Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,461 to 26,480 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Le monde concentrationnaire

    • Le monde concentrationnaire (radio documentary series)

    Le monde concentrationnaire is made up of the following episodes: - Les juifs (The Jews) - La pensée détruite (Devastated thinking) - Le moral (Morality) - Melk (Milk) - Le message des témoins (The witnesses' message) - Un système économique (An economic system) - L'arrivée au camp (Arrival at the camp) - Résistance médicale (Medical resistance) - Compiègne-triage (Compiègne-triage) - La quarantaine (Quarantine) - L'exemple de Buchenwald (The Buchenwald example) - La solidarité (Solidarity) - L'heure de la libération (The Liberation) - Le monde concentrationnaire : émission du 26 avril 19...

  2. Radio publiques

    • Public radio stations

    Public radio since 1945 Programmes broadcast on the national and regional stations of RDF (Radiodiffusion Française, 1945–1949), RTF (Radiodiffusion télévision française, 1949–1964), ORTF (Office de radiodiffusion télévision française, 1964–1974), France Régions 3 (FR3) Radio (1975–1982) and Radio France (since 1982). SORAFOM / OCORA Fonds (1955–1968) This collection includes programmes from SORAFOM (Société de radiodiffusion de la France d'outre-mer) which were broadcast between 1955 and 1962 as well as documents from OCORA (Office de coopération radiophonique) broadcast between 19...

  3. Historia Mówiona

    • Oral History

    The collection contains the spoken testimonies of the inhabitants of Lublin registered since 1969.

  4. Международный военный трибунал для главных немецких преступников (Нюрнбергский процесс). Нюрнберг.

    • International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg (The Nuremberg trials)

    Opis 1, 2916 files, 1945-1947 Agreement, rules and regulations of the tribunal, notifications, orders, reports, decoding of sound records of the open sessions, and reports from the close sessions. Letter of indictment, materials from Commonwealth counsel and counsel for the defence. Speeches of the accusers and defending counsels. statutory declaration (mascot); Affidavits of the sides. Interrogation reports of the defendance and accuisation. Sentence of the Nuremberg trial, opinions of the court members. Opis 2, 431 files, 1938-1946 The main specifics of the Opis 2 is the precise discripti...

  5. Records of the Subprefect of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun vármegye alispánjának iratai

    The fond of the records of the Subprefect is one of the key collections pertaining to the history of the Jewish communities and the Holocaust in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County. The most relevant parts are the following: IV.B. 408.a-b. Classified and Administrative records, 1876-1944 The survived material from the years 1938-1943 (Boxes 240-259), include records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws and instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from t...

  6. Rejencja Szczecińska

    • Regierung Stettin
    • Szczecin Regional Administration

    Of greatest significance are the files of the Wydział Prezydialny (Presidium Department), and within these issues connected with supervision of communes, the ruin of Jewish trade, anti-Jewish demonstrations, looting of property, arrests, and name changes

  7. Български фармацевтически кондиционерен съюз

    • Bulgarski farmatsevticheski konditsioneren suyuz
    • Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Union

    Contains correspondence, personal files, declarations, and lists of members of the Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Union. Includes information regarding liquidation of Jewish pharmacies according to the Protection of the Nation Act, and report to the Ministry of Health regarding transfer of pharmacy property from Jewish to non-Jewish owners.

  8. Симеон Николов Петков (1886–1974) - Личен фонд

    • Simeon Nikolov Petkov (1886-1974) - Lichen Fond
    • Papers of Simeon N. Petkov (1886-1974)

    In the fonds can be found, under the archival signature inventory 2, a.u. 434, the printed book "Dr. I. Fadenheht". It contains contributions to Prof. Yosif Fadenheht.

  9. Върховна стопанска камара

    • Vurhovna stopanska kamara
    • Supreme Chamber of Commerce

    Contains selected records from Fond 212, including draft correspondence regarding Jewish savings.

  10. Българска народна банка – Гюмюрджина

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Gyumyurdzhina
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Gyumyurdzhina (Komotini)

    Contains questionnaires with declarations and information regarding Jewish valuables.

  11. Българска народна банка – Деде Агач

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Dede Agach
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Dedeagach (Alexandroupoli)

    Contains signatures of supervisors of the Commissariat of Jewish Affairs, correspondence relating to Jewish property, and Jewish declarations of currency and assets held.

  12. Българска народна банка – Ксанти

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Ksanti
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Xanthi

    Contains dossiers of Jewish declarations of currency and assets held.


    • Council of Ministers
    • Централен държавен архив
    • ф. 284К
    • English
    • 1879-1944
    • Опис 1, 8846 а.е., 1880-1944 г. - “Протоколи на МС (1880-1944)” Постановления на Министерския съвет за прилагане ЗЗН (1941-1944)

    Опис 1, 8846 а.е., 1880-1944 г. - “Протоколи на МС (1880-1944)” Постановления на Министерския съвет за прилагане ЗЗН (1941-1944) Опис 2, 220 а.е., 1879-1944 г. - Договори, спогодби, конвенции и протоколи между България и различни страни. Опис 3, 190 а.е., 1889-1944 г. - Списъци на закони, решения, укази, окръжни и др. (1909-1933); протокол за присъединяването на България към Тристранния пакт (1941); спогодби между българското и германското правителства за уточняване въпроси в областта на наказателното право, възниквали след установяването на германските войски в България (1941) и между БНБ ...

  14. Министерство на народната просвета

    • Ministerstvo na narodnata prosveta
    • Ministry of Education

    Contains a confidential letter regarding a search for Jews and an investigation about teachers who were Communist Party members.


    • Regional Municipal Branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Health - DUPNITSA (1880-1944)

    Обобщена характеристика: Окръжни на МВРНЗ за емигрирането на български гра­ждани в задокеанските страни и в Турция (1926-1927), за ця­лостната дейност на полицията (1934, 1938-1944). Заповеди на Околийския полицейски началник по личния състав и ра­ботата на службата (1943-1944), доклади за състоянието на административните служби в управлението (1941). Окръжни, писма и сведения за станалите произшествия в околията, воденето на дознания и приключване на преписки от полицията (1937-1943), по мобилизацията в околията (1939-1940), за противовъздушната и химическа защита (1937-1944), регистриране...

  16. 12-та служба временна трудова повинност

    • 12-th branch of temporary labor service
    • 12-та служба "Временна трудова повинност" - Велес (1942 – 1943)

    Заповедна книга за движението на личния състав на 12. служба "Временна трудова повинност" (1942-1945); заповедна книга по Еврейския отряд - Свети Врач (1943); разчетна книга за щатните служители (1942-1944)

  17. Писмо до началник на полицията - Видин със сведения за броя на евакуираните във Видин евреи и българи

    • Letter to the Head of the Police - Vidin with information on the number of evacuated Jews and Bulgarians in Vidin

    Писмо от помощник-околийския управител, началник на полицията - Видин до помощник-областния директор, началник на полицията в областта - Враца със сведения за броя на евакуираните във Видин евреи и българи

  18. Various information and complaints

    Various information and complaints regarding military personnel and civil population. Forced labor of Jews. Results of inspections of military hospitals and alimentation of the troops. Complaints that some Jews are equipped with special official authorization that allows them to travel free all over the country.

  19. Military counter-espionage.

    Military counter-espionage. Army Corps IV. 1942 - 1943. Periodic reports an the morale of the troops; the mood of the population: Romanians, Ukrainians, Polish, Jews, Hungarians; the clandestine activities of legionnaires and communists. Minor incidents and discovery of war materials left from the Soviets. Report from the German military mission on the situation on the front in Crimea and on the river Don.