Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 304
Language of Description: English
Country: Ukraine
  1. Perehonivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Перегонівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Perehonivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raiony

    Collection contains decisions, orders, appeals of the district commissariat, district administration, district commissariat and land commissariat on administrative, agricultural and economic issues, the mobilization of labor force in Germany, labor duty of the population, the fight against partisans and the execution of unreliable persons, the payment of fines and taxation of the population, the procedure for registration of marriage, birth and death, and the fight against epidemics. Permits and certificates of registration and the right of departure of individuals outside the board. Lists ...

  2. Levivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Левівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Levivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders, instructions from Kirovohrad Gebietskommissariat on administrative, agricultural and economic issues, the fight against the partisan movement, sending of prisoners of war to Germany, the mandatory supply of agricultural products, the taxation and collection of fines from the population. Information on the payment of tax by the residents of the village. Lists of prisoners of war who were on the territory of the village. Lists of employees of village administration, local police and population of village Levivka. Collection includes order by Pidvysotsk district adm...

  3. Nerubaivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Нерубаївська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Nerubaivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains Orders by Kirovohrad Gebietskommissariat, Podvysotsk district state administration, and district councils on administrative and economic issues, mobilization of the labor force and its export to Germany, the fight against the partisan movement, the mandatory supply of agricultural products, the labor duty and taxation of the population. Information on the population of the village. Lists of persons who arrived to the village. Lists of persons who were in service in the German army. Collection includes orders to register the Jewish population and to impose 20% tax on them...

  4. Volodymyrivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Володимирівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Volodymyrivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders by Field Commandant, Kirovohrad Chebitskommissar, Pidvysotsk district administration, and the district land commissariat on administrative, agricultural affairs, mobilization of labor to Germany, the fight against partisans, the organization of committees of the Red Cross, the collecting of things for the German army. Book of orders of Volodymyrivska village administration. Lists of Soviet prisoners of war and the population living on the territory of the village Volodymyrivka, workers and employees of the village administration. Lists of persons sent to work in G...

  5. Lypniazhka village administration in Dobrovelychkivskyi district

    • Липнязька сільська управа; с. Липняжка Добровеличківського району
    • Lypniazka silska uprava, s. Lypniazhka Dobrovelychkivskoho raionu

    Collection contains decrees, orders of the Dobrovelychkivskyi district administration on administrative and economic issues. Statements of the dispossessed and repressed persons on the allocation of land. Lists of officers of the Ukrainian Police in Lypniazhka village. Lists of members of public households of the village for the donation of money to orphans. Information and correspondence on the issues of accounting of the population, on agriculture, taxation, judicial proceedings, on cattle plague, on the registration of the Soviet prisoners of war, who stayed on the territory of the villa...

  6. Kirovohrad Commandant's office of the Ukrainian Order Service

    • Комендатура української служби порядку м. Кіровоград
    • Komendatura ukrainskoi sluzhby poriadku m. Kirovohrad

    Collection contains decrees, orders from the Reichkommissar of Ukraine, Kirovohrad city commissar on wage regulation and food prices, on the placement of homeless children into an orphanage and in the home of invalids. Lists of personnel of the commandant's office. Statements, autobiographies, questionnaires, characteristics of dwellers who wished to work in the commandant's office. Correspondence with the Reichskommissar of Ukraine on administrative issues. Collection includes official instruction about arrests of the Jews (file 6, p. 4).

  7. Novoarhangelsk district administration

    • Новоархангельська районна управа
    • Novoarhangelska raionna uprava

    Collection includes instruction from 29 December 1941 by commissar of Hrushka district regarding registration and marking of the Jewish population, as well as prohibition to the Jews to convert into Christianity and to change their names (file 2, p. 11).

  8. Hmeliove district administration in Hmelivskyi district

    • Хмелівська районна управа; с. Хмельове Хмелівського району
    • Hmelivska raionna uprava; s. Hmeliove Hmelivskoho raionu

    Collection includes information from 22 December, 1941 by the chef of civilian administration at the town of Mala Vyska about execution of several Jewish persons in retaliation for firing an apartment of the Gebietskommissar (file 1, p. 4).

  9. Барська районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Бар.

    Ukrainian language leaflets/orders printed by Germans or of German origin: November 1941 order from Reich Commissar and Higher SS and Police Leader of Southern Russia about necessary documents for travel within Ukraine. August 1942 'Instructions to the people of Bar and Yaltischkova' from the Ukrainian heads of administration and of fire safety. Order No. 8 from the Ukrainian Administration of Bar, dated 11 September 1941. Persons who occupy empty apartments and take furniture must in 3 days leave apartment and give furniture etc. to the administration. Order of Bar administration from 10 J...

