Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 386
Country: Czechia
  1. Ústředna obchodních a živnostenských komor, Praha

    • Headquarters of Chambers of Commerce and Trade, Prague / NAD 374
    • Národní archiv
    • 374
    • English
    • 1922-1948
    • Textual material 186,10 linear meters

    The fonds includes materials on the organization, development and personnel matters of the Headquarters, minutes from meetings, documents on its legislative work; materials on the economic development in the Czechoslovak Republic and abroad, tax and customs policies, trade fairs and congresses, pricing policy, combating usury, etc.; numerous documents on foreign trade, international trade agreements, reports of Czechoslovak embassies for the Headquarters (situation on local markets, characteristics of individual companies in individual countries). Information on Jews can be specifically fou...

  2. Kaufmannová, Heda

    • Heda Kaufmannová / NAD 1981
    • Národní archiv
    • 1981
    • English
    • 1905-1981
    • Textual material Photographic images 2,50 linear meters

    The personal archive of the Czech writer, translator and participant in the anti-Nazi domestic resistance, Heda Kaufmann, is an important source for understanding her literary work and resistance activities during the years of the Nazi occupation. However, the documents in the fonds can also contribute to the understanding of the life of the Jewish community in the interwar Czechoslovakia. The fonds contains mainly personal documents, manuscripts of Heda Kaufmannová's works, documentation of her resistance activities, correspondence and photographs. Among the documents in Heda Kaufmannová's...

  3. Zemský úřad Praha – prezidium

    • Provincial Office in Prague / NAD 753/1
    • Národní archiv
    • 753/1
    • English
    • 1921-1945
    • Textual material 363,9 linear meters

    The fonds is mainly of an administrative nature. The Presidium of the Provincial Office (hereinafter PPO) monitored the economic, financial and personnel agenda of district authorities and district commissions, and provincial institutions. The personnel agenda is located in all departments of the PPO registry. The PPO-RAV files (the Reich administration) mainly concern German citizenship, name changes, requests for exemptions from the Nuremberg Laws, etc. The individual files also contain orders on the status of Jews in public life, salary suspension of Jewish employees and additional entri...

  4. Prof. PhDr. Koloman Gajan, DrSc.

    • Prof. PhDr. Koloman Gajan, DrSc. / NAD 1967
    • Národní archiv
    • 1967
    • English
    • 1924-2011
    • Textual material 9,19 linear meters

    The fonds of Prof. Koloman Gajan, PhD, DrSc., a leading Czechoslovak historian, contains mainly documents related to his scientific work: manuscripts of scientific papers, auxiliary study material, studies and articles, lectures, correspondence, and documentation of the author's public activities. The fonds also contains personal documents and biographical material. Among the Judaica in the fonds there is the author's own biography, which contributes to the knowledge of life in the Jewish community in the small village of Hamborek (now Brezovička) in eastern Slovakia, where Koloman Gajan sp...

  5. Terezín/Theresienstadt

    The archive records from the Terezín ghetto (24 November 1941 – 8 May 1945, and from the period after the liberation) are preserved only in fragments. Only a portion of the documents in the collection are connected with the official activities of the Terezín Council of Elders and with the various departments and sections of its self-government. The first group of documents comprise a relatively diverse range of maps, plans and drawings of the ghetto, the surrounding area, the housing blocks and buildings, various sketches of the facilities and equipment, as well as notices. The collection a...

  6. Photo Archive Collection

    Stored in the Photo Archive Collection of the Jewish Museum in Prague are several thousand photographs taken between the start of the 1940s and the present day. This includes negatives of various materials and dimensions (from glass plates to colour film) as well as positive prints, of which several thousand (predominantly glass plates and medium format negatives on artificial stock) document the life and activity of the war-time Jewish Community in Prague under the administration of the occupation authorities. Another major unit comprises documentation of Jewish areas in Bohemia, which has...

