Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 981 to 1,000 of 3,449
  1. Personal documentation belonging to Moritz Baecker from Vienna

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation belonging to Moritz Baecker from Vienna - Personal documentation and a personal photograph; - Heimatschein (Residence certificate) in the city of Vienna, 1935; - Exemption from military service because he is a Jew, 1938; - List of personal travel equipment approved by the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Authority) for emigration needs; - Income Tax exemption certificate; - Voucher for sending mail to the Gestapo, 1939; - Personal letter sent by Moritz Baecker from Buchenwald to his father, 15 January 1939; - Negative photograph of the above letter; - Correspondence wi...

  2. Correspondence and personal documentation of Dr. Josef Loewenherz, 1934-1943

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Correspondence and personal documentation of Dr. Josef Loewenherz, 1934-1943 - Correspondence regarding allocation of a plot of land in the Ahuza neighborhood (Haifa-1934?) in honor of Dr. Loewenherz's 50th birthday; - Dr. Loewenherz's trip to Paris on behalf of the community regarding receiving financial assistance for emigration with the approval of the Gestapo Zentralstelle ((Central Office for Jewish Emigration), 07 March 1939; request to take personal luggage for the trip approved by the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Office) in Vienna, with the exception of a gold watch, which was re...

  3. Correspondence regarding the deportation of the Jews of Vienna to areas of Poland and confiscation of their property by the Vugestap, February 1941 - November 1941

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Correspondence regarding the deportation of the Jews of Vienna to areas of Poland and confiscation of their property by the Vugestap, February 1941 - November 1941 The file includes: - Telegram regarding coordinated activity between the NSDAP and the Gestapo regarding deportation of the Jews of Vienna to the Generalgouvernement area, excluding those with authorized emigration documents; - Correspondence between Scharizer, from the NSDAP, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner, from the MSSPF, regarding logistics, March 1941; - General circular issued by Laube, from the NSDAP, to all the Kreisleiter in the...

  4. Documentation regarding the activities of Kurt Lischka in France, including translations from French to German of excerpts from the book "Le Memorial De La Deportation Des Juifs De France" ("Memorial to the Jews Deported from France") written by Serge Kla

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Documentation regarding the activities of Kurt Lischka in France, including translations from French to German of excerpts from the book "Le Memorial De La Deportation Des Juifs De France" ("Memorial to the Jews Deported from France") written by Serge Klarsfeld and published, 1978; documentation dated, 1942-1978 - Documentation regarding Ernst Heinrichsohn, a Gestapo man in Paris; letters from the Gestapo in Paris; testimonies of Jews regarding the deportation of children, July 1942; - Photocopies of books published in France regarding the deportation of the Jews; some of the documentary ma...

  5. Testimony of Isaak Kagan regarding his experiences in a Vilna prison, Ponary and in the Vilna Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Isaak Kagan regarding his experiences in a Vilna prison, Ponary and in the Vilna Ghetto Arrest by the Gestapo; transfer to a prison in Vilna, 1941; meeting with other inmates who were arrested in Vilna; "Aktion" against Jews employed by the Gestapo, 05 December 1941; drafting of young Jews who are fit for labor; deportation of the elderly and the sick to their deaths; transfer with other inmates from the prison to Ponary; murder of Jews under the command of Horst Schweinberger; escape from the killing pit; hidden by a Polish farmer; transfer back to the Vilna Ghetto with help f...

  6. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Detailed report regarding Auschwitz-Birkenau submitted by Walter Rosenberg (Rudolph Vrba) and Alfred Wexler (Josef Lanik) who succeeded in escaping from the camp

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Detailed report regarding Auschwitz-Birkenau submitted by Walter Rosenberg (Rudolph Vrba) and Alfred Wexler (Josef Lanik) who succeeded in escaping from the camp Detailed report regarding Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1942-1944, submitted by Walter Rosenberg (Rudolph Vrba) and Alfred Wexler (Josef Lanik) who succeeded in escaping from the camp, 07 April 1944, and arriving in Slovakia Also in the file: - Gestapo telegram regarding the escape of these two inmates, 09 April 1944; Two Gestapo telegrams regarding the escape of inmates from Auschwitz: Siegfried Lederer, Cz...

