Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 49,321 to 49,340 of 55,889
  1. Министерство на финансите

    • Ministerstvo na finansite
    • Ministry of Finance

    Contains correspondence regarding expenses and consequences of the establishment of anti-Jewish laws and regarding ownership of real estate and houses of Jewish origin.

  2. Българско дружество „Червен кръст“

    • Bulgarsko druzhestvo "Cherven krust"
    • Bulgarian association "Red Cross"
    • Bulgarian Red Cross

    Contains correspondence with various Red Cross organizations abroad, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, regarding prisoners of war (POWs ), and missing in action (MIAs), etc.

  3. Българска народна банка – Кавала

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Kavala
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Kavala

    Contains dossiers on Jewish accounts from the bank in Kavala.

  4. Петър Израелевич Габе (1857–1927) - Личен фонд

    • Petur Izraelevich Gabe (1857-1927) - Lichen fond
    • Papers of Peter I. Gabe (1857-1927)

    Contains manuscripts, notebooks, letters and newspaper clippings relating to the Jewish question, Jewish language, resettlement of Jewish families in Bulgaria, and migration of Russian Jews to agricultural colonies in Palestine.

  5. Любомир Христов Лулчев (1886–1945) - Личен фонд

    • Lyubomir Hristov Lulchev (1886-1945) - Lichen fond
    • Papers of Lyubomir H. Lyulchev (1886-1945)

    Contains a diary, correspondence, articles, photographs, and other records of Lyubomir Lyulchev, a personal advisor to Tsar Boris III.

  6. Вергил Вергилов Димов (1901–1979) - Личен фонд

    • Vergil Vergilov Dimov (1901-1979) - Lichen fond
    • Papers of Vergil V. Dimov (1901-1979)

    Contains correspondence, criminal cases, appeals, indictment and testimonies, and other legal papers of lawyer Virgil Dimov. Documents relate to the persecution of Komsomol members, confiscation of Jewish properties, Jewish partisans and other Jewish matters.

  7. Иван Иванов Багрянов (1891–1945) - Личен фонд

    • Ivan Ivanov Bagryanov (1891-1945) - Lichen fond
    • Papers of Ivan I. Bagryanov (1891-1945)

    Contains anonymous letters against the Bulgarian Government Jewish Policy, opinions and speeches regarding discrimination against Jews in Bulgaria. Also includes a letter from the Bulgarian Consulate in Prague regarding instructions about Yugoslavian problems.

  8. Министерство на вътрешните работи и народното здраве (МВРНЗ) – Дирекция на полицията

    • Ministerstvo na vŭtreshnite raboti i narodnoto zdrave (MVRNZ) – Direktsiya na politsiyata
    • Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Health - Police Directorate

    It contains: - "Bulgarian society against racism and anti-Semitism". A record of "Press and Publishing"; - Correspondence between Police Directorate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion and Passport Bureau at Varna and enclosed lists of Jews traveling to Palestine.

  9. Fund 5. Delegate of the Commissariat for Jewish Questions and the Skopje Jewish Community - Skopje (1915-1947)

    • Фонд 5. Делегат на Комесарството за еврејски прашања и скопска еврејска општина – Скопје (1915-1947)
    • Fond 5. Delegat na Komesarstvoto za evrejski prasanja i skopskata evrejska opstina (1915-1947)

    • Rules for organization and work of the Skopje Jewish Club founded in 1920 (1923) • Diplomas (charters) in Jewish language • Ordinances for organization of the Jewish community in Skopje (1936) • Directions for evaluation of the real estate belonging to the persons of Jewish origin and taxation of their property (1941) • Commentary on the Law for Protection of the Nation (Sofia, 1941) • Law on one-time taxation on the property belonging to persons of Jewish origin (1941) • List of persons of Jewish origin who own deposits and shares in the Skopje Export Bank (1941) • List of Decisions and ...

  10. Isak Sion: Participation of the Jews from Stip in the National Liberation Movement from Štip

    • Исак Сион: Учеството на Евреите од Штип во НОД
    • Isak Sion: Ucestvoto na Evreite od Stip vo NOD

    The content of the testimony by Isak Sion is composed by the following topics: • The Jewish community in Stip before World War II: the structure of the Stip Jewish community consisted of of 550 people, the profession of the Jews in Stip and the good relations between Macedonians and the Jews in Stip • The occupation of Macedonia from Bulgaria and the anti-Semitic laws for the Jews from Stip in April 1941 • The difficult economic situation of the Jews from Stip • Group of Jews from Stip, members of the Communist Party in Stip (from 1941-1942): Isak Sion, Pepo Juda Levi, Haim Juda Levi, Avram...

  11. 1945 List of War Damages of the Jews from Štip

    • Список на Ратни штети на штипските Евреи од 1945
    • Spisok na Ratni steti na stipskite Evrei od 1945

    The war damages that the German and Bulgarian occupiers caused over the Jews in Štip, are regarded as shared damages caused by the Germany and Bulgaria, because they jointly participated in the robbery and destruction of the Jewish property, until the physical elimination of the Jews in Štip in 1943 in Treblinka. According to the letter of the Jewish Community in Skopje, number 997/1 of December 31st, 1945, the Commission of the Government of Macedonia was informed that the total damage to the Jews is estimated to 2.000.000 dinars, according to the number of destroyed houses, goods and cash...