  7. Okupační vězeňské spisy

    • Occupation prisoners files
    • OVS/KT-OVS
    • Národní archiv
    • 1077
    • English
    • 1938-1948
    • 160,8 linear metres from which 160,8 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and accessible and 41,8 linear metres are unprocessed and probably not accessible.

    In this collection, there are documents related to Czechoslovak citizens who were imprisoned in German jails and in the concentration camps. There are also files related to (Czechoslovak) Jews, or persons of Jewish nationality, who were gathered and then deported to the Terezín ghetto and the concentration camps. Furthermore in these files, there are information about "death marches" and about post-war repatriation.

  8. Arizační spisy

    • Aryanization files
    • AS/NSMPO
    • Arizační spisy - Národní správa majetkových podstat
    • NAD 375
    • Národní archiv
    • 375
    • English
    • 1938-1945
    • The collection consists out of 101 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 3.5 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The collection Arizační spisy was in the 1950s divided into seven main groups by its origins: 1. "Müller": named after the "Sonderbeauftragter für Ernährungsfragen beim Reichsprotektor", Rudolf Müller. These are documents connected with Jewish food companies (70 boxes). 2. "Regierungspräsident Aussig" (Vládní president Ústí nad Labem): Documents which are connected with the Aryanization in Northern Bohemia from 1938 to 1945 under the administration of the Regierungspräsident Aussig an der Elbe (23 boxes). 3. "Landespräsident Brünn" (Zemský president Brno): Documents which are connected with...

  9. Matriky židovských náboženských obcí v českých krajích

    • Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Jewish Communities in the Czech Lands
    • HBMa
    • NAD 167
    • Národní archiv
    • 167
    • English
    • 1784-1949
    • The collection consists of 93,8 linear meters of documents, all processed and inventoried.

    Holocaust-related material was categorised into classes as follows: death certificates from Theresienstadt (1941-12-03 to 1943-09-05), recorded deaths in Theresienstadt (in alphabetical order by the names A - Z) and alphabetical card index lists of persons. Requests for additional entries to the registers of death in Theresienstadt were prepared on the basis of death certificates and kept in two series. The first series in alphabetic order consists of actual death records in the register of deaths of Theresienstadt. The second series is arranged numerically and consists of the applications ...

  10. Československý červený kříž, Londýn

    • Czechoslovak Red Cross, London
    • ČsČK-L
    • NAD 634
    • Národní archiv
    • 634
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • The collection consists of 25 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The collection primarily consists of organisational material of the Czechoslovak Red Cross, including its main offices in London and its branches, as well as documents concerning their tasks. The annual report provides information about the medical and social care of Czechoslovak citizens in exile. The most important Holocaust-related documents in the collection of the Czechoslovak Red Cross - London include the card files and directories of Czechoslovak Jews who were interned in concentration camps erected shortly after the Reichskristallnacht in the Sudetengau, of Jews who were interned i...

  11. Generální velitel uniformované protektorátní policie, Praha

    • General Commander of the Uniformed Protectorate Police, Prague
    • Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag
    • NAD 912
    • GVČ
    • Národní archiv
    • 912
    • English
    • 1942-1945
    • The collection consists out of 14,55 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 9,15 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The documents in the collection of the Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag are mostly of organisational nature. During the deportation of the Jews in the Bohemian lands to the Theresienstadt Ghetto members of the Uniformed police forces supported Gestapo and SS. The Uniformed police forces also formed a special unit for guarding the prisoners in the Theresienstadt Ghetto. Also the Roma camps Lety u Písku and Hodonín u Kunštátu were guarded by Uniformed Police forces.

  12. Německé státní ministerstvo pro Čechy a Moravu, Praha

    • Deutsches Staatsministerium für Böhmen und Mähren, Prag
    • German State Ministry for Bohemia and Moravia, Prague
    • NSM, former fonds SÚ MV č. 110
    • NAD 1464
    • Národní archiv
    • 1464
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • 13.6 linear meters of documents, all processed and inventoried.