  7. Testimony of Liza Bursztyn, born in Lomza, Poland, 1912, regarding her experiences in Lomza

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Liza Bursztyn, born in Lomza, Poland, 1912, regarding her experiences in Lomza Establishment of the Lomza Ghetto, July 1941; abuse of the witness by a Gestapo man; capture of 50 Jewish youth; murder of the youth in the Lomza area; work at housecleaning outside the ghetto; her husband's work at construction; arrest of Communists; murder of approximately 2,000 Jews without work permits, September 1941; names of those murdered; robbery of Jewish property by Manko, the Gestapo man, 31 October 1942; liquidation of the Lomza Ghetto, 01 November 1942; suicide of Hefner, the Jewish phy...

  8. ED 642 / 1

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Polizeipräsidien, Polizeidirektionen, weitere Polizeibehörden

    Verfahrensakten zu verurteilten Polen Nowiecki, Glegocinski, Niemier der Geheimen Staatspolizei, 1939-1940, darin: Personalbogen, polizeiinterne Korrespondenz, Vernehmungsprotokolle, Eingaben Dritter, Urteile d. Standgerichte, Vermerke [Kopien 1969-1970]. Masch. Auszüge aus der Vernehmung Erhard Wetzel [im Eichmann-Prozess], 1961, betr. Referat für Judenfragen, Ostland, insbesondere zum "Gaskammerbrief" v. 25. Oktober 1941 [Kopien, o.A.], 14 S.

  9. Zabikowo XIII

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Ziegler, Armin (Posen)
    3. Wer kennt schon Zabikowo...

    Czeslaw Luczak: "Dzien po dniu w okupowanym Poznaniu", Poznan 1989, Auszüge das Lager Zabikowo betreffend (Czeslaw Luczak: Ein Tag nach dem anderen in dem besetzten Polen", Posen 1989), dt. von R. Perkowski, 1992, 17 S.; Marian Switonski: "Zbrodnie gestapo w Wielkoplosce w latach 1939-1945", in: Kronika Wielkopolski, Nr. 1/1985, S. 51-68 (Marian Switonski: Die Verbrechen der Gestapo im Wartheland 1939-1945, in: Chronik der Provinz Posen, Nr. 1/1985, S. 51-68), dt. von R. Perkowski, 1992, 16 S.; hierzu: Anmerkungen zur dt. Übersetzung sowie inhaltliche Bezüge zu anderen Aufsätzen Herbert Mic...

  10. Geheime Staatspolizei - Staatspolizeistelle Osnabrück

    Erhalten ist nahezu nur die Kartei zu den etwa 50.000 verlorenen "Personenakten". Der Bestand wurde daher durch Kopien aus anderen Archiven ergänzt, darunter insbesondere die nach Berlin gemeldeten Lageberichte (1995 publiziert von Gerd Steinwascher unter dem Titel "Gestapo Osnabrück meldet ..."). Literatur: Delbanco, Werner, Geheime Staatspolizei - Staatspolizeistelle Osnabrück, in: Übersicht über die Bestände des Niedersächsischen Staatsarchivs in Osnabrück, Göttingen 1978, S. 124 f. (mit Hinweis auf Bernhard Scheer/Georg Bartsch, Das Polizeiverwaltungsgesetz. Wesen und Rechtsgrundlagen d...

  11. Iš Vokietijos gautų dokumentų kolekcija

    • Captured German Records Returned by the USSR to Lithuania in 1953

    Includes: Polizeipraesident zu Berlin, Polizeidirektion Tilsit, SS Totenkofp Sturmbahn Konzentrationslager Lublin, SS und Polizei fuehrer Ausbildungslager Travniki, RSHA Gestapo Berlin, Heeresgruppenkommando I, Gestapo Stapostelle Zichenau, etc. USHMM: "Information collected by the German security services regarding the local population, the Red Army, Communists, anti-German movements in the Baltic, and "deserters" [Lithuanian Central State Archives, Fonds 1173/1, 2, 4, and 7; 2000." Files of: prisoners of war, prisoners and guards of concentration camps, policemen of the Lithuanian Auxilia...

