Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 91
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Italian
Country: Poland
  1. Akta miasta Rozwadowa

    • Files of the town of Rozwadów

    The collection contains i.a. the breakdown of the assets belonging to Jews (1941), rent and apartment ledgers, a register of abandoned real estate, and a ledger in which are recorded expropriations of former Jewish assets.

  2. Akta miasta Rzeszowa

    • Files of the town of Rzeszów

    The collection contains i.a. items including German bills and public announcements; information on the establishment of the ghetto and forced labour for Jews; confiscations of property and its administration; death sentences; lists of deceased Jews for the years 1935-1942; an incomplete list of the Jews of Mielec (1941); lists of licences issued and tribute payments by residents in the years 1941-1943; registers of houses and lists of names of the tenants of various real properties; records of personal identity documents issued; alphabetical card files on population movements ; and the orig...

  3. Akta miasta Sierpca

    • Files of he Town of Sierpc

    I. Stadtverwaltung Sierpc l. 1917-1918 (sygn. 125): akta licytacji na wydzierżawienie jatek. II. Magistrat Miasta Sierpca l. 1924-1932 (sygn. od 126 do 127 oraz od 129 do 130): protokoły posiedzeń, księgi uchwał, wykazy radnych i członków Magistratu, sprawy wojskowości, obwieszczenia o poborze rekruta. III. Zarząd Miejski w Sierpcu l. 1939-1939 (sygn. 128 i 131): korespondencja ze starostwem, wykaz przedsiębiorstw skupujących zboże i tłuszcz zwierzęcy, ustalanie cen artykułów zbożowych, komunikaty rabina o zawartych małżeństwach. IV. Miejska Rada Narodowa w Sierpcu l. 1945-1950 (sygn. od 1 ...

  4. Akta miasta Skierniewic

    • Files of the town of Skierniewice

    The collection contains i.a. the materials on forced labour; correspondence with the Rada Żydowska (Judenrat, Jewish Council) regarding the establishment of the ghetto (1940); a list of names of wealthier Jews; postwar documents on issues including property rights cases;

  5. Akta miasta Sochaczewa

    • Files of the town of Sochaczew

    The collection contains i.a. documents of Sochaczew city governor’s office, including lists of shops owned by Jews; ordinances from the period of the occupation concerning or affecting Jews, including some concerning the establishment of a Jewish quarter in January 1941; correspondence of the Judenrat concerning forced labour and food ration cards; lists of Jews by labour details.

  6. Akta miasta Węgrowa

    • Files of the town of Węgrów

    The collection contains i.a. general information on the situation of the Jews during the occupation, orders and circulars, tribute payment collection ledgers for the years 1940-1941 (in which the address is recorded alongside the name) and 1941-1942 (in this section there is an alphabetical list of the Jews of Węgrów).

  7. Akta miasta Wieliczki

    • Files of the town of Wieliczka

    The collection contains i.a. lists of the real estate on particular streets, dating from March 1941, together with the details of owners and tenants (a very large number of them Jews); some sheets bear the annotation “Jewish home” in German and in red pencil. In addition to these, there are applications and permits for Jews to move into the ghetto in Wieliczka, and residence registration questionnaires for around 1,400 people

  8. Akta miasta Wrocławia

    • Files of the city of Wrocław

    The collection contains i.a. mayoral speeches, propaganda materials, matters connected with Jewish schools and the seizure of museum holdings from the foundation administrating the home of Prof. Niesser, a professor of medicine (“Haus Niesser Verwaltung”), and the matters of the creation of a Jewish museum in the years 1928-1935 (“Jüdisches Museum”), the removal of the commemorative plaque from the house of Ferdinand Lassalle, and others;

  9. The Archives of Prisoner Organizations (1942-1944)

    A significant part of the collection is secret letters, mainly addressed to families, written by prisoners in the years 1942-1944. Apart from illegal correspondence, the collection includes official postcards, which were allowed from spring 1943. The materials in this collection were handed over by the former prisoners and their families. They document the situation in the camp at different times of its functioning as well as prisoner self-help and camp resistance movement.

  10. Armia Krajowa

    • The Home Army

    The files include those of Home Army's Jewish Department, which gathered information on the fate of the Jewish population in the Polish lands and served as the basis for the compilation of the “black books of Nazi crimes”,

  11. Audio recordings

    The collection numbers 502 recordings. Apart from the former prisoners’ accounts, it includes recordings documenting important museum events and radio broadcasts devoted to the history of the camp at Majdanek and the museum itself.

  12. Bank Drezdeński Filia w Katowicach

    • Dresdner Bank Filiale Kattowitz
    • Dresden Bank, Katowice Branch

    The collection contains information on accounts belonging to Jews, reports on liquidation of Polish and Jewish economic institutions, information on Jewish firms under German trustee administration, information on liquidation and expropriation of assets in Jewish accounts, and files of firms employing Jews, including those in the ghetto in Sosnowiec

  13. The collection of announcements and leaflets

    Announcements, leaflets and propaganda posters issued by the occupational authorities and people’s government.

  14. The collection of materials connected with the Nazi prison at the Lublin Castle (1939-1944)

    A small collection numbering 16 units includes mainly the materials connected with the prisoners of the Lublin castle and a list of names of prison division IV, the so called Book of division IV.

  15. The collection of microfilms

    Microfilmed documents from the museum’s own archives and other archives in Poland and abroad.

  16. The collection of photocopies

    The collection of the museum’s own materials and the ones acquired from other archives in Poland and abroad.

  17. The collection of photographs

    The photography collection of the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek numbers over 14 thousand photos showing: - The area of the former camp - Individual camp buildings - Camp prisoners (acquired after the war) - Crew members - Lublin in the times of German occupation A big part of the collection documents important events in the life of the museum, such as commemorative events, the Majdanek Days, exhibition opening days, visits by distinguished representatives of the world of culture and politics. Another group of photographs includes the photos which were found at Majdanek. They were...

  18. The collection of video recordings

    The Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek posseses 410 recordings presenting the accounts of the former prisoners, important museum events, and TV materials made for the purpose of educational programmes about the Second World War.

  19. Delegatura Rzadu RP na Kraj

    • Government Delegation for Poland

    In terms of Holocaust research, the most important departments of the Delegation were as follows: Departament Spraw Wewnętrznych (Department of Internal Affairs – Security), above all files 26-28, whose content includes the personal files of Jews who collaborated with the Germans, and registration data from the Warsaw ghetto for the years 1941-1943. These are some of the most important documents for anyone researching the Polish Underground State. Departament Informacji i Prasy (Department of Information and Press), which covers areas such as radio tapping, reviews of the underground press,...

  20. Dokumenty niemieckie z okresu okupacji hitlerowskiej

    • German documents from the Nazi occupation period

    The documents of special importance to the history of the Holocaust are those gathered in Section I, among them: call no. 200 – Traktowanie Polaków i Żydów w tzw. Kraju Warty (różne zarządzenia) oraz sprawy wysiedleń z lat 1939-1943 (Treatment of Poles and Jews in the “Wartheland” [various orders], and resettlements in the years 1939-1943) call no. 398 – Przesiedlanie Polaków i Żydów do GG (Resettlement of Poles and Jews to the GG), call no. 699 – “Judentransportliste nr 1” (Jewish transport list) dated 13 December 1939; a list of 768 people deported from the camp at Główna Street in Poznań...