Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,501 to 3,520 of 55,824
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 43 -- Prosecution submits documents: foreign relations, deportations, legal matters

    Session 43. The Prosecution submits documents to the court, beginning with a letter concerning a citizen of a neutral country wanting to emigrate, a case which Eichmann denied. Another about the treatment of Jews of foreign nationalities, along with the decision to work towards the Final Solution, including dealing with mixed marriages. Another describing a deadline in 1943 for the deportation of each nation's Jews. Also, a preface of the Reich's Foreign Ministry discussing the pressure placed on foreign nations to return their Jews. 00:05:50 A summarizing report of the Gestapo office. A me...

  2. (Befehlshaber in der Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland) LXXXXVII. Armeekorps z.b.V.

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wie die Kriegstagebücher aller Truppenteile und Dienststellen des Heeres waren auch die Kriegstagebücher der Generalkommandos und der bodenständigen Höheren Kommandos vom Mobilmachungstag (26. Aug. 1939) an beim Heeresarchiv Potsdam einzureichen, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten. Diese Zugangssignaturen wurden anfangs getrennt nach den Kriegsschauplätzen, nämlich P für Polen und W für Westen vergeben. Nach Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges wurden die Zugänge nur noch nach laufender Nummer signiert und in dieser Reihenfolge auch eingelagert, ...

  3. Records from various collections of the National Archives of Norway

    Selected records from the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, Police Department, Passport Agency, Teachers Union, German Sicherheitspolizei, and SD commander of Berg and Grini internment camps. Contains records from series: Jodeboer Nordenfielske avdeling Tronheim Scandinavian Jews of Trondheim; Jodeboer sonnenfjelds Oslo og Akershus [Southern and eastern Jews outside of Oslo and Akershus], Diverse, 1942-1950 [Various]; Godtgjorelese for beslaglagt eiendom, 1940-1941 [Compensation for confiscated property]; Politiet, 1942-1949 [The Police]; Politiedepartementet,1940-1945: Statspolitiet [State Po...

  4. Kommandanturen der Truppenübungsplätze des Heeres

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 1914 standen der Armee 31 Übungsplätze zur Verfügung: Altengrabow, Arys, Bitsch, Darmstadt, Döberitz, Elsenborn, Friedrichsfeld, Grafenwöhr, Graudenz, Hammelburg, Hammerstein, Heuberg, Jüterbog, Königsbrück, Lamsdorf, Lechfeld, Lockstedt (Holstein), Münsingen, Munster, Neuhammer, Oberhofen (Elsaß), Ohrdruf, Orb, Posen, Senne, Zossen, Zeithain, Brehloh (Gas- und Versuchsplatz), Thorn und Wahn (Artillerieschießplätze), Nordholz (Luftschifferplatz). Ein Großteil dieser Übungsplätze war in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhundert entstanden und diente dem Ziel, "di...

  5. Akta miasta Sierpca

    • Files of he Town of Sierpc

    I. Stadtverwaltung Sierpc l. 1917-1918 (sygn. 125): akta licytacji na wydzierżawienie jatek. II. Magistrat Miasta Sierpca l. 1924-1932 (sygn. od 126 do 127 oraz od 129 do 130): protokoły posiedzeń, księgi uchwał, wykazy radnych i członków Magistratu, sprawy wojskowości, obwieszczenia o poborze rekruta. III. Zarząd Miejski w Sierpcu l. 1939-1939 (sygn. 128 i 131): korespondencja ze starostwem, wykaz przedsiębiorstw skupujących zboże i tłuszcz zwierzęcy, ustalanie cen artykułów zbożowych, komunikaty rabina o zawartych małżeństwach. IV. Miejska Rada Narodowa w Sierpcu l. 1945-1950 (sygn. od 1 ...