    Records generated by German occupational institutions (Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren) and Czech auxiliary agencies dealing with matters of internal security and racial policy, especially anti-Jewish measures. Includes the national affairs and state police catalogue of confiscated art and precious metal objects of Jewish property.

  13. Drážďanská banka

    • Dresdner Bank
    • NAD 1335
    • DB
    • Národní archiv
    • 1335
    • English
    • 1871-1944
    • 1.32 linear meters of documents are processed and inventoried, 0.03 linear meters of documents are non-processed and inaccessible.

    The collection consists of minutes of the Executive Board of Dresdner Bank from October 1931 to December 1943. Furthermore, the collections consists of suggestions of the Board (May 1938 - December 1940), minutes of the meetings of the Directors of the Liquidation Commission (April 1935 - May 1938), minutes of the General Assembly (1870-1930), minutes of the Board (1871-1943), minutes of Committee Meetings (1914-1938) and minutes of the Executive Committee (1938-1943). The most relevant Holocaust-related material is the collection of minutes of the Executive Board of Dresdner Bank from Octo...

  14. Landrat (District Councillor) of Ústí nad Labem

    The fonds contains the documents of the state and municipal administration within the scope of the Ústí nad Labem district. It is a valuable source of information for the history of the occupied border region and the persecution of the population between 1938 and 1945. Information on the lives of the Jewish population is found in following documents: the ban on residence of Polish Jews 1939 (box 17), the implementing regulation of the Reich Civil Code – exclusion of Jews from trade 1939-1942 (box 81), the confiscation of Jewish and Czech property 1939 (box 156), the sale of Czech and Jewish...

  15. Archive of the City of Brno – Presidial Registry IV.

    • Archiv města Brna
    • COLLECTION.SURV.AM_Brno/1/28
    • English
    • 1933-1945
    • 7,00 linear meters

    The fonds contains files originating from the activities of the Presidium of the Land Capital City of Brno, which was themain and coordinating link in the municipal bureaucracy during the period 1940–1945. In the fonds can be found important sources concerning the persecution of Jews: Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia (1940–1942) – among other things revocation of honorary citizenship of Jews; Jewish matters (1940–1942) – ban on Jews entering scientific institutes, Jewish property, amendment of the legal position of Jews, liquidation of Jewish shops, etc.; Deletion of 22 persons of Jewish or...

  16. Landrat (District Councillor) of Sokolov

    The fonds includes incomplete archival records of the political administration of the Sokolov district from the period of the German occupation, particularly files relating to businesses, citizenship and the hospital management, and personal files. Information on the history of Jews can be found mainly in the following files: The census results in the district of Falknov (inv. No. 74) and The 1939 census (inv. No. 105).

  17. Landrat (District Councillor) of Loket

    The fonds includes fragments of archival records of the political administration of the Loket district from the period of the German occupation, particularly, files relating to supplies and education, and personal files. Notable are in particular documents concerning the relocation of Karoline Beck in 1939 (inv. No. 40).

  18. Landrat (District Councillor) of Kraslice

    The fonds includes incomplete archival materials of the political administration of the district of Kraslice from the period of the German occupation, mainly a construction agenda and files relating to businesses, control of the self-government, education and social care. Sources to the history of Jews can be found mainly in documents relating to abolishing businesses in 1938-1939 (inv. No. 36) and the exclusion from citizenship from 1938-1945 (inv. No. 63). There are also preserved materials from the 1939 census of persons and businesses.

  19. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Sokolov

    The fonds includes documents of the Amtsgericht (District Court) in Sokolov from the period of the Nazi German occupation. Relevant information related to Jews can be found in the agendas of inheritance estates, litigations and seizures of property, land books and criminal proceedings.

  20. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Loket

    The fonds includes documents of the Amtsgericht (District Court) in Loket from the period of the Nazi German occupation. Relevant information can be found in the agendas of inheritance estates, litigations, seizures of property and criminal proceedings.