Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,561 to 3,580 of 55,814
  1. Algemene Documentatie – algemeen.

    In deze algemene fiche van het bestand “Algemene Documentatie – Documentation Générale” sommen we relevante archiefstukken op die om verschillende redenen niet in een aparte fiche zijn opgenomen. R.184/tr.109.359/2 beslaat 9 ordners (1940-1944) en bevat fiches van Belgen (wellicht ook uit Polen afkomstige Joden) die voor de Organisation Todt moesten werken en verzekerd werden door de ziekenkas van OT West te Saarbrücken en Saarbrücken-Campagne. R.497/tr.31.259 (1944) bevat het register van aanklachten tegen het Devisenschutzkommando. In r.184/tr.87.542/89 (1940-1944) vinden we documenten op...

  2. Kurt Bigler papers Nachlass Kurt Bigler (ehem. Kurt Bergheimer) (1925-2007)

    Private papers of Kurt Bigler (1925-2007), a Jewish-German-Swiss pedagogue. The collection consists of his diaries, reports, family history, school and study documents, refugee files, adoption and Swiss citizenship files, restitution records related to his childhood, adoption by Joseph Bergheimer and later Berta Bigler, deportation to internment camps Gurs and Rivesaltes; private correspondence, and official correspondence related to professional activities, as teaching and political involvement in various associations, committees and commissions (e.g. Social Democratic Party of Switzerland...

  3. Processo de pedido de visto para Kurt Anderau, Georges Allmendinger, Jakob Baettig, Erich Basler, Maurice Bernard, Fritz Burgin, Hans Furrer, Hans Hatt, Lucien Edmond Hellbardt, Ernest Hirschi, Theophil Ed. Isler, René Joliat, Paul R. Keller, Fritz Knobel, Christian Mangold, Charles Sandmaier, Carlo Stammbach, Charles Thevenaz, Max Wermelinger e Georges Zesenwitz

    Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação da Suíça ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Kurt Anderau, de nacionalidade suíça e residente em Portugal, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação da Suíça ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Georges Allmendinger, de nacionalidade suíça e residente em Portugal, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação da Suíça ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Jakob Baettig, de nacionalidade suíça e residente em Portugal, com destino a Portugal. Visto aut...

  4. Höheres Kommando z.b.V. LXV.

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wie die Kriegstagebücher aller Truppenteile und Dienststellen des Heeres waren auch die Kriegstagebücher der Generalkommandos und der bodenständigen Höheren Kommandos vom Mobilmachungstag (26. Aug. 1939) an beim Heeresarchiv Potsdam einzureichen, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten. Diese Zugangssignaturen wurden anfangs getrennt nach den Kriegsschauplätzen, nämlich P für Polen und W für Westen vergeben. Nach Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges wurden die Zugänge nur noch nach laufender Nummer signiert und in dieser Reihenfolge auch eingelagert, ...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius says that Eichmann did not have a position that would allow him to become part of the higher order of leadership. He says that the Prosecution has attempted to make him a key figure in the execution when he is not. The accusations of making decisions about the extermination are then challenged, saying that he only saw orders that were nearly completely decided. The charges of conspiracy must be dropped on this evidence, he says. 00:11:09 Servatius says that the implementation of the deportations was left to Eichmann, but all of his underlings, as well as the Gesta...

  6. Davidovic and Gottesman families papers

    Photographs and documents related to the family of David and Esther Davidovic, the donor's maternal grandparents, of Dorobratovo, Czechoslovakia (present-day Ukraine), including material related to the visit of their daughter (the donor's aunt), Florence Davidovic, who had immigrated to the United States, and returned to visit her family in Dorobratovo in 1939. Documents include a family photograph taken during the 1939 visit, other pre-war family photographs, Florence Davidovic's U.S. naturalization certificate, her travel documents, and a subsequent letter from the U.S. Department of Stat...

