Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,781 to 1,800 of 4,487
Holding Institution: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
  1. Boz?o S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Boz?o S., who was born in approximately 1920. He recalls his arrest in Zagreb in spring 1941; slave labor in Danica; receiving food from the Zagreb Jewish community; transfer to Jadovno a few months later; being sent to Gospic? by a Ustas?a, a former schoolmate, with ten other prisoners (also former schoolmates) while everyone in Jadovno was being killed; their transfer to Jasenovac in August; volunteering as an electrician, a privileged job; being assigned to collect hundreds of corpses when nearby Krapje was liquidated; Ustas?a viciously killing those not already de...

  2. Esther K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther K., who was born in Seredne, Czechoslovakia in 1922, the tenth of eleven children. She remembers one brother's emigration to the United States; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish laws resulting in confiscation of her father's business; moving to Budapest, then Debrecen; returning to Seredne in 1944; ghettoization in a brick factory in Ungva?r (Uz?h?horod); deportation to Auschwitz in spring 1944; passing through a selection with her mother, sister, and other relatives; her sister, mother, and sister-in-law being taken in subsequent selections; pledging to remain...

  3. Helen S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen S., who was born in approximately 1918 in a small town near Uz?h?horod. She recounts her mother's widowhood from her first marriage, from which she had two sons; her mother's marriage to her father; his death when she was ten months old; her mother's third marriage; living in Velikaya Dobron?; difficult relations with her stepfather; placement in a Joint orphanage in Mukacheve when she was fourteen; returning home; Hungarian occupation; German occupation; deportation orders during Passover; a brief trip with her mother to Uz?h?horod, seeking an exemption but not...

  4. Rachel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel K., who was born in France in 1935 to Polish-Russian immigrants, the youngest of three daughters. She recounts her parents' isolation from French society; her mother's store in Aulnay-sous-Bois; being sent to summer camp the first two years of the war; her mother refusing to have them wear the star; being smuggled with her mother and sisters to the unoccupied zone in 1942 (her father refused to leave); receiving assistance and false papers from the Resistance through Edmond Michelet; her father joining them; living in a hotel in Brive, then in a remote farmhous...

  5. Martin P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin P., who was born in Boskovice, Czechoslovakia in 1918, when his family evacuated during World War I. He recounts their return to Sasiv (then Poland) when he was three; attending public school and cheder, then gymnasium in Zolochiv for a year; apprenticeship as a sign painter; participating in a Zionist youth group; training for emigration to Palestine; his father's death in 1934; supporting his family; Soviet occupation; Soviet military draft; capture during German invasion; escape; returning to Sasiv; forced labor; incarceration in concentration camps in Sasiv...

  6. Gola A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape recording of Gola A., who was born in Tarno?w, Poland in 1921. She recalls her orthodox childhood; attending public school; membership in a Zionist organization; German invasion; round-ups and shootings; ghettoization with her family; hiding with her mother during round-ups; a mass killing in the Jewish cemetery; a non-Jew briefly hiding her brother's children; forced labor in a clothing factory; one brother's deportation; deportation with two brothers to P?asz?ow in September 1943 (she never saw her parents, eldest brother, and other relatives again); slave labor; transfer to Aus...

  7. Morris K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris K., who was born in Bazar, Poland in 1932. He recalls living on a farm that his father supervised; celebrating Jewish holidays in Popovtse; moving to Golovchyn?tse; friendships with Poles and Ukrainians; moving to Tluste (presently Tovste); Soviet occupation; studying Russian; German invasion; Ukrainian pogroms; his family's rescue by Ukrainian friends; living with a family whose son was on the Judenrat; ghettoization; hiding with his family during a round-up; his aunt surviving a mass killing; escaping another round-up; traveling to Golovchy?ntse; living on a ...

  8. Andrée D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andrée D., a Catholic, who was born in Uccle, Belgium in 1922, one of three sisters. She recounts living in Congo from ages four to ten; attending school in Uccle; German invasion; working with the Resistance in Brussels and Bruges; smuggling downed Allied aviators to Paris; obtaining false identity papers in Lille; hiding two children in the Ardennes; denunciation; arrest with her parents; imprisonment in St. Gilles in August 1942; deportation with her father in August 1943 (her mother was released); separation from him in Essen; transfer to Mesum, Zweibrücken, the...

  9. Celina F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celina F., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1925, one of nine children. She recalls pervasive antisemitism; German invasion; the bombing of their home; beatings of Jews including her brother; moving to Koprzywnica with her mother; returning to Warsaw to rejoin their family; ghettoization; round-ups; deaths from starvation; deciding to escape despite not wanting to leave her family; traveling to Koprzywnica, then to Sandomierz; staying with a Jewish family; escaping during a round-up; hiding with a Polish family; returning to the Warsaw ghetto; learning her family had...

  10. Bronia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bronia K., who was born in Grodno, Poland (presently Hrodna, Belarus) in 1923. She describes her childhood; a pogrom which took place in Grodno in 1936; her involvement in a Zionist socialist youth organization, which led to her becoming active in the Resistance; the ghettoization of Grodno; her life in the Grodno ghetto; her resistance activities in the Bia?ystok ghetto and on the Aryan side with false papers; and her return to Grodno after liberation to find that her entire family had been killed. Mrs. K.'s resistance activities included smuggling arms; acting as a ...