  10. Вінницький міський касаційний суд при Вінницькому окружному комісарі

    • Vinnytsa city appeal court at Vinnytsa gebietskommissariat
    • Vinnytskyi miskyi kasatsiynyi sud pry Vinnytskomu okruzhnomy komisari

    Inventory 1, files 18, 24, 28, 43, 45, 90, 91, 102, 139, etc. - uniformed sets of documents, representing criminal and civil cases, produced by cassation courts at the district commissariat. These include, in particular, the complaints of Jews: the alienation of houses, robbery of property, etc. The cases cover the circumstances in which the damage was occurred. The group of civil cases testifies about fining of Jews who did not leave their homes in time and did not move to areas determined by the occupation authorities, or did not contribute their share into the indemnity imposed by the au...

  11. Самгородоцька районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Самгородок

    • Samhorodok district administration
    • Samhorodotska raionna uprava

    Inventory 1, file 2. Statement of the Commission of Samhorodok district administration from June 9-10, 1942 about evaluation of the property confiscated from the Jews and transfer it to stock. Inventory of the property is included.

  12. Вінницька обласна управа

    • Vinnytsa regional administration
    • Vinnytska oblasna uprava

    Inv. 1, file 8. Order of occupation authority on supply of meat by population, including requirements for Jews and orders regarding animals belonging to Jews. Inv. 1, file 9, 17, 23, 270, 274, 278, 283, 286 - information on the socio-economic directions of the persecution of Jews. Inv. 1, file 9, 17, 23; file 236, p. 7; file 237, p. 21; file 238, p. 11; file 240, p. 4-5; file 246, p. 17; file 247, p. 74-76 - contain correspondence with subordinate district councils on "Jewish question". Inv. 1, file 1-4, 7, 8, 16 - correspondence from Sidor Bernard, head of the administration, with the Germ...

  13. Фільтраційні, архівно-слідчі і спостережні справи, трофейні документи, передані з відомчого архіву обласного управління СБУ

    • Filtration files, archival-criminal files and trophy documents transferred from regional SBU archives

    Collection consists of several types of documents. 1. Filtering cases (51531 files). The filtration file is a set of documents about an individual deported from Germany: interrogation protocols, questionnaires, correspondence for obtaining information about the life and activities of the deportee. Among those deported to forced labor in Germany were Jews - teenagers, boys and girls, who with the help of counterfeit documents, under other names saved themselves from the actions of the destruction of the Jewish population and entered the territory of the Reich. 38 filtration cases of Jews wer...

  14. Брацлавська районна управа, м. Брацлав

    • Bratslav district administration
    • Bratslavska raionna uprava

    File 6. Most part of the file contains lists and inventories of goods confiscated from the Jews of Bratslav.

  15. Немирівська міська комендатура, м. Немирів

    • Nemyriv ortskommandantur
    • Nemyrivska miska komendatura

    File 1 contains orders of the town commandant of Nemyriv, particularly about resettlement of the Jewish craftsmen and their families.

  16. Архівна колекція документів з історії краю (Вінницька область)

    • Archival collection on the history of Vinnitsa region

    In some files, there are documents on the persecution and mass destruction of the Jewish population during the German-Romanian occupation, photocopies of documents on the preparations for resettlement of Jews into ghettos, announcements of the German and Romanian occupation authorities on taxes and indemnities imposed on the Jewish population of cities of Vinnytsia, Zhmerynka, Haysyn, Mogiliv-Podilsky, a photo of the exhumation of the killed Jewish population of Khmilnyk [inventory 1, file 141, pp. 1, 12, 19, 32]. Copies of chronological informations on the Nazi occupation of locations of V...

  17. Бершадська районна управа, м. Бершадь

    • Bershad district administration
    • Bershadska raionna uprava

    Information on aid provided to the Jewish prisoners of the Transnistrian ghettos by the international organization "Joint" and the Romanian Jewish Center in Bucharest from May 1942 to December 1943 [inventory 1, file 1; inventory 2, files 3-10]: receipts for payments to the Jews resettled into Bershad, advance reports on expenditures from the governor's fund [inventory 2, file 2].

  18. Жмеринська районна управа

    • Zhmerynska raionna uprava
    • Zhmerynka district administration

    Documents of the medical department of the Zhmerinka ghetto on prevention the epidemic of typhoid fever [inventory 1, file 9, pp. 2-3]

  19. Томашпільська районна управа

    • Tomashpil district administration
    • Tomashpilska raionna uprava

    Circulars prohibiting correspondence between the Jews of Transnistria and Romania, 1942 (inventory 7, file 38).

  20. Станіславчицька районна управа

    • Stanislavchyk district administration

    Order by pretura of Stanislavchyk district prohibiting to purchase goods from the Jews and to exchange things with them (inventory 1, file 1).