  6. Belsen liberation, atrocities

    Sequence of Bergen-Belsen at liberation from the pre-completed and pre-restored version of "German Concentration Camps Factual Survey," formerly known as “Memory of the Camps,” transmitted by WGBH/PBS FRONTLINE in May 1985 with commentary specially recorded by the actor Trevor Howard. Narrator's voice is not heard throughout. Belsen sign; child survivors behind barbed wire with Luba Tryszynska; eating; emaciated survivors. 06:28:25 Woman (Mrs. Rosalie Weisner) kneels to kiss the hand of a British soldier on the day of liberation (April 15, 1945). Corpses; burials at Belsen; British soldiers...

  7. Anatole Ponevejsky papers

    The Anatole Ponevejsky papers consist of photographs documenting Ponevejsky’s work on behalf of Jewish refugees in Kobe, Japan in the early years of World War II and correspondence, printed materials, and reports documenting his continued work on behalf of Jewish refugees after he moved to the United States in the spring of 1941. Correspondence consists of invitations, agendas, and telegrams documenting Ponevejsky’s continued work on behalf of Jewish refugees after he moved to the United States in the spring of 1941, particularly regarding budgets, fundraising, visas, and the cases of 451 y...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins near the opening of Session 99. Hausner continues with cross examination asking the accused about meeting Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Main Security Office, after witnessing the Einsatzgruppen units in action and telling him that their method was making them into sadists suggesting that another method for executions had to be found. When Eichmann replies that he is not familiar with the last phrase, Hausner notes that during his interrogation he was shown an excerpt from the LIFE article and did not comment on its contents (00:01:38). An excerpt ...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 110 -- Prosecution begins closing statement

    Session 110. Waiting for the Judges to enter. 00:04:29 Judges enter and Session 110 begins. 00:05:57 Hausner begins summing up his case. He says that this is the trial of one of the ghoulish personalities which history will forever remember. He reminds everyone of the struggles of the witnesses, of Auschwitz, of religious leaders being degraded, of torturous activities, of murder. He says that man cannot create a nightmare so terrible, and yet it happened, created by Eichmann. He says that after hearing all this, Eichmann got his turn, and 16 years later he does not have one ounce of remors...

  10. Regierung der Pfalz, Präsidialakten

    Inbesitznahme des Rheinkreises: Huldigungsprotokolle, Hundertjahrfeier der Wiedervereinigung der Pfalz mit Bayern, Tausendjahrfeier der Rheinlande. Königliches Haus: Reisen in die Pfalz, Geburtstage, Heiraten, Todesfälle, Jubiläen, Unterstützungen aus dem kgl. Kabinettskassenfonds. Verfassung und Verwaltung: Organisation des bayerischen Rheinkreises und der preußischen Rheinprovinz, Verfassungsurkunde, diplomatischer Dienst, Wappen und Dienstsiegel, Sozialgesetzgebung (Sozialversicherungen). Staatsministerien: Reisen in die Pfalz. Regierung des Rheinkreises: Stellenbesetzungen, Dienstreisen...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 107 and 108 -- Questioning Eichmann's loyalty and character

    Session 107 and Session 108. Eichmann is handed a paper and asked who wrote it. He wrote it recently, and says that he cannot feel completely innocent because his receiving orders is irrelevant thanks to retroactive paragraphs. He says that he has thought over his situation many times, and he decided that he was a tool of others, and at least to himself, he is innocent. 00:10:07 Skip to an earlier sequence duplicated in Tape 2193. Eichmann is asked about his statements concerning being brought to Israel against his will, and later saying that he was relieved to be brought there to justify h...

  12. Fredrich H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fredrich H., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1919. He recalls participating in a socialist youth group; his sister's marriage to a non-Jew; pervasive antisemitism; the Anschluss; a futile attempt to smuggle himself to Czechoslovakia; obtaining a visa for Luxembourg; being refused entry; brief imprisonment in Germany; release on the condition he leave Germany; smuggling himself to Luxembourg; his parents joining him; moving to Brussels with his parents, sister, and her husband; arranging emigration to the Dominican Republic; German invasion preventing their departur...

