Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 42,661 to 42,680 of 55,889
  1. Farní úřad u Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně Praha – Vinohrady

    • Parish Office at the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Prague-Vinohrady / NAD 1155

    The fonds contains archival material concerning mainly Prague's religious history in 1884-1950. It also includes records of baptisms of adult Jews from 1933-1942 (Inv. No. 168) and sets of rules for Jews during World War II.(Inv. No. 186)

  2. Archiv města Habry

    • Archives of the Town of Habry / NAD 621

    The fonds contains documents, legal books, minutes of the council board and council, the municipal agenda, the agenda of municipal institutes and other documents. The period after 1850: the memorial book contains numerous information about the Jewish community, synagogue, and prominent natives - Adolf Stránský, A.G. Stránský, and others. In other documents (especially meetings of the council board and council): reconstruction of the synagogue, economic agenda, Jewish enterprises - Lazar Pick and sons, Werfel & Böhm Comp. The period of 1938-1945: decrees against Jews, list of Jews and Je...

  3. Archiv města Ledeč nad Sázavou

    • Archives of the Town of Ledeč nad Sázavou / NAD 1146

    The fonds contains deeds, books of patents, land registers, town finances, minutes of the council board and council, court documents (also disputes with Jewish residents). From the period up to 1848, a rich archive of the Jewish community has been preserved. The period since 1848: Jewish community, rabbis, teachers of religion, members of the community, fees, Czech-Jewish movement. The period of 1938-1945: decrees against Jews, mixed marriage of Deputy Mayor Josef Fenik.

  4. Archiv města Havlíčkův Brod

    • Archives of the Town of Havlíčkův Brod / NAD 1142

    The fonds contains deeds, law books, official books and documents from the fields of economics, culture, church, politics, construction, etc. It contains the following materials on the history of Jews: after 1848 - buildings, expansion land operation of Jewish enterprises: textile factories of the Mahler, Bauer, Stiassny, A. B. Musil, and Löwy & Drucker families, the Roth steam mill. First World War - constructing a refugee colony for Jews from Galicia and Bukovina, Jewish refugees. The first Czechoslovak Republic - self-government, minutes of the council board and council meetings, ele...

  5. Tichý, Jaroslav

    • Tichý, Jaroslav / NAD 1340

    The fonds contains personal documents, the biography of the originator, documents on his professional activities (teacher), documents on his resistance activities (World War II), correspondence, documents on social activities (museum, resistance organizations), art works, ethnographic and historical works, study materials on the resistance in the region during WW II, photographs, decorations, diplomas, and other. Jaroslav Tichý was interested in the history of Jews in Chotěboř and its surroundings and in the fate of Jewish families during World War II. In his estate there is a lot of inform...

  6. Archiv města Světlá nad Sázavou

    • Archives of the Town of Světlá nad Sázavou / NAD 1242

    The fonds stores privileges, land registers, municipal agenda, minutes of the council board and council, economic affairs, and other documents. Information of Jews can mainly be found in documents on economic matters and minutes of the municipal council board and council meetings. The economic agenda - especially the Mahler stonemason's company. There are also documents about the mayor Alfred Weinstein (mayor since 1931) and the Morawetz family - the owners of the castle in Světlá na Sázavou until 1938. The period 1938-1945: decrees against Jews.

  7. Archiv města Golčův Jeníkov

    • Archives of the Town of Golčův Jeníkov / NAD 1252

    The fonds contains commemorative books, minutes of the municipal board and council meetings, and other documents. The history of the Jewish community after 1850 in this fonds is evidenced by archive materials concerning Jewish associations - the Talmud Torah, the Jewish Association for the Sick, the Ner Tamid Women's Support Society, the Friede Singing Association and the Bachure Chomed Association, the Jewish cemetery (an expansion of the cemetery), the funeral fraternity, Jewish farms - the weaving mill of the Pick family, the winery - the tannery of the Kohn family, and spirits, door-to-...

