Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 17 of 17
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Language of Description: Dutch
Country: Slovakia
Holding Institution: Štátny archív v Košiciach
  1. Okresný ľudový súd v Kráľovskom Chlmci 1946 - 1947

    • District People´s Court of Kráľovský Chlmec 1946 - 1947

    The agenda of the District People´s Court of Kráľovský Chlmec holds more than 400 personal files of those who after WWII had a trial at the District People's Court of Kráľovský Chlmec during 1946 and 1947 due to their activities between 1938 and 1945. These documents contain information about certain forms of persecution of the Jewry, and the Roma people, as well the activity of the political opposition to wartime government taking place in the territory of the Kráľovský Chlmec District and the city of Kráľovkský Chlmec.

  2. Notársky úrad v Malej Ide 1939-1945

    • Notary Office of Malá Ida 1939-1945

    The agenda of the Notary Office of Malá Ida holds records of the local administration of Malá Ida and four other villages in the period between 1939 and 1944, including materials on the Anti-Jewish measures, the persecution of Jews and the Aryanization of Jewish property in 1944. The archival collection contains the minutes of the city council of Malá Ida from the years 1939 – 1944 in which various documents regarding the Anti-Jewish measures have been preserved. For example, in box n. 15 documents on the Aryanization of the property of Jewish families have been preserved. Furthermore, the ...

  3. Notársky úrad v Moldave nad Bodvou 1939 - 1945

    • Notary Office of Moldava nad Bodvou 1939 - 1945

    The agenda of the Notary Office of Moldava nad Bodvou holds records of the local administration in the period between 1939 and 1945, including archival materials on the Anti-Jewish measures that were in force during these years. These archival sources are related mainly to the following issues: personal files related to Jewish residents, such as the number of local Jewry in 1939 (211 inhabitants), the list of Jewish doctors in Moldava nad Bodvou, files about the vetting of local doctors in 1939, official documents on Jews who converted to Christianity in Moldava nad Bodvou, as well ass the ...

  4. Abovsko-turnianska župa II.

    • Abov-Turňa County II.

    The fonds contains archival materials from the whole territory of Abov-Turňa County. It preserves documents on the various forms of anti-Jewish measures and persecution of the Jewish population taking place in the countryside the the Abov-Turňa County. These documents concern mainly the property of the Jewish population and the aryanization of the property of Jewish tradesmen.

  5. Halmi z Košíc

    • The Halmi family from Košice

    The collection is based on the legacy of one of the Halmi (Hennefeld) family from Košice in the period between 1867 and 1945. The documents that were preserved in the legacy are connected mainly to the personal files of four brothers, Félix, Jenő, Pál and Béla Halmi, and their sister, Piroska who were active in the political, social and cultural life of Košice. Many of the documents belonging to the family legacy concerns the life and survival strategies of the familiy after the first Vienna Award in 1938 and during the holocaust. Among these materials are also their requests for exceptions...

  6. Okresné živnostenské spoločenstvo v Košiciach

    • Kassai Járási Vegyes Ipartársulat
    • Tradesmen Association of the Košice District

    The archival collection of the Tradesmen Association of the Košice District contains important documents regarding the situation of Jewish industrialists and tradesmen that inhabited the localities of the surroundings of Košice. It holds records from the interwar period and the years of Jewish persecution during WWII. A total of 14 boxes - which represents the half of the whole collection - are related to the wartime period. The collection records preserve several register books and the list of the association members too. In these books one might find the detailed professional biographies ...

  7. Zemplínska župa II. Okupované územie

    • Zemplín County II. Occupied territory

    The fonds contains archival materials from the territory of historical Zemplín County which was annexed by the Hungarian Kingdom in 1938. It documents the anti-Jewish measures and various forms of persecution of the Jewish population taking place in the period between 1939 and 1944. These documents concern mainly the property of Jewish population, applications for citizenships and the arization of Jewish property.

  8. Okresný ľudový súd v Sobranciach

    • District People´s Court in Sobrance

    The fonds contains several files concerning separate cases of denunciation of Jews hiding in the vicinity of Vyšné Nemecké, Ruskov and Koňuša in 1944.

  9. Okresný ľudový súd v Moldave nad Bodvou

    • District People´s Court in Moldava nad Bodvou

    The fonds contains the file concerning the confiscation of Jewish property and deportation of Jews from Moldava nad Bodvou in 1944. It also contains the file concerning the activities of Levente with pictures of Levente members in Moldava nad Bodvou.