  7. Akta gminy Tuliszków

    • Files of the commune of Tuliszków

    I. Magistrat Miasta Tuliszkowa, daty skrajne: [1786] 1807-1866 [ok. 1870], sygn.: 1-173, 614-615, uwagi: sprawy wyznaniowe, majątku kościelnego., szkolnictwo, kasa miejska, utrzymanie dróg i mostów, dzierżawy, opieka społeczna, szpitalnictwo, towarzystwo ogniowe, księgi ludności. II. Magistrat goroda Tuliszkowa, daty skrajne: 1867-1870, sygn.: 174-230, uwagi: zarządzenia władz nadrzędnych, finanse, budżet, kasa miejska, podatki, sprawy wojskowe, przepisy porządkowe, sprawy karne. III. Osada Tuliszkow, daty skrajne: 1872-1914, sygn.: 231-237, 620-629, uwagi: opis historyczny osady z 1890 r.,...

  8. Archives de Lazare Rachline

    Lazare Rachline (1905-1968), cofondateur de la Ligue internationale contre l’antisémitisme (LICA), engagé volontaire en 1940, évadé du Stalag IV B et résistant de la première heure, joua un rôle déterminant dans les semaines qui précédèrent le débarquement allié et la libération de Paris. Ses archives sont le reflet fidèle de cette vie riche en engagements. Les années de guerre et la Résistance y occupent une place centrale, mais, au-delà du parcours de Lazare Rachline, y transparaît l'histoire d'une famille juive marquée par l'Occupation et les lois de Vichy : de l'aryanisation des établis...

  9. Niederkirchner, Michael (Ps. Josef Neumann)

    Bestandsbeschreibung 05. September 1882 in Budapest geboren 1889-1893 Besuch der Volksschule 1896-1898 Lehre als Maschinenschlosser 1899-1905 Arbeit als Erd- und Bauhilfsarbeiter, dann als Rohrleger 1900 Mitglied der Gewerkschaft 1903 Eintritt in die Sozialdemokratische Partei Ungarn 1904 Militärdienst in der K. u. K. Armee Österreich-Ungarn Mai 1905 Übersiedlung nach Deutschland (Regensburg), Mitglied in der SPD und im DMV 1906 Umzug nach Berlin 1906-1920 Betriebsvertrauensmann in der Rohrlegerbranche 1914 Branchenleiter der Berliner Rohrleger im DMV 1914-1915 Soldat im 1. Weltkrieg für da...

  10. Hirsch Henry Kolber identification card

    The identification card for a civilian internee of Buchenwald concentration camp was issued to Hirsch Henry Kolber.

  11. Belsen child survivors recover at Joodse Invalide

    Jewish children recuperate at "Joodse Invalide," a hospital for Jewish disabled in Amsterdam, after liberation from Bergen-Belsen. MCU four Jewish children jumping and climbing on a bed, smiling, the boys wear kippahs. Nurse (woman in white apron uniform) puts one of the children, who had climbed out, back onto the bed. Nurse seats the children at the end of the bed, they are all clapping and smiling. She places a tin bin on the floor and undresses one boy so that he can relieve himself. Nurse pushes two children in front of the camera. One child slides towards the door and tries to open it...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 50 and 51 -- Lidice; Witness B. Steiner; Hungary documents

    Footage begins early in the proceedings of Session 50 with State Attorney Gavriel Bach requesting the court to allow him to submit evidence of the murder of the children of Lidice. The inhabitants of Lidice were murdered in 1942 in retaliation for the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich. Footage resumes with testimony from witness Bedrich Steiner who gives approxmate statistics of the number of Jews deported from Slovakia in 1942, how many of them were children, the numbers that went to various camps, and the number killed by the Einstazgruppen. There are various shots of the judges and the t...

  13. Wittram, Reinhard

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1226
    • German
    • Nachlässe 200 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 9,7 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Historiker, Hochschullehrer in Göttingen Lebensdaten 9.8.1902 geboren in Bilderlingshof bei Riga als Sohn des Rechtsanwalts Alfred Wittram 1920 Abitur in Riga 1920-1925 Studium in Jena und Tübingen 1.8.1925 Promotion zum Dr. phil. in Tübingen bei Johannes Haller 1928 Habilitation an der Herder-Hochschule in Riga 1928-1938 Privatdozent, später außerordentlicher Professor, dann ordentlicher Professor an der Herder-Hochschule in Riga 1935-1938 Gastprofessor an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Nov. 1939 Umsiedlung der Deutschbalten 1940-1941 Vertreter des O...