  8. Sbírka soudobé dokumentace

    • Collection of the Contemporary Documentation / NAD 1199

    The fonds originated due to the collecting activities of the Municipal Museum in Německý Brod, and later due to the activities of the district archives. These parts are followed by the documentation from the period after 1945. The fonds contains documents concerning: elections to the town council, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, and the National Assembly, the war of 1866, World War I and II, revolutions, celebrations and various events, the workers' movement, the Communist Party and other political parties, cultural activities, sports, economy and industry, social life, Haškova Lipnice...

  9. Okresní národní výbor Jílové; District Office of Praha-venkov-jih (1942 - 1945); The tax office Jílové; District National Committee Jílové; District National Committee Praha-venkov (1945 - 1960)

    • District National Committee of Jílové / NAD 20

    The fonds contains documents arising from activities of the District Office, and later of the National Committee of Jílové. It contains official books, file material and accounting material. Information on Jews can be found in the following documents: inv. no. 242 Evictions of German persons of Jewish origin and religion, call no. III/26-60 (1946); inv. no. 284 Abandoned mortgage claims of Jewish members - handover of written materials, call no. VII/25-4 (1947); inv. no. 307 Redressing wrongs pursuant to Decree No. 53/1945 Sb.: payment of salaries of Jewish recipients to the former center f...

  10. Okresní úřad Praha-venkov

    • District Office of Praha-venkov / NAD 46

    The fonds contains documents arising from the activities of the district office. It contains official books, file material, accounting material and associated agenda. Documents concerning Jews can be found in the following categories: Presidium files - no. 1428/5 Settlement of Polish Jews, 1933; no. 1045 Anti-Jewish slogans on the railway bridge in Trnová, 1934; no. 120 The use of Jews in German intelligence, 1936; no. 1104 German emigrants of Jewish origin in Všenory, 1938; 1651 Anti-Jewish activities in Zbraslav, 1938; no. 282 Jewish members of the civil service, 1939; no. 450 Files conce...

  11. Archiv obce Řevnice

    • Archive of the Municipality of Řevnice / NAD 248

    The municipality archive originated from the activities of municipal administrative bodies. It contains deeds, official books, file material, and accounting material. Information on Jews can be found in the following documents: inv. no. 53 List of inhabitants 1851; inv. no. 57 List of inhabitants; inv. no. 66 List of issued laborers' books 1885–1920; inv. no. 78 Register of door-to-door salesmen 1898–1924; inv. no. 153 Refugees - support 1938–1939; inv. no. 154 Jews 1928–1945; Archive of the municipality of Řevnice - appendix I inv no. 9 Jews (possession of real estate) 1853.

  12. Okresní národní výbor Praha-západ

    • District National Committee of Praha-západ / NAD 790

    The fonds arose from the activities of the District National Committee of Prague-West. Contains books, file material and accounting material. Information on Jews can be found in the following documents: inv. no. 313 National administration (since 1945); inv. no. 316 Restitution - allocation of property, call no. 566 (1949–1950); inv. no. 553 Overview of the religiosity of the district of Praha-západ, call no. 290 (1954); inv. no. 557 Libuš-rejection of kosher, call no. 295.9 (1952).

  13. Okresní úřad Praha-venkov-jih

    • District Office of Praha-venkov-jih / NAD 47

    The fonds contains documents arisen from activities of the district office during the Nazi occupation. It contains official books, file material, and accounting material. The fonds contains documents about the persecution of Jews, the seizure of their property, the transport of Jews, etc. (sections I/1, III/16). Reports on sabotage acts of the Czech population against the Nazi occupiers and illegal organizations, arrests, executions, and persecution of the population (in the Registry Department III). There are also documents concerning Czech refugees from the border region after the 1938 Mu...

  14. Okresní národní výbor Praha-jih

    • District National Committee of Praha-jih / NAD 21

    The fonds originated from activities of the District National Committee of Praha-venkov-jih and Praha-jih in 1945-1960. It contains documents arisen from activities of the district office. Information on Jews can be found in the following documents: inv. no. 106 Conversions of religion from 1945–1946 and 1948; inv. no. 235 Secret files: Jewish associations - investigation, no. 102/1951 (1951); inv. no. 268 Confiscation, call no. II/2 (1945–1948); inv. no. 271 Concentration camps on the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic during the occupation, call no. III/1-210 (1947); inv. no. 309 Jewi...

