Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,261 to 33,280 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Уманська міська управа, м. Умань Київської області

    • Uman city administration, Kiev oblast

    Opis 1. The majority of the folders consist of declarations and statements regarding the right to issue patents to private persons for carrying on handicraft or trade activity. 682. Orders of the German military and civilian authorities 840. Orders of the Gebietskommissar of Uman 841. List of the apartments of polizei members, correspondence of various individuals and organizations with the city administration regarding housing issues Opis 3. 15. List of members of the city administration as of 15 July 1942

  2. Συλλογή Ασσέο Ι. - Χαμπούρη Α.

    • Collection Asseo I. - Chabouri A.
    • Syllogi Asseo I - Chambouri A
  3. Projekt Dotrščina: Zagrepčani - revolucionari, antifašisti i žrtve fašističkog terora 1941. - 1945. (podserija)

    • The Dotrščina Park Project: citizens of Zagreb, revolutionaries, anti-Fascist fighters and victims of fascist terror 1941-1945

    The Dotrsicna park in Zagreb is the site of the mass murder where around 18 000 citizens of Zagreb and its surroundings were shot during the Fascist regime due to their ethnic background, or the fact they were anti-regime. Thanks to archivists Josipa Paver and Igor Graovac, there was systematic work on the names of the victims from 1967 until the late 1990s. The project started in the State Archive back in 1967, and lasted, with interruptions, until April 1985. The project examined the records of the Croatian State Archives, the former archives of the Institute of History of the labor movem...

  4. Česká liga proti bolševismu, Praha

    • Czech League against Bolshevism
    • ČLB
    • ČLpB
    • Národní archiv
    • 739
    • English
    • 1944-1945
    • The collection consists out of 0,5 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The official reason for the founding of the Czech League against Bolshevism (Česká liga proti bolševismu) was the Czechoslovak-Soviet treaty of alliance in December 1943 signed by Edvard Beneš in Moscow. The Founding General Meeting of the Czech League against Bolshevism (Česká liga proti bolševismu) was held 23rd January 1944 in Prague. The organization reported directly to the Ministry of Education and Propaganda, led by Emanuel Moravec. Since its founding until January 1945 the Liga organized 231 public speeches and lectures. The Propaganda of the Czech League against Bolshevism was not ...

  5. Národní souručenství, Praha

    • National Community, Prague
    • Nationale Gemeinschaft
    • N Sour.
    • Národní archiv
    • 453
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • The collection consists out of 30,5 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 0,62 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The National Community included all male citizens of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. The membership was virtually a formality. The Preparatory Committee was established soon after the occupation, namely 21 March 1939 under President Hacha. The aim was to create a mass organization which would support the Protectorate government. Subsequently on 6th April 1939 the Národní souručenství was declared the only political party in the Protectorate. About ninety percent of the male population of the Protectorate were members of Národní souručenství. The organisation Národní souručenství was a...


    • The County Court in Brod

    • The Jewish Religious Community Slavonski Brod. County Rabbinical Office.
  8. The Society for the Protection of Majdanek (since 1945)

    The fund numbers 993 units and includes the materials documenting the activities of the Society for the Protection of Majdanek.

  9. Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission to Examine Crimes in the Area of the Concentration Camp at Majdanek (1944)

    Part of the materials collected in connection with the activities of the Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission, mainly reports documenting the work of the commission (like the inspection of the area of the former camp and witness interrogation reports).

  10. NKVD camp

    The materials, most of which are photocopies, are connected with the NKVD camp functioning in the area of Majdanek from autumn 1944.

  11. Women’s Auxiliary Army Service (1942-1944)

    The records of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Service, the organization which operated from 1942 at the Headquarters of the Home Army in the Lublin District. Most documents are connected with the organizational issues of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Service.

  12. OPUS - Central Underground Care (1943-1944)

    The records of OPUS Central Underground Care include the reports from the Lublin district of the Home Army concerning the activity of the occupational authorities, such as reports from arrests of the Home Army soldiers and the financial situations of their families. This fund also includes the reports drawn up on the basis of the information about the situation in the camp provided by the Home Army soldiers imprisoned at Majdanek, and lists of prisoners’ names. The OPUS documents arrived at the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek in 1971.

  13. Polish Red Cross – Lublin District (1939-1946)

    The records of the Polish Red Cross handed over to the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek in 1957. The materials are connected with the activity of the Polish Red Cross in the Lublin district in the years 1939-1946. They include: the personal records of the prisoners of Majdanek and the Lublin Castle, who received parcels from their families by hand of the Polish Red Cross; postcards confirming the receipt of the parcels; lists of Polish soldiers who were wounded or killed in 1939; and a register of former forced labourers, people coming back from the camps, refugees and foreigners lo...

  14. Einsatz Reinhardt – Materiallager Chopinstr. 27

    The fund numbers 13 units, most of which contain the books of the warehouses at 27 Chopin Street, where stolen Jewish property was stored as well as the lists of valuables and money taken away from the Jews imprisoned at Majdanek. Apart from the books, the fund includes the orders placed by occupational offices and individual people for different things stored in the warehouses as well as the receipts.

  15. KL Lublin Administration 1941-1944

    Records created by the offices of the concentration camp at Majdanek in the years 1941-1944. The fund numbers 318 units, in which 17700 various documents are stored, such as: personal records of the prisoners and crew members, orders of release, reports of incoming transports, lists, prisoners’ sickness cards and work cards, cloths and money registers, and death books.

  16. Kherson Regional Extraordinary Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Kherson Region at the Executive Committee of the Kherson Regional Council of Toilers’ Deputies, City of Kherson (Kherson Region)

    The fond includes a single inventory systematized chronologically. Documents held in the fond include a report of the Regional Extraordinary State Commission summing up the assessment of damages caused by and the investigation of crimes committed by the occupiers in the Kherson region, which contains, among other things, information on murders of Jews (including 10,000 persons in the city of Kherson) and on the functioning of the Kherson ghetto; proceedings of the Commission from 1944-45 on the investigation of the mass execution of 8,780 Jews in anti-tank ditches near the village of Zeleno...

  17. Zbirka matičnih knjiga

    • Births registry collection

    Two books provide the lists of Jews living in Sisak (a list of Jewish families from the 19th century, and a registry books with births from each year)

  18. Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Independent State of Croatia

    Some files from the Minister's cabinet have been saved, on the most important issues of foreign policy, as well as his correspondence and reports admitted from the Croatian embassies in other countries. A significant portion of the collection consists of the writings of the Political Department, relations with the Croatia's allied countries: Italy and Germany, as well as countries in the neighborhood. Usually the Ministry followed the Italians relationship with Serbian Chetniks and the Serbian population and exceeding of the Italian authorities on the ground of ISC; follow the realization o...

  19. Hrvatski državni sabor (Nezavisne države Hrvatske)

    • The Parliament of the Independent State of Croatia

    Although the majority of the collection deals with the most general level of policy-making, and various parts of the creation of everyday life in the newly proclaimed ISC, some parts of the collection might be interesting to Holocaust scholars (passing of the laws; reports on how laws will be implemented, general religious affairs, school system, etc.).

  20. Kupoprodajni ugovori „Ponove“, Ispostava Sisak

    • Sales contracts of the Jewish nationalized property (the office of 'Ponova')