent, and the people organizing or promoting economic boycott strategies, and specifically on the participation of Jewish people i...

  4. The Ball-Kaduri Collection: Contemporary testimonies and reports regarding the Holocaust of the Jews of Germany and Central Europe, 1943-1960

    The Record Group includes memoirs of Jewish leaders in various areas of Jewish life in Germany. Although there is much documentation regarding the fate of individual Holocaust victims, the main emphasis of the Record Group is on the different Jewish organizations. There is much information about local community organizations and the central Jewish organizations of German Jewry, including general, Zionist, and religious organizations. There is also documentation regarding emigration preparations and relations with the Nazi authorities as seen by the Jews. There are over 300 files in the reco...

  5. Documentation of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of the Jews in Germany)

    There are three main sections in the Record Group: I. Organization and AdministrationIn this section there are administrative and financial files of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, including protocols of administration meetings, Nazi orders and ordnances, contacts with the Gestapo, statistical data regarding the Jews of Germany and files related to the sale of property belonging to the Jewish communities and their evaluation. There are also several Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden files in this section. II. Emigration and Deportation - administration of the worth of the ...

  6. Suomen Punaisen Ristin Sotavankitoimiston arkisto

    • Archive of the Finnish Red Cross POW Office

    The archive contains records from the years 1939-1948. It includes journals, correspondence, death certificates, as well as card indexes and lists of POWs, which are the archive’s main material.

  7. Arizační spisy

    • Aryanization files
    • AS/NSMPO
    • Arizační spisy - Národní správa majetkových podstat
    • NAD 375
    • Národní archiv
    • 375
    • English
    • 1938-1945
    • The collection consists out of 101 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 3.5 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The collection Arizační spisy was in the 1950s divided into seven main groups by its origins: 1. "Müller": named after the "Sonderbeauftragter für Ernährungsfragen beim Reichsprotektor", Rudolf Müller. These are documents connected with Jewish food companies (70 boxes). 2. "Regierungspräsident Aussig" (Vládní president Ústí nad Labem): Documents which are connected with the Aryanization in Northern Bohemia from 1938 to 1945 under the administration of the Regierungspräsident Aussig an der Elbe (23 boxes). 3. "Landespräsident Brünn" (Zemský president Brno): Documents which are connected with...

  8. Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    The Erich Kulka Record Group contains: Personal and family documentation; documentation regarding the trial conducted against Sebesta, an antisemitic Czech writer who libeled Erich Kulka; the struggle to clear the names of the Sonderkommando workers as set forth in the book "People In Auschwitz" by Herman Langbein; trials against Nazi war criminals; documentation regarding Holocaust denial; escape of inmates from Auschwitz-Birkenau; research he conducted and published throughout his life, mainly regarding Jewish fighters in the Svoboda Army in the Soviet Union; Kulka's struggle against anti...

  9. Narodowo-Socjalistyczna Niemiecka Partia Pracy Kierownictwo Powiatowe w Płocku

    • Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Kreisleitung Schröttersburg
    1. Kreisorganisationsamt [Powiatowy Urząd Organizacyjny] z l. 1940-1945 (sygn. od 1 do 4): sprawy powołania Okręgowego Urzędu Pełnomocnika Sztabu Gotowości i utworzenia gminnych grup Reich Land Bund [Państwowego Związku Ziemskiego], rozkazy, plan stanowisk, wykazy przedsiębiorstw kupieckich i rzemieślniczych oraz zawodów ludności Bielska, statystyka ludności niemieckiej, polskiej, żydowskiej i Volksdeutschów, miesięczne plany służby NSDAP). 2. Kreispersonalamt [Powiatowy Urząd Personalny] z l. 1939-1944 (sygn. od 5 do 44): akta osobowe pracowników. 3. Kreispropagandamt [Powiatowy Urząd Prop...
  10. Jean Bichelonne et Pierre Cosmi

    1. Archives de la Commission d'histoire de l'occupation et de la libération de la France (CHOLF) et du Comité d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, fonds privés et documents divers relatifs à la période 1939-1945
    2. Fonds d'origine privée
    3. Anciens ministres ou membres de services dépendant du gouvernement de Vichy