  15. Národní výbor města Plzně – Spolkové oddělení

    • National Committee of the City of Pilsen – Department of Associations / NAD 811/39

    The fonds contains a register agenda of associations managed by the Pilsen District Office, then by the Pilsen Police Directorate, then by the Pilsen District National Committee and then by the National Committee of the City of Pilsen. The transfer of the association agenda between the individual originators was linked with the legal development of the position of these originators. Primary Judaica: The Jewish Women Society in Pilsen 1871-1945 (Inv. No. 708), The Association for the Education of Poor Jewish Orphans and Fellow Believers in General 1880-1946 (Inv. No. 710), The Association of...

  16. Pomocná služba Židovské obce náboženské, Plzeň

    • Auxiliary Service of the Jewish Religious Community, Pilsen / NAD 198

    The fonds contains documents of the Auxiliary Service established by the Jewish Religious Community in Pilsen. According to the instructions from its headquarters, it organized an auxiliary service unit, which assisted in the transport of members of the religious community to Terezín. Several documents from this auxiliary service unit have been preserved providing an overview of the organization of transports and fascist crimes. It contains a circular on the organization of assistance in the inclusion of citizens in the transport of 6 January 1942, an explanation of the official order for t...

  17. Správa hřbitovů a krematoria města Plzně

    • Administration of the Cemeteries and Crematorium, Pilsen / NAD 569
    • Archiv města Plzně
    • 569
    • English
    • 1806-2007
    • Textual material Moving Images 19,91 linear meters

    The fonds contains documents of the Funeral Service of the City of Pilsen and the Administration of the Cemeteries and Crematorium, namely official books, files and plans of Pilsen cemeteries. Judaica: The plan of the Christian and Jewish cemetery in Pilsen 1907 (Inv. No. 245), A list of buried Jews in the Israeli department of the Central Cemetery Pilsen 1940-1942 (Inv. No. 400.A/1), the establishment of the Israeli department of the cemetery from 1899 (Inv. No. 400.A/2), the correspondence with the Jewish Religious Community in Pilsen from 1896-1956, an attack against the Jewish prayer ho...

  18. Okresní úřad Plzeň

    • Pilsen District Office / NAD 13

    The fonds contains documents of the political administration of the district of Pilsen, which included the judicial districts of Pilsen, Rokycany and Blovice. The fonds includes the census sheets from 1869, 1880, 1890, 1900 and 1910, the agenda of citizenship, the association cadaster, the register of trades and Judaica: Jewish communities, mainly in Spálené Poříčí, Štěnovice, Radnice, Rokycany, Pilsen, Blovice - correspondence, delimitation of districts, registry matters, election constituencies, list of families, statuses of Jews municipalities, reports on the number of members, maintenan...

  19. Archiv města Plzeň – Městský úřad Plzeň (registratura D a měst. úřady)

    • City Archives of Pilsen – Pilsen Municipal Office (D registry and municipal authorities) / NAD 1258/18

    The fonds contains documents of the Municipal Office of Pilsen and municipal authorities and organizations. The fonds contains religious matters or Judaica: Documents and announcements of the Union of Czech Progressive Jews, the Makkabi Jewish physical education association, the Czech-Jewish National Association Pilsen, the Israeli Community Pilsen; collection of religious taxes, Jewish issues (securities, designation of non-Aryan shops, a list of Jewish merchants in Pilsen, 2%-fee from the Aryanization of companies, forced custody of the non-Aryan accounts, prohibitions - e.g. changes of r...

  20. Okresní úřad Vlašim

    • District Office in Vlašim / NAD 1242

    The fonds arose from the activities of the Vlašim District Office. It contains official books, file material and accounting material. Information on the Jewish population can be found in the trade and federal agendas of the office. They are further explicitly mentioned in the following documents: Register books: Lists - reports of Jewish registers - inv. no. 38 (1914-1923). File material: Inv. no. 108 Church Affairs, Jews (1854-1884); Inv. no. 346 call no. VII/341 Jewish registers (1945-46); Inv. no. 363 call no. VIII/19e Expropriating property of Jews (1940); Relevant may also be: Inv. no....