  12. 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip”

    • Училишна книга од 1942/1943 од средното училиште „Славчо Стојменски“ во Штип
    • Ucilisna kniga 1942/1943 od srednoto uciliste "Slavco Stojmenski" vo Štip
    • Државен Архив на Република Македонија—Oдделение Штип
    • 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip”
    • English, Macedonian
    • 1942-1943
    • 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip” is an archival file within the Fund for primary and secondary schools in Štip and Štip district placed in the Department Štip. The School book is handwritten and it includes all the students enrolled in the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Stip” in 1942/43.
  13. Fund Aleksandar Matkovski

    • Фонд Александар Матковски
    • Fond Aleksandar Matkovski

    The Fund Aleksandar Matkovski is consisted of rich material in regards to various historical periods of the region of Macedonia. Within this archival material, in separate three boxes, there are various documents referring to the history of the Jews on the Balkans, starting from ancient times, the period of the Ottoman Empire and the Second World War. In that context, the archive material contains important material about the history of the Jews from Macedonia, before the Holocaust, during the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Macedonian Jews after 1943. Aleksandar Matkovski's material for t...

  14. Орловская областная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их соообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям СССР

    Сводные ведомости, акты и реестры по учету ущерба, причиненного немецко-фашистскими захватчиками, по районам области. Документы о злодеяниях немецко-фашистских оккупантов (акты, списки расстрелянных и угнанных в Германию граждан и др.)- Протоколы допросов военнопленных. Воспоминания, письма советских граждан. Листовки, газеты.

  15. Чрезвычайная государственная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских оккупантов на территории Кабардино-Балкарской АССР

    Постановления СНК КБАССР и Чрезвычайной комиссии о расследовании злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков на территории Кабардино-Балкарии. План работы комиссии: доклад секретаря Кабардино-Балкарского обкома ВКП(б) «Фашизм – злейший враг кавказского народа»; докладные записки об итогах расследования злодеяний немецко-фашистских оккупантов; листовка «Отомстим немецким бандитам за кровавые злодеяния»; акты об ущербе, нанесенном немецко-фашистскими захватчиками народному хозяйству и гражданам республики, акты о зверствах гитлеровцев.

  16. 427.Central Committee of the Communist Party of Macedonia/ League of Communists of Macedonia - Skopje (1945-1990)

    • 427.Централен Комитет на КПМ/СКМ - Скопје (1945-1990) / Centralen Komitet na KPM/SKM-Skopje

    Jews from Macedonia - holders of the 1941 Partisan Commemorative Ribbon, participants in the National Liberation War: Beno Ruso, Moritz Shami, Rosa Kamhi, Berto Ruso, Viktor Meshulam, Nisim Alba, Zhamila Kolonomos, Haim Sadikario, Isak Sion, Haim Levi, Gjorgi Blaer, and Aleksandar Fritshand Register of all the Jewish participants of National Liberation Movement in Macedonia: from Skopje – Adolf Piskar, Aron Bahar, Gjorgi Blaer, Aleksandar Fritshand, Sami Mizrahi, Josif Polak, Dr. Avram Nisim, Dr.. Chaim Abrvanel, Jakob Biti, Deborah Kaserto, Rebecca Sason, Rashel Sason, Bela Sason, Isidor A...

  17. Complaint lodged by the Macedonian-Jewish Community, No.28

    • Тужба од македонско-еврејската општина Скопје Бр. 28
    • Tuzba od makedonsko-evrejskata opstina Skopje, br. 28

    The structure of the Complaint: The Complaint is divided into 13 parts and an appendix. The content of the Complaint concerns the tragedy of Macedonian Jews, described as one of the greatest crimes committed by the Bulgarian-German occupiers in Macedonia, beginning April 6, 1941. Three types of offenders are noted: the commanding officers represented by the central authorities in Sofia, the executive local bodies of the Fascist occupation authorities and the domestic collaborators of the executive bodies.

  18. Complaint lodged by the Macedonian-Jewish Community Bitola

    • Тужба од македонско-еврејската општина Битола
    • Tuzba od makedonsko-evrejska opstina Bitola

    The Complaint is structured in 10 individual sections explaining the course of events conducted with the help of domestic collaborators, contributing to the tragedy of the Macedonian Jews: events explaining the period from the introduction of anti-Jewish laws in April 1941 to the period of deportation of Bitola Jews to Treblinka, in March-April 1943. Within the complaint there is also a testimony of a witness who spent some time in the Skopje camp but was released as a family member of a doctor.

  19. 1945 List of Jews registered in the Jewish Community in Skopje

    • Список на Евреите кои се пријавени во Еврејската општина во Скопје, 1945
    • Spisok na Evreite koi se prijaveni vo Evrejskata opstina vo Skopje, 1945

    Тhe document is structured in the following way: - Ordinal number of the family and ordinal number of each member of a family - Name and surname, profession, place of birth, date of birth and remark - 124 families or 305 people have been recorded

  20. Register books of the Jews in Skopje, 1919-1943

    • Матични книги 1919-1943 на Евреите од Еврејската општина во Скопје
    • Matichni knigi 1919-1943 na Evreite od Evrejskata opstina vo Skopje
    • Еврејска заедница на Република Македонија
    • Матични книги 1919-1943 на Евреите од Еврејската општина во Скопје
    • English, Macedonian
    • 1919-1943
    • Register books of the Jews in Skopje, 1919-1943, are consisted of five separate handwritten books: I. Register of births of the Jews from Skopje for the period from 1919 to 1933 II.Register of births of the Jews from Skopje for the the years from 1933-1943 III. Register for the 1923-1924 Census of the Jewish population from Skopje IV. Register of marriages of the Jewish population in Skopje, 1920-1943 and the V. Register of deaths of the Jews from Skopje 1919-1943