  13. Asriel and Mascha Berkmann papers

    The collection contains documents, correspondence, and photographs relating to Asriel and Mascha Berkmann’s experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust, and in Munich, Germany after the war. Included are identification documents; immigration papers; documents regarding Asriel’s involvement with the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Bavaria and the Jewish Committee Munich; correspondence; an affidavit signed by 30 prisoners at Dachau concentration camp stating that Asriel was also there and worked to help his fellow prisoners; a document stating that no paperwork exists rega...


    • Local Administration - MALKO TURNOVO (1913 - 1944)

    Окръжни, писма и др. с указания за спазване на обществения ред, начина на издаване на визи и паспарти, наблюденията на граждани и политически партии, разузнавателната дейност, въдворяването на лица, следене движението на евреите и др. (1914 - 1944), заповеди от Дирекция на полицията - София, Областно полицейско управление, Околийско управление и др. за спазване на обществения ред, провеждането на избори, охраната на гарничния район, проява на предпазливост при контакт с чужди граждани, спазване правилата за носене на оръжие, борбата с нелегалните и др. (1913 - 1944), писма за административн...

  15. Verband der Deutschen Buchdrucker

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bei den vom Zentralarchiv des FDGB in der Historischen Abteilung zusammengefassten Beständen handelt es sich um Restbestände verschiedener Provenienzen, die zu den seit 1935 im Zentralarchiv der Deutschen Arbeitsfront zusammengeführten Unterlagen gehörten. Die durch kriegsbedingte Verluste stark reduzierten Bestände wurden 1945/1946 dem FDGB übergeben. In der Folgezeit wurden die Bestände durch lokale Provenienzen und Kopien aus anderen Archiven ergänzt. Aufgaben und Organisation: 1862 wurde der Fortbildungsverein für Buchdrucker in Leipzig gebildet. Der deut...

  16. Selected records of the State Archive in Levoča

    Selected records of the post-war trials and investigative cases of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts pertaining to Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members accused of collaborating with the German security forces. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of major political defendants. Also consists of wartime files of the local gendarmerie stations pertaining to the arrest and roundup o...

  17. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Siedlce Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Siedlcach (GK 180)

    Minutes, official correspondence, a study entitled "Losses of the Siedlce county during the Nazi occupation", a study about the Treblinka camp based on the investigation materials of the prosecutor Zdzisław Łukaszewicz, testimonies of witnesses and lists of those murdered in the Biała Podlaska, Łuków, Siedlce county, testimony of Piotr Litwiniusz on the mass execution of Jews in the Łomża Podlaska counties, materials on Soviet prisoner-of-war camps in Ostrówek, Kaliłów, Sielczyk, Suchożrebach and Wola Suchożerbska, camp for Italian and French prisoners of war in Siedlce, materials on war cr...

  18. Gunhild Tegens samling

    • Archive of Gunhild Tegen

    The collection contains a rich assortment of records related to the experiences of Jewish survivors of concentration camps, compiled by Gunhild and Einar Tegen as part of their post-World War II documentation project. The documentation was gathered at the initiative of the Swedish Joint Committee on Democratic Reconstruction (Samarbetskommittén för Demokratiskt Uppbyggnadsarbete), of which professor of philosophy Einar Tegen, the author Gunhild Tegen’s husband, was president. The interviews were conducted by Swedish psychologist Valdemar Fellinius and polyglot Dory Engströmer and carried ou...

  19. Sephardic Songs of Monastir Kantigas de los Sefardes a Monastir

    Sephardic songs of Monastir, Macedonia. CD 1 contains forty tracks of music sung by Avram Sadikario, recorded in 2004. CD 2 contains a document with the text of the lyrics.

  20. Dingfelder and Wolff families papers

    The Dingfelder and Wolff families papers contains photographs of the Dingfelder family before World War II in Plauen, Germany, the family aboard the MS St. Louis, a photograph of Rudi Dingfelder after liberation in 1945, as well as a studio photograph of Aline and Arthur Wolff, circa 1920s, and an undated tourist postcard of the MS St. Louis. Correspondence in the papers includes a typewritten letter written by Rudi Dingfelder in English regarding his wartime experiences imprisoned at Auschwitz concentration camp, Buchenwald concentration camp, and other slave labor camps, August 12, 1945; ...