  14. Liberation of Paris, France

    (INV1485) Wide shot of street filled with ruins on the ground or some kind of small blockade constructed from ruins. 00:07 American Army cars driving down the street. Civilians approach the car to shake hands with soldiers. 00:23 MS of civilians approaching soldiers. Crowds looking and waving at the camera. 00:29 Larger crowds. 00:35 Two boys approach and kiss soldier 00:52 CU of soldier speaking next to a young boy. 00:57 Crowds advancing quickly down the street 01:05 (INV1484) Armed soldiers (French resistance) walk around Shell gas station. 01:21 Tank with Free French Forces symbol. 01:2...

  15. Nathan and Miriam Sadik papers

    The collection consists of documents relating to Polish Holocaust survivors Nathan and Miriam Sadik’s post-war experiences in Austria prior to immigration to the United States in 1948. Included are two copies of their marriage certificate, Miriam’s declaration of intention form, and a copy of Sadik’s membership card for The Mutual Aid Organization of Jewish Ex-Prisoners in Concentration Camps (l'Organization d'Aide Mutuelle d'Ex-Prisonniers Juifs de camps de Concentration) which lists Auschwitz and his prisoner number 76654.

  16. Deutsches Gericht Żyrardόw Sąd Niemiecki w Żyrardowie (Sygn.1662)

    Selected records of the German Court (Deutsches Gericht) Żyrardόw, related to criminal and civil cases during the German occupation of that region of Poland during World War II. The records include penal warrants, warrants of payments, as well as letters from criminal and civil cases. Most of the cases refer to: common offenses (theft, plunder), and "crimes” or offenses against German ordinances, as well as divorces, and financial claims (please note the cases on behalf of the pre-war companies by German trustees (Treuhänders). In the case of the Poles there cases referred to: crossing the ...

  17. Georg Guggenheim papers Nachlass Dr. iur. Georg Guggenheim (1897-1987)

    Private papers of Georg Guggenheim (1897-1987), a Jewish lawyer and active member of Jewish Community in Zürich. The collection consists of personal documents: passports, certificates, CV, condolences on the death of Georg Guggenheim, private correspondence, congratulations on birthdays; correspondence and other documents by his wife, Josi Guggenheim (1900 to 2005); official correspondence and documents on the Israelitischen Cultusgemeinde (ICZ), and Georg Guggenheim's presidency, 1917-1953, to become a member of the Central-Comité in the Business Committee, as well as the management of the...

  18. Arbeiter family papers

    The Arbeiter family papers consist of wartime correspondence, a newspaper clipping, and pre-war family photographs relating to the Arbeiter family, originally of Płock, Poland. The later correspondence relates to inquests into the fate of Elek Arbeiter, born in 1919, who escaped to the Soviet Union, but had not been heard from since 1941.

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 104 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins near the middle of Session 104, with Eichmann reading portions of statements from the Wilhelm Sassen document about congratulations Eichmann received for the foot march [death march] which occurred in November of 1944. Some 70,000 men, women, and children were forced to march from Budapest to Vienna. Some of this footage is duplicated on Tape 2181 (at 00:40:35). Eichmann is then asked to describe his role in the implementation of the foot march, which he insists was technical (00:12:55). The camera switches between Eichmann and the civilians sitting in the courtroom. The ...

  20. Mira V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mira V., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1919, the older of two children. She recounts her family's affluence; summering at their vacation home in Nemenčinė; attending a Bund, then another Yiddish school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; attending lectures by Hayyim Nahman Bialik and Vladimir Jabotinsky; her father's dismissal from his government job in 1938 due to increasing antisemitisim; living on a hachsharah in Częstochowa; German invasion in 1939; fleeing to Kovelʹ; Soviet occupation; returning home; German invasion; anti-Jew...