
Displaying items 7,341 to 7,360 of 10,858
  1. Watercolor of distant snowy mountains created by a Jewish soldier, 2nd Polish Corps

    1. Edward Herzbaum Hartry collection

    Watercolor of distant snow topped mountains created by 23 year old Edward Herzbaum in March 1943 in Kanaqin (Khanaqin), Iraq. Edward was a soldier in the Polish Army of the East which had marched south from the Soviet Union to join the British Army in Iraq. They journeyed to the border town of Kanaqin where the British had a large military base and field hospital where many died after the long, arduous march from Russia. There were oil fields near the city and it was also along a major Muslim pilgrimage route. The Corps next went to Habbiniya where from March-September 1943 they received ar...

  2. Drafting tool piece used by Mayer Altarac who fled German-occupied Belgrade with his family

    1. Jaša and Enica Frances Altarac families collection

    Drafting tool piece used by Mayer Altarac in his stonework and home design business in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (later Serbia). In September 1941, he fled with his wife, Mimi, and seven-year-old son Jas̆a, following the German occupation in April. They went to Skopje, Macedonia, then under Bulgarian control because Yugoslavia had been dismembered by the Axis Alliance. A month later, Mayer encountered a man from Kosovo who recognized him as Jewish and the Altarac family fled that night to Pristina, which was under Italian control. There as a large Jewish refugee population there, as the Italians...

  3. M.41.GABr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Brest Region

    M.41.GABr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Brest Region History of the State Archive of the Brest Region: The State Archive of the Brest Region was created on 11 February 1940 as part of the system of the People's Commissariat for Interior Matters. The Archive stores the documentation of the Polish state institutions and organizations that were active in the Polesie region during 1919-1939 (and which were annulled by the Soviets during the same period), including also the documentation of the military authorities, the social and political organizations and associations, and sta...

  4. Organisation Todt

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Unterlagen von der einstmals riesigen Organisation Todt sind so gut wie kaum überliefert. Die in West-Berlin nach 1945 sichergestellten Materialien wurden bereits 1947 der Oberfinanzdirektion Hamburg übergeben und dort mit anderen OT-Unterlagen vereinigt. Aufgrund einer Anordnung der britischen Militärregierung führte seit August 1948 die Finanzbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg die Abwicklungsgeschäfte der ehemaligen OT. 1957 wurden aus Hamburg Unterlagen der Organisation Todt, welches auch Materialien der Transporteinheiten Speer e...

  5. Korrespondenz Nachkriegspolitik, S

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Geyr von Schweppenburg, Leo Freiherr
    3. Korrespondenz
    4. Nachkriegszeit
    5. Nachkriegspolitik, Aufbau und Ausrüstung der Bundeswehr, 1947-1969

    Unter anderem: Korrespondenz mit P. Schaufelberger, ehemaliger schweizerischer Nachrichtenoffizier, Firmenberater in Rüstungsfragen, vom Januar 1956 bis Februar 1969: Vor- und Nachteile der Panzertypen der konkurrierenden Schweizer Firmen Bührle/ Oberlikon und Hispano-Suiza, Hintergründe der Bestechungsaffäre bei der Beschaffung des deutschen Schützenpanzers HS 30; Kontakte Geyr als militär-technischer Berater der Firma Fichtel & Sachs; siehe auch Korrespondenz Claer (Band 17), Heydte (Band 19), Wagner (Band 24); Schreiben Mitglied des Bundestags Helmut Schmidt vom 14. Oktober 1966: Kri...

  6. Schwerin von Krosigk, Lutz

    1. Zeugenschrifttum
    2. Sch

    E. Aufzeichnungen Schwerin von Krosigk für und über den Nürnberger Prozesse: 1) Stellungnahme Schwerin von Krosigk zur Anklageschrift (Nürnberger Prozess XI) vom 03. November 1947; Punkt 2 und 4-6: Ausbeutung besetzter Gebiete, Verfolgungs- und Vernichtungsmaßnahmen; handschriftlich Bl. 12-18 [unvollständig, Bl. 1-11 fehlen]; Bl. 1-7; 2) Stellungnahme Schwerin von Krosigk zu Closing Statement der Anklage vom 19. Oktober 1948 entsprechend der Anklagepunkte und detaillierter Kritik an Beweisführung; handschriftlich (mit zahlreichen Korrekturen); Bl. 8-42; 3) Antrag auf Berichtigung der Grundl...

  7. Amerikanisches Militärtribunal I, Kammer I, Fall VIII: SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt

    1. Alliierte Militärtribunale

    Das () war eine für die Umsetzung der nationalsozialistischen Rasseideologie zentrale SS-Behörde. Ihr unterstand unter anderem auch der Lebensborn e.V. (s. Einleitung des Findbuchs NS 1!). Im "RuSHA"-Prozess, dem achten der insgesamt zwölf Nürnberger Nachfolgeprozesse, wurden von der US-Militärregierung für Deutschland vierzehn führende Beschäftigte dieser Stelle angeklagt. Die Anklage lautete auf Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, Kriegsverbrechen und Mitgliedschaft in einer kriminellen Organisation. Sie wurden beschuldigt, so genannte "rassisch wertvolle" Kinder ihren Eltern entrissen u...

