Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 261 to 280 of 378
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Italian
Country: Czechia
  1. Landratsamt (District Councillor's Office) of Vrchlabí

    This fonds contains records of the Vrchlabí-based Landrat (district councillor). The following material relates to Jewish issues: correspondence with the Gestapo concerning Jews, 1940 (Inv. No. 5, Box 3); an official census of inhabitants and enumeration of factories, 1939 (Inv. No. 16, Box 33); weddings and racial policy, 1939-1945 (Inv. No. 18, Boxes 43-44A); anti-Jewish measures, 1938–1939 (Inv. No. 49, Box 489). It is highly likely that there are also records relating to Jews in other parts of the fonds that are not mentioned here. Records in the fonds that relate to elements hostile to...

  2. Landrat (District Councillor) of Lanškroun

    The archival fonds include official sources, among others adjustments of the occupation border, personal and organizational matters, trade, registry and financial matters of the municipalities and the district. Two inventory numbers are related to the Jewish history: Aryanization of the Tutsch and Neffe Jamné (Sobkovice) Jewish company and Handling the property of elements inimical to the German Reich, Czech and Jews – general regulations, correspondence.

  3. Landrat (District Councillor) of Králíky

    The archival fonds includes documents related to the accounting and social work matters, correspondence, filing cabinets and statistics. There is one inventory number concerning Jewish history directly: an overview of homesteads left by Czech and Jewish refugees.

  4. Landrat (District Councillor) of Opava

    The fonds represents one of the basic resources for the history of the administrative district of Opava during the period of occupation. It is an important resource in the study of the political, administrative, national, economic, social, cultural and educational conditions in the district of Opava in the years of 1938–1945. The Jewish issues are explicitly related to by the following documents: the Aryanisation of Jewish businesses from the years of 1939–1941 (inventory no. 381), list of Jewish writers and authors-emigrants from Nazi Germany (inventory no. 404), instructions to arrest Jew...

  5. Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service) of Opava

    The fonds comprises only reports of domestic inspections in flats and commercial premises of the Jewish community in Opava and proposals for measures with seized Jewish property from the last quarter of 1938.

  6. Landrat (District Councillor) of Žatec

    The fonds contains documents of individual departments of the Landrat (district councillor) Žatec, except for the political police department. Jewish issues can be found in the documents labeled Pol V - L a (the lists of Jewish and Czech houses in Žatec, Postoloprty and the district of Zatec from 1940-1942), Pol V - L c, d (Jewish houses by their numbers - forced administration, the final statements of account in 1940-1944), Pol V - L e (sales of home furnishings and property of Jews, cancelling businesses and shops in 1941-1944), Pol XII a (associations - the liquidation of Jewish associat...

  7. Landrat (District Councillor) of Krnov

    The fonds contains the documents of the German administration, including the policee, personnel, education, cultural and military matters, population card files, registers of foreign workers, Arbeitsbuch (labour book), personal documents, and more. The fonds also includes documents concerning the appointment of forced administrators of Jewish property and further disposal of former Jewish property, proposals for issuing ID cards to Jews, instructions for terminating the concession of persons of Jewish origin, lists of names of Jews and those with Jewish ancestry from Krnov, and the schoolin...

  8. Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service) of Krnov

    The fonds is made up of a mere fragments of the regular agenda; it consists mostly of files kept on Jews living in Krnov.

  9. Landrat (District Councillor) of Železná Ruda

    The fonds was created during the period of Nazi occupation of border areas of the Domažlice and Klatovy districts and their integration into the system of German administration in 1938-1945. These areas formed Landkreis (district office), which was administered by the Landrat (district councillor) in Železná Ruda. The relevant archival documents include the following: The police agenda contains demolition of synagogues in 1939 (inv. No. 123), the agriculture and forestry agenda contain the temporary administration of Czech and Jewish land from 1938 to 1944 (inv. No. 301).

  10. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Kašperské Hory

    The fonds contains documents of judicial administration from judicial districts of Kašperské Hory, Sušice and Hartmanice, attached to Germany in the years 1938–1945. The agenda of the Office for Debt Relief contains, among others, lists of Jews, in the years 1940–1941 (box No. 65, No. 10).

  11. Collection of applications of residence permits for the district of Uherské Hradiště

    The fonds contains alphabetically ordered applications of residence permits for the districts Uherské Hradiště and Uherský Brod including the Jewish population.