  10. Okresný ľúdový súd v Medzilaborciach

    • District People´s Court in Medzilaborce

    Fonds contains few files with the information on the anti-Jewish policy at the territory of district Medzilaborce in 1938-1944. One case file contains the information on the so-called temporary administration of Jewish houses and apartments at the territory of Medzilaborce after the deportation of Jews in 1942. Besides that, there is also a file with the information on the deportation of Jews from Medzilaborce and the so-called aryanisation of one particular enterprise in Medzilaborce by the former member of the Hlinka Guard. Fonds contains also a case file of the former local dignitary of ...

  11. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Košiciach

    • Főszolgabírói hivatal Kassa
    • Chief Constable´s Office in Košice

    The fonds contains various documents of the Chief Constable´s Office in Košice (Kassa) which pertain various political and economical issues of the area during the period 1939-1945. Among others, this fonds contains documents on the economic persecution of Jews in Košice and its vicinity, such as limitations of new licenses for Jews, various sanctions against Jewish tradesmen etc. The fonds also contains the list of Jewish businessmen (licence owners). There are also documents pertaining to the revision of the state citizenship of Jews as well as the documents on their concentration in the ...

  12. Ľudový súd v Košiciach

    • People´s Court in Košice

    The fonds contains files of People´s Court in Košice which existed in 1948 as the retributive justice court . It contains several important Holocaust-related files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in Košice (then Kassa) which was part of Hungary (1938-1945). Among others there is a case file of former head of the ghetto in Košice (Kassa), then a case file of the former guard from the labor camp in Košice. One case file pertains to the denunciation of Jewish family in 1944 and its subsequent deportation to Auschwitz. Several files concern the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slov...

  13. Okresný ľudový súd v Humennom

    • District People´s Court in Humenné

    The fonds contains the files concerning various cases of Aryanization of the enterprise property in district Humenné. It also contains the files pertaining the denunciation of Jews in 1942 and 1944, beating and harassing of Jews and deportation of Jews from the district Humenné in 1942.

  14. Okresný ľúdový súd v Rožňave

    • District People´s Court in Rožňava

    Fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews at the territory of Hungary as well as Slovakia (1938-1945). It contains the information on various forms of persecution Jews and handling of Jewish property in Rožňava as well as on handling the Jewish property in ghetto in Plešivec. Besides that fonds contains the file concerning the prosecution of the former member of SS who served as a guard in Auschwitz from Summer 1943 to 1945. It also contains file with the information on persecution of Roma members of the partisan unit in Sadovce and several files concerning the persecution of ...

  15. Okresný ľudový súd v Revúcej

    • District People´s Court in Revúca

    The fonds contains the files concerning various forms of persecution of Jews in Revúca. It contains testimonies of Jews from Revúca on their harassment and persecution. Fonds also contains the information on partisan activities in the vicinity of village Muráň as well as on the anti-partisan operations of German security forces in that area. One file concerns the prosecution of the former member of the Hlinka Guard who served as a guard in the Labor and concentration camp in Sereď (Slovakia).

  16. Okresný ľudový súd v Košiciach

    • District People´s Court in Košice

    Fonds contains files pertaining the post-WW II prosecution of various suspects and convicts for crimes committed at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945) as well as Hungary (1938-1945). It thus contains information on various forms of persecution of Jews, Roma and political opponents which took place not only at the territory of Košice and its vicinity but also at the territory of war-time Slovakia as well as quite distant places abroad. Besides files pertaining the so called Aryanization of Jewish property in Košice and its vicinity; blackmailing and denouncing of Jews; as well as the depo...

  17. Maďarský kráľovský policajný kapitanát v Košiciach

    • Hungarian Royal Police Capitanate in Košice

    Fonds contains documents of the Hungarian Royal Police Capitanate in Košice (Kassa), including many documents related to the anti-Jewish measures of this security body during the period (1938-1944). Besides the documents on the so called check of the citizenship of specific Jews, expulsion of Jews trying to escape from Slovakia or search for persons who refused to enter the army there are also documents on the history of Jewish ghetto in Košice (Kassa), and the transit camp in the brick factory. This includes documents on the investigation of the smuggling of food into the brick factory cam...