    L'intérêt de ce fonds d'archives pour l'histoire des relations franco-allemandes en 1943 et 1944 est évident. Il contient aussi de nombreux renseignements, pour la même période, sur les communications, spécialement la SNCF, la production industrielle, en particulier la Compagnie de l'Est européen, la Société commerciale auxiliaire de la production industrielle (SCAPI), les usines "S", et surtout la main-d'œuvre : la Jeunesse ouvrière française travaillant en Allemagne (JOFTA), le Service social des chantiers de travaux (SSCT), devenu le Service de l'action sociale aux chantiers (ASAC), les ...

  11. Jean Gemähling

    1. Archives de la Commission d'histoire de l'occupation et de la libération de la France (CHOLF) et du Comité d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, fonds privés et documents divers relatifs à la période 1939-1945
    2. Fonds d'origine privée
    3. Résistance et déportation
    4. Résistant(e)s et déporté(e)s

    Jean Gemähling a confié au Comité d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale un premier ensemble de rapports émanant du service de renseignements des Mouvements unis de Résistance (MUR), avant de faire don aux Archives nationales du fonds de liquidation du réseau Kasanga (service de renseignements du MLN), puis de lettres de Varian Fry et Arthur Adamov rappelant ses activités au Centre américain de secours en 1940-1941.

  12. Theresienstadt Diary (in 4 parts)

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    A detailed personal account of life under the Nazis since 1934 (12 pages) and in the ghetto during the final months of World War II and of liberation by Eva Noack-Mosse, a member of the well-known Berlin Mosse family. Before her deportation to Theresienstadt concentration camp in February of 1945, she moved together with her non-Jewish husband from Berlin to a small Bavarian village in 1941. In Theresienstadt camp she worked since end of February 1945 in the Central Office and therefore had easy access to all documents. From her relatives also sent to Theresienstadt before, only Martha Moss...

  13. [Carl Schmitt documents: letters, and dossier on political views]

    1. Carl Schmitt – The Confidential File

    Various letters and reports on Schmitt,different authors and addressees:1.) Letter by Security Service Central Office to "Das Schwarze Korps", dated 15.01.1937 about Günther Müller from Danzig; 2.) Report by [Heinz] Lämmel, dated 15.01.1937 to SD Central Office, Department I 3; 3.) Letter by Security Service-Oberabschnitt Ost (Superior District East) [no direct author given, hand signature not readable] to Security Service Main Office, Werner Braune , dated 12.01.1937, announcing an attached shorthand report from 19.12.1936 by Hans-Dieter Schmidt on Schmitt's reply concerning the allegation...

  14. Blenkle, Conrad

    Bestandsbeschreibung 28. Dez. 1901 in Berlin-Neukölln geboren 1908 - 1916 Besuch der Volksschule in Berlin-Neukölln 1916 - 1919 Bäckerlehre in Berlin-Schöneberg Anfang 1919 Mitglied der Freien Sozialistischen Jugend (FSJ), später Kommunistische Jugend Deutschlands (KJD), und der KPD 1920 - 1922 2. Vorsitzender der FSJ bzw. der KJD in Berlin-Neukölln bzw. Berlin-Süd Ende 1922 - Herbst 1923 Vorsitzender der Bezirksleitung Berlin-Brandenburg der KJD 15. - 25. Juli 1924 Teilnahme am IV. Kongress der Kommunistischen Jugendinternationale (KJI) in Moskau 1924 - 1928 Vorsitzender des KJVD 1924 - 19...

  15. Groppe, Theodor (Generalleutnant)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Generalleutnant Theodor Groppe Lebensdaten 16.08.1882 geboren in Trier als Sohn von Eduard Groppe, Verlagsbuchhändler, und Anna Groppe, geb. Haas 28.04.1973 verstorben in Trier Werdegang 1892-1900 Besuch des Königlichen Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasiums in Trier 25.04.1900 Eintritt in das 2. Lothringische Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 131 in Metz als Fahnenjunker 18.10.1900 Fähnrich 18.08.1901 Leutnant 01.08.1908-30.09.1910 Adjutant des I. Bataillons 01.10.1910-30.09.1913 Kriegsakademie in Berlin 01.10.1913-25.04.1915 Regimentsadjutant 31.08.1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klas...