  12. Rapport van de SD-afdeling Stiermarken aan de SD, Wenen, over het verloop van de Kristallnacht aldaar. Niet geüniformeerde SS- en SA- leden bestormden...

    1. Proces Eichmann

    Rapport van de SD-afdeling Stiermarken aan de SD, Wenen, over het verloop van de Kristallnacht aldaar. Niet geüniformeerde SS- en SA- leden bestormden en verwoestten de synagoge en arresteerden jonge Joden, waarbij mishandelingen voorkwamen. Pas later begon de actie van de Gestapo en de SD, waardoor nog veel meer arrestaties volgden. Economische schade is er nauwelijks uit voortgekomen, omdat de Joden op dit gebied al uitgeschakeld waren. Daarentegen remt de actie de verdrijving, die door toedoen van Eichmann's aanwijzingen anders op 31 dec. 1938 in Stiermarken voltooid was geweest. Nu zijn...

  13. Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region, 1920-1944

    Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region

  14. Last letters of a young Danish patriot

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The booklet contains a short biography and the letters of Christian Ulrik Hansen, who was executed by the Gestapo on June 23rd, 1944. He is planning to return the Christian denominations back to unity, should he survive. His letters are full of clarity and wisdom, unafraid of the looming death.

  15. "Shari's Story"

    Consists of one memoir, 52 pages, entitled "Shari's Story" by Charlotte Wiesner Kuna, originally of Michalovce, Czechoslovakia. In the memoir, she describes pre-war family life in Michalovce, the beginning of anti-Jewish restrictions, and the fate of many friends and family members in Michalovce. In 1944, Charlotte (known as Shari or Shandele) and her sister received identity papers with Aryan names and moved around frequently to escape the Gestapo. They were imprisoned by the Gestapo in the spring of 1945, escaped after five weeks, hiding until they were liberated. She reunited with surviv...

  16. Selected records of the Russian State Military Archives (Former Osobyi Archives Collections) from the Yad Vashem

    Contains fragmentary excerpts from captured German documents, including directives, decrees, name lists relating to the emigration of Jews from Germany, reports, correspondence, and various other documents relating to the administration of the SD and Gestapo, Zionist organizations; RSHA and Gestapo personnel; religious conversions of Jews and Christians; the Vienna Jewish community; activities of various Jewish organizations; anti-Jewish laws; Jewish emigration; activities of the German Labor Front; activities of the Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei in Auschwitz; liquidation of J...

  17. Selected records from the National Archives of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

    Records relate to the Fünfbrunnen concentration camp. Included are name lists of Jews deported from Luxembourg to Poland, Sipo reports on arrested Jews and resistance members, investigation files and survivor accusation statements against Gestapo man Fritz Hartmann, and excerpts from the trial of Gestapo man Klöker and many others charged with war crimes in 1948.

  18. "Fort Montluc and Ravensbrück" a record of imprisonment

    Consists of copies of a memoir of an anonymous Holocaust survivor. A member of the French resistance, the young woman was captured by the Gestapo and subjected to severe treatment. The testimony describes her deportation from France to Ravensbrück, slave labor in a German plane factory, experiences with female SS guards, her many illnesses as a prisoner, and her eventual liberation by the Red Army.

  19. Testimony of Sister Marie-Aurelie, Mother Superior of the Convent of the Sisters of the Very Holy Savior...

    Contains a 21-page photocopy of a translation of a July 31, 1945, memoir by Sister Marie-Aurelie, Mother Superior of the Convent of the Sisters of the Very Holy Savior, in Brussels, Belgium. In the memoir Sister Marie-Aurelie describes how her convent cared for Jewish girls and hid them from the Gestapo during the German occupation of Belgium in World War II.