  12. Regierungspräsident (Office of the Governing President) of Opava

    The fonds contains sources for all sections of state administration, education and economics in the government circuit Opava of the Reich’s Sudetenland Reichsgau (region) from the years 1938–1945. The political and economic situation reports and minutes from the conferences of the landrats (Land Councillor's Offices) are of particular value. Jewish history is covered by documents concerning the adoption of distinguishing names for Jews (inv. № 1794) and Jewish personal names (inv. № 1898–1899, 1910), decrees and measures concerning Jewish registers (inv. № 1912), requests of Jewish persons ...

  13. Agricultural Office of Opava

    The fonds of the Kulturamt Troppau (Agricultural Office of Opava) has survived lacunae. The fonds contains only files consisting of lists of land property, documents associated with trusteeship (in German Treuhandverwaltung) and other associated paperwork. Inter alia, there are 2 lists kept here of Jewish land property in the competence circuit of the office with data about the area of plots and names and owners and with a note about the then fate of those lands (1939).

  14. Oberfinanzpräsident (Supreme Financial President) of Opava

    The fonds contains sources concerning the organisation and structure of financial administration in the relevant administrative circuit during the period 1938–1945. The file groups O 5200–O 5400, which contain materials from 1940–1944, are fundamental for the study of Jewish history. Specifically they are the directives and decrees for the use of seized Jewish and other enemy property and for the transfer of works of art from this property to the Reich Regional Museum in Opava (inv. № 91, call number 5200, box 2077), intimations of yields of Reich Minister of Finance from 4. 11. and 9. 12. ...

  15. Reichs Archives of Opava

    The fonds documents the history of archiving in the government circuit Opava in the context of the Sudetenland Reichsgau (region) in the period 1938–1945. The fonds contains all the fundamental paperwork relating to the establishment and activities of the institution up until the end of Reich state administration in April 1945. The fonds contains several individual sources of value for the study of Jewish history. Primarily these are the results of research conducted by the archive in administrative institutions and parishes in the circuit of the Government President in Opava concerning the...

  16. Oberlandrat (Supreme District Councillor) of Olomouc

    Despite the fact that this concerns a fonds of an important administrative institution from the period of German occupation, unfortunately only fragments of its documents have been preserved. The fonds contains documents relating in particular to Aryanisation of Jewish property. This specifically concerns materials documenting records, expropriation and administration of Jewish property (card files) including various lists of Jewish enterprises, 1939–1942 (box№ 10–15, inv. №19, call № Wirtsch II).

  17. Oberlandrat (Supreme District Councillor) of Moravská Ostrava

    The fonds contains regular files from the activity of the Oberlandrat in Mährisch Ostrau (Supreme District Councillor in Moravská Ostrava). The most extensive part consists of questionnaires of citizens about the granting of citizenship from the years 1939–1943 and materials concerning Jewish history: purchase and renting of Jewish holiday chalets from the years 1940–1942 (inv. № 24), registrations of property of Jewish companies according to field of trading and areas from the year 1940 (inv. № 25–27) and primarily paperwork concerning the handling of Jewish real estate, its sale and libra...

  18. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Mariánské Lázně

    The fonds contains record books and files from the activity of the Amtsgericht (district court) Mariánské Lázně. The files have survived lacunal. Criminal matters are wholly absent, and neither the civil nor library administration task areas have survived completely. The administrative files apply primarily to the organisation and functioning of the court and its employees. The civil administration task area includes civil disputes, auctions and enforced administrations, property seizures and family law. The library administration primarily contains files concerning debt servicing. The fond...

  19. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Cheb

    The fonds contains record books and files from the activity of the Amtsgericht (district court) Cheb and documents of the associated inheritance court. Out of the registry finding aids, the entire series of general and civil registers, registers of work disputes, forced administrations of real estate, debtors, inheritance and family law and criminal registers for example have survived. In the department of the medical court, there are preserved registers of care about race, with a list of names from 1940–1944 (inv. № 100–102). In addition to the directives and organisational matters of the ...

  20. Landrat (District Councillor) of Mariánské Lázně

    The fonds contains the fragmentary surviving documents from the activity of the office of German state administration on the territory of the Sudetenland for the district of Mariánské Lázně. In the part of the fonds including books there is a list of businesses and people subject to supervision of the area control office from the years 1938–1945 (inv. № 1), also books concerning the payment of social benefits from 1941–1945 (inv. № 2-6), list of names for book about family relations (Familienbuch) from 1938 (inv. № 7) and two accounting books. Out of the files, only a small fraction of acco...