  16. László Zsigmond hagyaték 4.

    1. Személyes és családi irathagyatékok
    2. László Zsigmond iratai

    Iratcsomó 1: kották, tanulmányok 1. Kotta: Szállnak a darvak zenéje 2. Reprodukciók 3. Magyar ifjúsági dal 4. Örmény szerenád 5. Bolgár ifjúsági dal 6. Télbe fordul az idő- úttörő dal 7. Német nyelvű tanulmányok 8. Hegel a hanglejtésről 9. Francia nyelvű tanulmányok; vers 10. Liszt Ferenc Moszkvában 11. Szabó Ferenc zeneszerző kézírásos kotta jegyzetei 12. Ljavánicha 13. Az Ararát dalai – dal énekhangra zongorakísérettel – Kelen Hugó 14. Joseph Achron: Kindersuite 15. Dvorák: Biblische Lieder 16. Salomon, Karel : Two songs of Faith 17. Stutschewsky, Joachim: Vier Jüdische Tanzstücke – piano...

  17. HSSPF

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer West

    I. Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer (HSSPF) West: Stabsbefehle, März 1944-Februar 1945, (EAP 170-b-10-16/1), 2041-2170: 1) Runderlass HSSPF West 28. März 1944: Einsatz sämtlicher Germanischer SS-Sturmbanne zum Luftschutzdienst, 2042; 2) Stabsbefehle HSSPF West vom 09. Mai 1944-23. Februar 1945: Einsatz von Konzentrationslager-Häftlingen der Schuttverwertung Düsseldorf-Essen zu anderen Arbeiten nur mit Genehmigung der HSSPF, Aufenthalt in der Befehlsstelle, Vorkehrungen zur Flugabwehr, Auflösung des "Stab Thomas" u.a., 2043-2060, 2063-2083, 2087-2171; 3) Befehl RFSS vom 27. September 1944: Flug...

  18. Violin used by a Sinti musician

    1. Gabriel Reinhardt and Theresia Winterstein families collection

    Violin owned by Rita Prigmore and originally used by her father, Gabriel Reinhardt, who played with his four brothers in a Roma band in Germany before World War II. The Nazi regime restricted Roma migrations in the 1930s. Gabriel met Theresia Winterstein in 1941 when they both worked at the Stadttheater in Wurzburg, Germany. Persecution of the Roma was escalating and several members of both families were forced to agree to sterilization. Gabriel and Theresia decided to have a child, and when Theresia was called in for sterilization she was 3 months pregnant with twins. The Germans permitted...

  19. Violin case used by a Sinti musician

    1. Gabriel Reinhardt and Theresia Winterstein families collection

    Wooden coffin style violin case owned by Rita Prigmore and originally used by her father, Gabriel Reinhardt, who played with his four brothers in a Sinti band in Germany before World War II. The Nazi regime restricted Sinti migrations in the 1930s. Gabriel met Theresia Winterstein in 1941 when they both worked at the Stadttheater in Wurzburg, Germany. Persecution of the Sinti was escalating. They were no longer allowed to work at the theater. Several members of both families were forced to agree to sterilization. Gabriel and Theresia decided to have a child, and when Theresia was called in ...

  20. Violin bow used by a Sinti musician

    1. Gabriel Reinhardt and Theresia Winterstein families collection

    Violin bow owned by Rita Prigmore and originally used by her father, Gabriel Reinhardt, who played with his four brothers in a Sinti band in Germany before World War II. The Nazi regime restricted Sinti migrations in the 1930s. Gabriel met Theresia Winterstein in 1941 when they both worked at the Stadttheater in Wurzburg, Germany. Persecution of the Sinti was escalating. They were no longer allowed to work at the theater. Several members of both families were forced to agree to sterilization. Gabriel and Theresia decided to have a child, and when Theresia was called in for sterilization she...