  8. Bibelforscher

    • Jehovah's Witnesses


    Founded in the United States in the 1870s, the Jehovah's Witnesses organization sent missionaries to Germany to seek converts in the 1890s. By the early 1930s, only 20,000 (of a total population of 65 million) Germans were Jehovah's Witnesses, usually known at the time as "International Bible Students". Even before 1933, despite their small numbers, door-to-door preaching and the identification of Jehovah's Witnesses as heretics by the mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches made them few friends. Individual German states and local authorities periodically sought to limit the group's pr...

  9. Seldte Franz

    • Seldte, Franz
    • セルデ, フランツ
    • Seldte, Franz, 1882-1947



  10. Stülpnagel Otto von

    • Stülpnagel, Otto von
    • Stülpnagel, Otto ˜vonœ 1878-1948
    • Stülpnagel, Otto v. (Otto von)



    General. Military governor of France, 1940-1942.

  11. Egypt

    • EG
  12. 56th Armored Engineer Battalion arrives at Mauthausen to bury the dead

    The 11th US Armored Division advances through Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Austria. Includes scenes of surrendering enemies and the 56th Armored Engineer Battalion at the liberation of Mauthausen. Color: Countryside from moving tank. Liberation of German town: flames, civilians, some waving white flags, church. Views of German civilians from tank as US army passes through, 2 men with armbands carry a Red Cross flag. US soldiers marching along road (dark) and through town. Shots of farm animals and barns on fire. 01:22:26 Group of men - brewery workers - exiting building with arms raised. Wo...

  13. Linz, Austria, 1948

    Austrian footage, c. 1948 in Linz, a factory town where several DPs were put to work and began rehabilitation postwar. Scene of men leaving the factory on bikes, some women, some children, and several Austrians (non DPs) are in the group as well. Another group of men walking from the factory, at the gate, exiting the factory grounds, there is a guard who checks them as they exit. Truckloads of workers also exit the factory- they are all seated in open military style supply trucks.VS, EXTs the factory in Linz, smoke stacks, etc. INT of the factory: men at work, VS. A rail car pulls up to the...

  14. AFS ambulance drivers assist evacuation of survivors after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

    Large group of German SS stand in front of barracks at Belsen. According to the American Field Service (AFS) records, these SS men were transported out of the camp in AFS ambulances. A British soldier in a brown uniform smoking gestures at the group of SS. Rotated view of camp grounds with lush green trees. Camera shifts to the correct position to show a memorial sign erected in May 1945, "This is the site of the infamous Belsen Concentration Camp liberated by the British on 15 April 1945." Pan, barbed wire fence and camp ruins. Entrance gate open to dirt road and camp grounds. Brief view o...

  15. War Crimes Trial, Ludwigsburg; Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    05:18:52 (Munich 56) War Crimes Trials (Borkum Island), Ludwigsburg, Germany, March 12, 1946 (silent). AVs, castle in Ludwigsburg where the trials are being held. POWs who had escaped were not taken back to the camp but were retained by the police, according to the witness. 05:19:55 (Munich 59) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 22, 1946. British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe cross examining Goering. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence at bench. MLS, US prosecutors at table. Maxwell-Fyfe reading from document, "where the Jews were left to themselves, as for instance in Poland...

  16. Dutch newsreel

    Title: "NATO Berlin-Toen en Nu...?" Aerial view of Berlin, busy streets and promenades, well-dressed people in cafes, Brandenburg Gate, streetcars, group of children with school bags on their backs cross street. 03:38:58 Explosions, ruins, Nazi monument with sign: "Unsere Mauern brachen aber unsere Herzen nicht." (no sound from this point). Rising Nazi flag, parade at Brandenburg Gate, smiling women carrying small Nazi flags, German soldiers marching, large crowds, man attaching Nazi flag to storefront, Nazi banner around truck, ruins with flags hanging above, woman puts sign on top of ruin...

  17. Waffen SS red fez acquired by a US soldier

    Red fez that was part of the dress uniform of a Waffen-SS military detachment composed of Muslims from Bosnia, Croatia, and Herzegovina in occupied Yugoslavia, woth one divison from Albania. There was a field gray fez for the combat uniform. The creation of this unit was authorized by Hitler in 1943. The original purpose was to combat Tito’s partisans. Through recruitment and conscription, the unit had 26,000 soldiers within a few months. The group was commanded by German or ethnic German officers, and the uniforms were designed to reflect the religion/ethnicity of the recruits.

  18. Germans in Occupied Ukraine

    Footage shot by a German cameraman during Germany's occupation of Ukraine in World War II. Footage with German photographers traveling through the Ukraine photographing cities, villages, and collective farms. The most extensive footage is taken with a female photographer from her trip to Ukraine in the summer of 1943. She traveled by plane and car from southern Ukraine (the Melitopol region) just north of Crimea, then along the Dnepr River northward over Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev and then due west to Rovno and then the border of General Government. Reel 12: 06:34:15 MS Local women on planks pa...

  19. Typhus - Propaganda associating Jews & Poles with the disease and its spread by lice

    Nazi propaganda film about the measures to contain typhus. The Polish-Jewish population is made responsible for spreading typhus. Wehrmachtslehrfilm #347 [Army Instructional Film #347]. Reel 2: KRANKEN REVIER. Important for soldiers and doctors. 'Just one louse.' Disinfection wagon (rail car). Polish soldiers (POWs) in uniform, give up uniforms, naked for delousing. Soldiers, hair shaved. Rub something, from heads, then all shower. Back through rail wagon to get clothes and leave train. Elaborate animation sequence of the "Entlaeusungszug" [disinfection train], showing the "reine Seite" [cl...