
Displaying items 6,121 to 6,140 of 7,748
  1. Larry F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Larry F., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1931, the youngest of four children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion (they never saw him again); German invasion in spring 1944; incarceration in a brick factory; a non-Jewish neighbor bringing them food; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with his brother; a veteran prisoner telling them to say they were older, which saved their lives; disbelief when he was told of gas chambers and crematoria; transf...

  2. Solange N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solange N., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1921, one of two children. She recalls her family's comfortable and assimilated lifestyle; German invasion; briefly fleeing with her family; confiscation of her father's company; a German offering to take them elsewhere before ghettoization; joining relatives in Radom; ghettoization; a non-Jew hiding her mother during inspections (she did not have a work card); their transfer to Pionki; slave labor in a munitions factory; deportation of her father and brother (she never saw them again); communicating with her father (he wa...

  3. Roman S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roman S., who was born in Zgierz, Poland in 1922, one of six children. He recalls participating in sports events sponsored by Maccabi; a strong sense of Jewish community; German invasion; forced transfer to the ?o?dz? ghetto in early 1940; deportation to Schwiebus in December; forced labor doing highway construction; transfer to Grunow-Spiegelberge, Fuerstenberg, then Auschwitz in May 1943; his assignment to undress corpses; transfer to I. G. Farben at Buna/Monowitz; assistance from British POWs; transfer to a Farben factory near Krako?w; the death march to Gleiwitz i...

  4. Genia G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Genia G., who was born in Lakhva, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1926, one of three daughters. She recounts attending Polish school; summer vacations in Pinsk and Luninets; Soviet occupation; attending a Russian school; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor with her younger sister assigned, by the Judenrat headed by Dov Lopatin; her father and older sister hiding; ghettoization; her father hiding valuables with non-Jews; non-Jews offering to help her family escape (her father refused, knowing others would be killed); separation from her family and bei...

  5. Henry M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry M., born in approximately 1915, one of nine children. He recalls living on a farm in Ti?a?chiv, Czechoslovakia; his family's orthodoxy and Zionism; apprenticing as a tailor; cordial relations with non-Jews; draft into the Czech military in 1937; German annexation in 1938; returning home; Hungarian occupation; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; assignments in Kyjov and Dormitz; returning home in March 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with his father, brothers, and uncle; slave labor cutting hay; seeing his sisters in an...

  6. Dov D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dov D., who was born in Kaunus, Lithuania in 1928, the youngest of three children. He recounts attending Hebrew school; summer vacations in Kulautuva; his father's death in 1938; Soviet occupation; nationalization of his family's property; summering with an uncle in Jieznas; German invasion; ghettoization; working as a carpenter; his family surviving the large Aktion of October 1941; his sister smuggling food for them; his mother's deportation; witnessing Germans and Lithuanians killing infants during another Aktion; his brother serving in the Jewish police; hiding wi...

  7. Louise J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louise J., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1925. She recalls a happy childhood in an affluent family; growing antisemitism in the late 1930s; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups, having been warned through her father's connections with the Judenrat; transfer to P?aszo?w in March 1943; separation from her father and brother; slave labor in an ammunition factory; her mother's deportation (she never saw her again); random killings and beatings by the Kommandant, Amon Goeth; public hangings; working briefly in Wieliczka with he...

  8. Irene F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irene F., who was born in Satu Mare, Romania in 1925, the oldest of eight children. She recalls her grandfather's large successful farm, that he divided among his children, including her family; attending school; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish laws preventing her entry to high school; ghettoization in 1944; deportation shortly thereafter to Auschwitz; separation with her sister and six cousins from their families; a public hanging; transfer six weeks later to Gelsenkirchen; slave labor clearing bombing rubble; transfer after three months to a camp where they were a...

  9. Helen F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen F., who was born in Khust, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in approximately 1926, one of eleven children. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions and harassment; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944; separation from her parents and younger siblings (she never saw them again); remaining with her sisters; transfer to a farm; slave labor with two sisters digging anti-tank trenches; another sister working for a German soldier and sharing extra food with them; a death march; escaping with her sisters and two o...

  10. Kurt B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt B., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1923. He recalls antisemitic incidents in public school in 1935; transferring to a Jewish school; assistance from his father's business partner; loss of the family business after Kristallnacht; forced relocation to Mu?lheim; arrest of his father and brother in 1939 (he never saw them again); his mother's deportation (he never saw her again); moving to Berlin and Frankfurt posing as a non-Jew with false papers; arrest in Leipzig; transfer to Klingelpuetz prison; forced labor in Koeln/Deutz; deportation to Auschwitz; finding ...

  11. Helen S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen S., who was born in Vilna, Russia (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1917, one of three children. She recounts a happy childhood; attending public school; marriage in 1939; her husband's draft into the Polish military; his return in 1940; her son's birth in 1941; German invasion; ghettoization; hiding with her son, husband, and aunt in a bunker with a hundred others; their discovery; the Germans taking her son (she never saw him again); her aunt committing suicide; deportation to Stutthof; separation from her husband; beatings from guards from which she still bea...