  11. Charles T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles T., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1927. He tells of his mother's United States citizenship (she was born in Chicago); his family's affluence; attending a Jewish gymnasium; vacationing in Italy in summer 1938; traveling to Switzerland prior to returning home in October; his mother traveling to the U.S. on citizenship matters; German occupation; his father's and uncle's arrest in April; he and his younger brother living with relatives; spending seven months on a Zionist training farm; learning his father and uncle were in Dachau; an uncle in the U.S. a...

  12. Isaac S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isaac S., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1925 to Turkish parents, one of six children. He recounts speaking Ladino at home; tensions between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews; participating in a Zionist group with his brother Haim; German invasion; two brothers briefly fleeing to France; exemption from anti-Jewish restrictions as Turkish citizens; working with the resistance group Mouvement National Beige, hiding Jewish families and distributing underground newspapers and false papers; several arrests, then release as a Turkish citizen until 1943; his brother Haim's ...

  13. William K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William K., who was born in Tarno?w, Poland, in 1922. Mr. K. recalls his youth; his father, an "ultrareligious" Talmud scholar; his mother's modest businesses which supported them; escaping domestic unhappiness in school; and prewar anti-Semitic experiences. He tells of German occupation; anti-Semitic restrictions and looting; ghettoization; being beaten publicly; the first Aktion when his father and 12,000 others were killed in June 1942; his mother's death from a heart attack; forced labor; his sister's selection in the second Aktion; his refusal to reveal the locat...

  14. Benjamin M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benjamin M., who was born in Warsaw. He describes his prewar home environment; life in the Warsaw ghetto; and slave labor experiences on the "Aryan" side. He tells of joining the underground; smuggling food into the ghetto; and smuggling people into and out of the ghetto. He recounts his first meeting with his future wife, also active in the underground; smuggling his parents out of the ghetto to helpful gentiles; Nazi tricks to root out Jews in hiding; and his younger brother's falling prey to such a trap. Mr. M. describes the bombardment and burning of the Warsaw gh...

  15. Lilli S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilli S., who was born in Zehlendorf, Germany in 1913, the youngest of three children. She recounts being raised as a Christian (her parents were Jewish); her father's service in World War I; his status as a doctor; living briefly with grandparents in Dresden; her mother's death when she was six; her father's remarriage to a non-Jew; studying agriculture; antisemitic harassment; surveillance of her father's clinic by Nazi troops in 1933; his suicide; emigrating to France; attending the University of Toulouse; marriage to a Lithuanian Jew in 1935; moving to Paris; freq...

  16. Genia L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Genia L., who was born in Szydłowiec, Poland in 1922, the third of four children. She recalls her warm and loving home; her family's orthodoxy; attending a Polish school; German invasion in September 1939; selling their possessions for food; ghettoization; her two older brothers' marriages in 1941; a warning two days prior to a round-up in fall 1942; moving to a work camp with her brother and his wife; slave labor building railroad tracks; escaping with her brother; a Polish acquaintance purchasing train tickets for them; joining their grandmother in the Skarżysko gh...

  17. Anna T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna T., who was born in Poland in 1919. She recalls German occupation in 1939; her family's deportation in 1942 (she never saw her parents again); mass killings and round-ups; deportation to Krychow; escaping with two others; receiving shelter and food from Jews in a village; escaping to the woods during mass killings of the Jews; hiding in a barn with assistance from a Polish family; joining Jewish partisans; liquidation of the partisans; hiding in the woods with several others; and liberation by Soviet troops. Mrs. T. describes returning to her hometown; reunion wi...

  18. Binem F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Binem F., who was born in Poland in 1911. He recalls rabbinical studies; antisemitic violence; military service in 1938; German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to P?aszo?w; forced labor; the cruelty of the Kommandant, Amon Goeth; assignment to Oskar Schindler's factory, to which he credits his survival; improved conditions; kindness from Mr. and Mrs. Schindler; transfer to Mauthausen, then Gusen; slave labor for Steyr; relatively benign conditions; liberation by United States troops in May 1945; traveling to Linz, then Rome; living with other survivors in another...

  19. Alli I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alli I., who was born in Russia and raised in Memel (presently Klaipe?da). She recalls many German friends prior to 1938; a German warning them to leave; moving to Kaunas; Soviet occupation; German invasion; briefly fleeing east with her two sisters, brother, father, and niece; returning home; ghettoization; mass killings at the Ninth Fort; hiding during round-ups; forced labor in a laundry; smuggling food; marriage; a round-up when they were found; deportation to Stutthof; separation from her mother and sister (they did not survive); feeling "dead"; slave labor in tw...

  20. Jack G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack G., who was born in Deszno, Poland in 1926, one of seven children. He recounts attending public school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; forced relocation to Rymanów; forced labor in his father's stead; six months in a forced labor camp; a brief escape; transfer to the Kraków ghetto; assistance from a baker; staying in a Catholic hospital when he had typhus; protection by the nuns; imprisonment; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in early 1942; sorting possessions of murdered Jews; sharing extra food they found; saving a friend from extermination; transf...