  12. Kurt S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt S., who was born in Krefeld, Germany in 1924. He recalls being barred from university in 1938 due to anti-Jewish restrictions; working on a Jewish training farm in Silesia; Gestapo dissolution of the farm in 1941; returning to Krefeld; and transport with his parents to the Ri?ga ghetto in December. Mr. S. describes unloading ships; refusing a ship captain's offer to smuggle him to Denmark in order to remain with his parents; work details in Ri?ga, Salaspils, Kaiserwald and other places; frequent deaths from starvation, hangings, and shootings; narrowly escaping e...

  13. Marie M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria M., who was born in Bogumin, Czechoslovakia, the youngest of six children, and raised in Katowice, Poland. She recalls German invasion; fleeing with other youths to Lʹviv in the Soviet zone; German invasion; joining her family in the Chrzanów ghetto; deportation to Oberalstadt two months later; assignment as a nurse; approaching the camp head for permission to send her to visit her parents en route to another camp; her one week visit with them (she never saw them again); transport to Neusalz; the arrival of two of her sisters; being appointed "Judenälteste" (h...

  14. Henry and Sally K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry and Sally K. Ms. K. was born in Wolano?w, Poland in 1930, one of five children. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; harassment by non-Jewish children; attending a Jewish school in Radom; German invasion; soldiers burning the synagogue and killing the rabbi; her father being killed; her older brother hiding, and her sister going to Warsaw (she was killed); incarceration with her mother, sister, and younger brother in a forced labor camp for about a year; their transfer to Bliz?yn; public execution of her cousin when he tried to escape; transfer to Auschwitz/Birk...

  15. Helen E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen E., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1925, one of three children. She recounts attending a Jewish public school; participating in Gordonyah; her father's death; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; working as a tutor; a notice to report for forced labor in January 1942; hiding with an aunt, then a non-Jewish neighbor; arrest; transport to Neusalz; slave labor in a factory; a six week death march in January 1945; briefly escaping with two fellow prisoners in Karlovy Vary; train transport to Flossenbürg, then a week later to Bergen-Belsen; starvation, l...

  16. Ruth F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth F., who was born in Altona (Hamburg), Germany in 1926, the youngest of three children. She recounts attending a Jewish school; antisemitic harassment; her sisters' emigration to Palestine; the milkman warning them of a round-up of Polish Jews (her mother was from Galicia); Kristallnacht; being shunned by former non-Jewish friends; her father leaving for Budapest in June 1939 (he was a Hungarian citizen); joining him in Budapest via Vienna; assistance from the Jewish community which supplied her with tutors; working in a factory; German invasion in March 1944; ghe...

  17. Louis F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis F., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1930. He recounts his large and close extended family; attending the Katzenelson school; German invasion; fleeing with his parents and brother to the Piotrków ghetto in late 1939; being hidden on a peasant farm from March to June 1941; hiding with his mother and brother with a non-Jewish physician in Warsaw in 1942; joining his father in the ghetto when exposure was imminent; staying in a large bunker; being forced out during the ghetto uprising; separation from his father (all the men were shot); deportation to Lublin (Lip...

  18. Lucy F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lucy F., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1923 and lived in Za?bkowice. She describes moving to Sosnowiec at age four; her family's affluent lifestyle; education in Catholic and Jewish schools; increasing antisemitism, including boycotts and school quotas; exclusion of her Jewish group from a Polish independence parade; an influx of Jewish German refugees; German invasion; balking at wearing an arm band; ghettoization in Srodula (suburb of Sosnowiec); forced labor outside the ghetto; avoiding labor camps due to her boyfriend's influence; liquidation of the ghetto ...

  19. Mitchell B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mitchell B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924, the youngest of eight children. He recounts antisemitic harassment; German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to Poznan? in May 1941; slave labor building the autobahn; public hangings; transfer to Auschwitz in August 1943; prisoners from ?o?dz? advising him to try to leave; transfer to Jawischowitz; slave labor building barracks; hospitalization in January 1945; surgery without anesthesia; friends saving him from a selection; a death march to Blechhammer, then train transport in open cars to Theresienstadt; liber...

  20. Bertha L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bertha L., who was born in Czechoslovakia, one of seven children. She recounts her family's hasidism; cordial relations with non-Jews; living in Vys?na? Pisana?; attending schools in Niz?na? Pisana? and Svidni?k; anti-Jewish restrictions; expulsion from school; briefly moving to Kapis?ova?, then back to Vys?na? Pisana?; orders to report for forced labor in Stropkov; parting from her mother there; transfer to Poprad; deportation to Auschwitz in 1942; slave labor; transfer to Birkenau in August; receiving extra food for work loading corpses onto trucks; a friend convinc...